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DeepSPIN is a method of constructing a deep learning potential for magnetic systems described in the paper Screening Spin Lattice Interaction Using Deep Learning Approach. DeepSPIN has been integrated into DeePMD-kit as a new feature of the release version v2.2.2. The files and code snippets involved in the development of DeepSPIN are detailed in this Pull Request.


How to cite

  title={Screening Spin Lattice Interaction Using Deep Learning Approach},
  author={Yang, Teng and Cai, Zefeng and Huang, Zhengtao and Tang, Wenlong and Shi, Ruosong and Godfrey, Andy and Liu, Hanxing and Lin, Yuanhua and Nan, Ce-Wen and Zhang, LinFeng and others},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.09606},


To utilize the DeepSPIN method, Python 3.7 or later environments and following packages are required:

  • deepmd-kit=2.2.2
  • dpdata

In Linux, you can easily achieve the requirements and install DeepSPIN with conda,

# install miniconda with python 3.9

# install deepmd-kit packages with conda 
conda create -n deepmd deepmd-kit=2.2.2 -c conda-forge

# enable the environment
conda activate deepmd

# install dpdata packages with pip
pip install dpdata

Note that you can contain the CPU version of DeepSPIN by above commands, if you want to obtain the GPU version, please follow the guide.

Demo: DeepSPIN model of NiO

The usage of DeepSPIN is similar to that of DeePMD-kit. The guide of a quick start on DeePMD-kit can be found here. In this part we show an example of how to obtain a DeepSPIN model of antiferromagnetic NiO system.

Dataset preparation

The original training data should be sourced from the first-principle non-collinear magnetic excitation calculation method DeltaSpin based on VASP, in which the lattice configuration is collected from POSCAR, the atomistic spin configuration is collected from INCAR, the potential energy of system and atomic forces are collected from OUTCAR, and magnetic forces are collected from OSZICAR. We take the 32-atom $2\times2\times2$ NiO rhombohedral supercell for the calculation and collect DFT results.

After some preprocessing, the format of original data should be converted to fit the general input file requirements for DeePMD-kit, as shown in example/NiO/raw, more detailed description is given in this documentation. It's worth noting that the type of pseudo atoms around Ni atoms is represented by 2 in type.raw, the Cartesian coordinates of pseudo atoms are stitched after the coordinates of real atoms sequentially by index in coord.raw, and the magnetic forces of Ni atoms are stitched after the atomic forces of real atoms sequentially as well in force.raw.

Then the data should be split into training set and validation set, converted from .raw format to .npy format using the script in example/NiO/scripts. For example, we provide 100 frames of data in example/NiO/raw,

cd example/NiO/raw
sh ../scripts/ 20

It will generate 5 subsets from set.000 to set.004 in the current directory, with each subset containing 20 frames. The former 4 subsets can be picked as the training set, while the last one will be the validation set, as shown in example/NiO/data.

Input script preparation

Once the dataset preparation is complete, a json format input script is required to specify the parameters for model training. Here we take example/NiO/NiO_spin.json as an example, and the parameters dedicated to DeepSPIN are introduced. For detailed information about other parameters, please refer to this documentation.

The hyper-parameters dedicated to DeepSPIN is set in the following section

    "spin" : {
        "use_spin":         [true, false],
        "virtual_len":      [0.4],
        "spin_norm":        [1.2737]
  • use_spin determines whether the atom type is magnetic. Here We set true for Ni and false for O.
  • virtual_len specifies the distance between the pseudo atom and its corresponding real atom. Here we set 0.4 Å for Ni.
  • spin_norm specifies the magnitude of the magnetic moment for each magnatic atom. Here we set 1.2737 $\mu_B$ for Ni.

The loss function for the DeepSPIN model is set in the following section

    "loss" : {
        "type":               "ener_spin",
        "start_pref_e":       0.02,
        "limit_pref_e":       10,
        "start_pref_fr":      1000,
        "limit_pref_fr":      1,
        "start_pref_fm":      5000,
        "limit_pref_fm":      5,
        "start_pref_v":       0,
        "limit_pref_v":       0

where start_pref_e, limit_pref_e, start_pref_fr, limit_pref_fr, start_pref_fm, limit_pref_fm, start_pref_v and limit_pref_v determines the starting and ending weight of energy, atomic forces, magnetic forces and virial in the loss function respectively. Here start_pref_v and limit_pref_v are set to 0 for the lack of virial data in the dataset.

Train a model

The training of a model can be simply executed by running

cd example/NiO/train
dp train NiO_spin.json

If the training process is successfully running, a series of files will be generated in the current directory. The learning curve on both training set and validation set can be viewed from lcurve.out. For more details please refer to this documentation.

Freeze a model

When the training is finished, the DeepSPIN model can be extracted from a checkpoint and dumped into a protobuf file *.pb. This process is called "freezing" by running

dp freeze -o model.pb

Then you will obtain the frozen DeepSPIN model model.pb.

Test a model

The frozen DeepSPIN model can then be used in many ways. The most straightforward test can be performed as follows,

dp test -m model.pb -s ../data/validation -n 20 -d detail

where -m gives the tested model, -s gives the path to the tested system, -n gives the number of tested frames and -d gives the detailed predictions about the tested system.

If the testing is successfully performed, a series of files will be generated in the current directory, including deatil.*.out. The contrast between predicted values and label values of the energy, atomic forces and magnetic forces can be viewed in deatil.e.out, and respectively.

Typical running time

The above sessions are tested on the 8-core 16G-RAM x86_64 CPU machine, with the CPU model name being Inter(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8163 CPU @ 2.50GHz. The average elapsed time for each session is listed below,

session running time (s)
dp train 71.14
dp freeze 5.02
dp test 4.74

Demo: Energy minimization

The trained DeepSPIN model can be applied in the molecular dynamics simulation software LAMMPS for energy minimization and spin-lattice dynamics simulations of magnetic systems. In this part we show an example of how to simulate the energy minimization in the NiO grain boundary system using a DeepSPIN model.

Install LAMMPS

Unlike the previous demo, you may manually install DeePMD-kit from source codes by following the instructions installing the Python interface and installing the C++ interface, since the C++ interface is necessary when using DeePMD-kit together with LAMMPS. Then you may make the DeePMD-kit module for LAMMPS.

cd $deepmd_source_dir/source/build
make lammps

It will generate a module called USER-DEEPMD in the build directory.

In order to utilize the DeepSPIN model, the source codes of LAMMPS need some modifications. Here we modified the source codes based on the version stable_23Jun2022_update1, as shown in lammps_DeepSPIN. You may download it, copy the module USER-DEEPMD, and compile necessary modules as follows,

cd lammps_DeepSPIN/src
cp -r $deepmd_source_dir/source/build/USER-DEEPMD .
make yes-kspace
make yes-manybody
make yes-spin
make yes-user-deepmd

Then build LAMMPS and end up with an executable lmp_mpi as follows,

make mpi -j 4

Run the minimization

We provide the input and output files of running the energy minimization in example/minimization. specifies the initial lattice and spin configuration of NiO grain boundary system with 11520 atoms. For the detailed introduction of data file format please refer to this documentation. model.pb is the trained DeepSPIN model. is the input script to run LAMMPS. You can simply run the minimization by mpirun,

mpirun -np 1 lammps_DeepSPIN/src/lmp_mpi -in

You can change -np to the number of processes suitable to your own machine.

When the minimization is finished, a series of output files will be generated in the current directory. Especially, dump.out records the optimized spin configuration of the system, in which you may see a deviation of the spin configuration from the AFM ground state near the grain boundary.