v3.1.2 (2017-09-06)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Adding an optional proxy list for api requests #142 (jeremylinlin)
- Release/v3.1.1 #139 (Chyroc)
v3.1.1 (2017-08-15)
Fixed bugs:
- 命令行和pycharm文件测试文件路径不一致的问题 #121
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- 返回open id #138 (Chyroc)
- add slack invite channel link #135 (Chyroc)
- fix test file not equal in shell vs ide (fixes 121) #130 (Chyroc)
- search articles from wap #129 (Chyroc)
- use hand input to unlock if not in ci env #114 (Chyroc)
- fix docs #113 (Chyroc)
- Change/refactor unlock captcha #112 (Chyroc)
- add readthedocs docs #111 (Chyroc)
- Release/v3.1.0 #110 (Chyroc)
v3.1.0 (2017-07-29)
Closed issues:
- 请教下 如何能获取到 关键词搜索 一天内的列表? #73
Merged pull requests:
- Add/get hot api / gzh => gzh_info #109 (Chyroc)
- Change/search article type const #108 (Chyroc)
- Add const class and add gen hot url #107 (Chyroc)
- Add retry for captcha break #106 (Chyroc)
- test api in real network env #104 (Chyroc)
- Release/v3.0.0 #103 (Chyroc)
v3.0.0 (2017-07-27)
Closed issues:
- 解封成功,正在为您跳转来源地址... #72
- 列表页验证码有办法绕过吗? #71
- 无法正确解析wechatid #70
- 貌似抓不到点赞数和阅读数 #65
- badge issue #64
- 目前getcomment接口已报错,显示 404了,何解? #63
- 调用方法search_gzh_info()搜索公众号时,获取到的结果中wechatid为‘’ #62
- 跳出来验证码之后输入,报错 #61
- 请问logging.config.fileConfig('logging.conf')出错如何解决 #60
- 可否增加验证码输入错误,能再次重新输入的机制 #54
- 调用get_gzh_message返回{"ret":0,"errmsg":""} #52
- 输入验证码后报错 #32
- 作者:对于本项目的类及方法命名,有什么建议? #30
- 文章列表页也可能出现验证码 #29
- 功能与意见反馈,报bug可以另开issue #28
- 调试几次后,开始无法爬取,是因为搜狗的反爬虫策略吗? #26
- 对时间的支持 #19
Merged pull requests:
- add get sugg #102 (Chyroc)
- Fix readme #101 (Chyroc)
- modify the readme file #100 (Chyroc)
- add doc for refactored api #99 (Chyroc)
- refactor get info from history #98 (Chyroc)
- remove unused file / fix name / add comment #97 (Chyroc)
- merge 原来的api 和 重构后的api #96 (Chyroc)
- Add get gzh and article by history #95 (Chyroc)
- Add get gzh by id or name #94 (Chyroc)
- add search article api #93 (Chyroc)
- add callback func #92 (Chyroc)
- split test / add error html #91 (Chyroc)
- Add annotation and remove all type from history page #89 (Chyroc)
- Add annotation and fix #88 (Chyroc)
- split test get gzh_info and articel #87 (Chyroc)
- add structuring-gzh-article-from-history #86 (Chyroc)
- Structuring gzh from history #85 (Chyroc)
- test struct article list #84 (Chyroc)
- Structuring gzh by search #83 (Chyroc)
- fix repo language #82 (Chyroc)
- fix repo language #81 (Chyroc)
- Search gzh article text #80 (Chyroc)
- add test gen search gzh url #79 (Chyroc)
- Refactor gen search url #78 (Chyroc)
- release v2.0.4 -> v2.0.5 #77 (Chyroc)
v2.0.5 (2017-07-22)
Merged pull requests:
v2.0.4 (2017-07-22)
Closed issues:
- pip 安装 No module named requests 什么情况 #59
- 微信搜索公众号结果模版改变了 #51
- ImportError: cannot import name config #40
Merged pull requests:
- Makefile tox #74 (Chyroc)
- fix typo #69 (Chyroc)
- Add tools test #68 (Chyroc)
- fix import and mv tools function #67 (Chyroc)
- update package #66 (Chyroc)
- add ci icon #58 (Chyroc)
- Add travis ci #57 (Chyroc)
- release v2.0.3 #56 (Chyroc)
v2.0.3 (2016-12-18)
Closed issues:
- 引入模块的时候报错 #33
- 导入文件后有bug #31
- 请问如何设置代理 #27
- 请问最近搜狗返回的Html内容是改了吗?最近抓内容出错。 #25
- 结果模版更新了 #24
- 文章标题带引号(",")的情况解析报错 #23
- 请问,我运行test.py时为何没报错却没得到任何结果? #21
- 如何获得公众号的id和名称? #20
- search_gzh_info无法取得内容 #18
- 原始文章url #17
- 请问在Linux下可以使用吗?我运行了一下出现如下问题,还望指教 #16
- log怎么使用? #15
- 抓取数据有时成功,有时失败 #14
- 验证码打开失败问题原因是: #13
- 验证码输入后失败 #12
- 获得的文章链接,如果打开需要验证码输入才跳转 #11
- 获取文章只能10篇? #10
- 搜狗平台问题 #9
- deal_article_comment(text=text)并不能获得用户的评论内容 #8
- py2.7 什么时候支持? #7
- PIL is not support Python3 #6
- 演示代码wechats.get_gzh_article_by_url_dict(wechat_info['url'])提示list index out of range #5
- 如何使用代理 #2
- 使用的是 python3 吗? #1
Merged pull requests:
- fix for ci #50 (Chyroc)
- add readme.rst #48 (Chyroc)
- 添加安装说明 #47 (Chyroc)
- upload to pypi #46 (Chyroc)
- add #45 (Chyroc)
- Add/api test #44 (Chyroc)
- Fix/re ocr for get gzh article by url text #43 (Chyroc)
- 修复首页热门获取单页 #42 (Chyroc)
- Fix/search article info #41 (Chyroc)
- Add/readme zanshu #39 (Chyroc)
- Fix/test ruokuai #38 (Chyroc)
- Feature/test ruokuai #37 (Chyroc)
- Feature/update version #35 (Chyroc)
- add requirements.txt #34 (Chyroc)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator