- A vim Tutorial and Primer
- Vim Is The Perfect IDE
- vim 초 간단 매뉴얼
- Let’s learn Vim! Part 1
- Let’s learn Vim! Part 2
- hea-www.harvard.edu/~fine/Tech/vi.html
- Learn-Vim: A book for learning the Vim editor the smart way
- openvim.com
- simple_vim_guide
- Vim Koans
- Vimtutor를 이용해 Vim 명령어를 배워보자 - 재그지그의 개발 블로그
- How not to be afraid of Vim anymore - A curation of the most popular commands and how to use them
- Basic Vim Commands Every Linux User Must Know
- Vim 도대체 왜 쓰는가
- vim 입문자 핵심 단축키 공략
- (05/30) "Vim 도대체 왜 쓰는가" 외 재미있는 개발 이야기
- 8 Vim Tricks That Will Take You From Beginner to Expert | by Tyler Lum | The Startup | Medium
- 7 Surprising Vim Tricks That Will Save You Hours | by Tyler Lum | Sep, 2020 | Level Up Coding
- au VimEnter * call Bye2023() | au VimEnter
vi로 파일 역순출력- buffers
- ctags
set tags+=/path/to/tags
를 추가 or:set tags+=path/to/tags
ctags -R --fields=+l --languages=python --python-kinds=-iv -f ./tags . $(python -c "import os, sys; print(' '.join('{}'.format(d) for d in sys.path if os.path.isdir(d)))") alias python_ctags="ctags -R --fields=+l --languages=python --python-kinds=-iv -f ./tags . $(python -c "import os, sys; print(' '.join('{}'.format(d) for d in sys.path if os.path.isdir(d)))")"
- find
substitute - Find and replace using regular expressions - Vi and Vim Stack Exchange- e.g.
:/micro[ ]\?frontend/
'microfrontend' or 'micro frontend'
- e.g.
highlighting - Is there any way to highlight multiple searches in (g)Vim? - Stack Overflow- Something Useful With Vim / Neovim - YouTube
- help vim help - 기계인간 John Grib
- join
- quickfix
- pbcopy/pbpaste
copy line from a to b- Mac OS X clipboard sharing
- replace
example; remove all the spaces at the end of string
:arg *.c :argadd *.h :argdo %s/[ ]\+$//ge | update
change all the letters to lowercase How to convert all text to lowercase in Vim -
개행 문자 입력
^M (Ctrl+V, Ctrl+M)
:%s/.*/\L&/ :%s/.*/\U&/
VIM 치환 꼼수? 조건별 replace
vi에서 모든 글자를 대소문자로 변경할때 | 아이군의 블로그
- sort
/:%!sort -k2nr
- Sorting columns of text in Vim using sort
- splits
- horizontal splits
ctrl + w + J
<-> vertical splitsctrl + w + H
- horizontal splits
- vimdiff
- vimgrep
:vimgrep [string to find] [target file]
- e.g.
:vimgrep /<emphasis>vim<\/emphasis>/ *.xml
- e.g.
- jump command
jump to the next and previous entry:cnf
jump to the next and previous file:cr
go to the beginning and end of the quickfix list:col
iterate through historical quickfix lists
- vimrc
- practice .vimrc example
- practice vimrc
- vimrc.io
- Vim 사용자 정의 파일 타입 꾸미기 for syntax highlight
- syntax highlighting이 되지 않는 경우
- 보통 기본 vi나 vim-minimal만 설치된 경우 발생
- vim-enhanced 설치
- syntax highlighting이 되지 않는 경우
- vimrc-vundle-script 여러 리눅스 환경에서의 vimrc, vim plugin 파일 동기화를 위한 저장소
- Tweak Your Vim As A Powerful IDE. Vim is a joy to use, it is so well… | by Dery Rahman Ahaddienata | Level Up Coding
- set gvim font in .vimrc file
- 5 lines I put in a blank .vimrc | Sword and Signals
- vim 설정 파일을 주제별로 여러 파일로 분리하자 - 기계인간 John Grib
- gvim portable;
- window Vim window - 기계인간 John Grib
- xmllint Vim에서 XML 포맷팅하기
- 빔 편집기 한글화
- Vim cheat sheet
- Vim Cheat Sheet
- 100 Vim commands every programmer should know
- Vim Genius
- vimcasts.org
- How to boost your Vim productivity
- VIM: 8 Takeaways From One Year Of Typing
- joinc
- neovim
default location of configuration file just copy .vimrc as init.vim- Oceanic Next theme for neovim
- Vim-fork focused on extensibility and agility. Consider helping sustain Neovim development! https://salt.bountysource.com/teams/neovim
- example of init.vim
- A guide to neovim
- A guide to modern Web Development with (Neo)vim
- Setup Neovim like an IDE - YouTube
- Step Up Your Game with Neovim. Why do I switch to VIM and use Neovim? | by Roderick Samuel Halim | Life At Moka | Medium
- I switched from VSCode to Neovim - YouTube
- How I Use Tmux With Neovim For An Awesome Dev Workflow On My Mac - YouTube
- The perfect Neovim setup for Go - YouTube
- The (almost) perfect Neovim setup for Node.js - YouTube
- TIL: VIM에서 단어 수 쉽게 보기 - rein's world
- AstroNvim Getting Started | AstroNvim
- avante.nvim: Use your Neovim like using Cursor AI IDE!
- firenvim: Embed Neovim in Chrome, Firefox & others
- LunarVim - Installing Rolling Release, Walkthrough, Sample Configuration (IDE for Neovim) - YouTube
- navigator.lua: Navigate codes like a breeze. Exploring LSP and 🌲Treesitter symbols a piece of 🍰
- neovim-dot-app - Mac OS X GUI for Neovim
- NvChad
- nvui: A modern frontend for Neovim
- snacks.nvim: 🍿 A collection of small QoL plugins for Neovim
- vim plugin to interact with tmux
- What are the most amazing things that can be done with Vim?
- Use Vim everywhere you've always wanted to
- History Is a Tree
- You have decided to use vi as your main text editor. A few tricks that will help you improve your skills
- Auto-Reload Your Vimrc
- Vim Tips For Intermediate Users relative line numbers, saving on focus lost, and vertical buffers
- Best of Vim Tips
- Vim speed is not really the point
- Scala development in Vim
- From TextMate to Vim
- vimcolors
- colour schemes - Colour schemes for a variety of editors created by Dayle Rees. http://daylerees.github.io
- Vim's 400 line function to wait for keyboard input
- HN Vimmy Bot
- How I Write Invoices in Vim
- Vim Creep
- A Simpler Vim Statusline
- Vim and Composability
- Vim: convenient code navigation for your projects
- How do I edit current shell command in VI
set -o vi
- What's your best Vim related shell script?
- Entering special characters
- regex - How to get Vim to highlight non-ascii characters?
- Highlight current line
- VIM adventures
- Vim에서 shell 사용하기
- <U+FEFF> character showing up in files. How to remove them?
- How to remove this symbol “^@” with vim?
(on Mac) - vimgifs.com
- Your problem with Vim is that you don't grok vi
- Vim anti-patterns
- exercise-2. vi를 효과적으로 연습하는 방법
- How to Do 90% of What Plugins Do (With Just Vim)
- cheatsheets/vimscript.html
- Vim - Quick Reference Cheat Sheet
- vim + tmux - OMG!Code
- Vim with Windows | 한상곤 Sangkon Han | 2016.07
- vi를 진정으로 이해해라
- The Past and Future of Vim-go
- Creating Your Lovely Color Scheme
- Vim, Me and Community
- Why I love Vim: It’s the lesser-known features that make it so amazing
- 모든 앱에서 Vim을 사용하는 법 - QuickCursorKM과 vim-anywhere
- Indenting Python with VIM
- You don’t need more than one cursor in vim
- All I do is VIM VIM VIM
- Vim은 어디서 왔나
- VIM을 이용하여 각 줄의 마지막 공백(Whitespace) 제거하기
- Vim 공백 문자 조작 설정 - 기계인간 John Grib
- Mastering the Vim Language
- mastering-vim-quickly
- Let Vim Do the Typing
- Vim을 IDE처럼 사용하기
- How to Do 90% of What Plugins Do (With Just Vim)
- Talk on going mouseless with Vim, Tmux, and Hotkeys
- Vim Makes Everything Better, Especially Your File Manager And Shell!
- Openwest 2015 - Erik Falor - "From Vim Muggle to Wizard in 10 Easy Steps" (8)
- Vim 교정학원 후기
- Vim 취약점 발견
- History and effective use of Vim
- Vim + Python + Bash - The Perfect Trio for Productivty
- vi 에디터 사용법 (vim editor)
- Chase Your VIM Demons Away
- Editors (Vim)
- Portable Shell and VIM Customization | by Jeremy Cheng | Jul, 2020 | Level Up Coding
- (Linux) Vim 에디터 다양한 기능 설명 및 C++/Python 개발 환경설정 · Edward Im
- Vim for humans | Free price ebook
- (리눅스 업스킬 도전 #6) vim 익숙해지기
- Vim Isn’t That Scary. Here are 5 free resources you can use… | by Fatos Morina | Better Programming | Medium
- Switching from Visual Studio Code to Vim: the basics. | by Laura Davies | The Startup | Medium
- 3½ Reasons Why You Should Be Using Vim | by Tate Galbraith | Better Programming | Medium
- Vim for Developers: Part 0 — Why Vim? | by David Ondrich | Level Up Coding
- Vim for Developers: Part 1 — The Basics | by David Ondrich | Analytics Vidhya | Medium
- Vim for Developers: Part 2 — Advanced Basics | by David Ondrich | The Startup | Medium
- Why (and How) I Use Vim. When I started programming I never… | by Mark Lavin | Level Up Coding
- Vim 단축키 정리 :: Outsider's Dev Story
- 빔 교정학원 VIMRC 2022 - YouTube
- Learn Vim the Simple Way
- 간단한 16진수 변환기를 만들고 vim에서 사용하기 - YouTube
- John Carmack: Best programming setup and IDE | Lex Fridman Podcast Clips - YouTube
- Vim 제대로 가르쳐 줌 🤓 (개발자라면 한번쯤 꼭 쓴다는 Vim) - YouTube
- how-to-exit-vim: Below are some simple methods for exiting vim.
- Penumbra Color Theme
- pyvim - An implementation of Vim in Python
- quick.nvim: A very fast Lua based Neovim configuration that uses coc.nvim for intellisense
- vim-airline lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air
- Vim Bootstrap - A generator which provides a simple method of generating a .vimrc configuration for vim
- vimflowy: An open source productivity tool drawing inspiration from workflowy and vim
- vim-galore - Everything you need to know about Vim
- vim-quickui - The missing UI extensions for Vim 8.2 (and NeoVim 0.4) !!
- vim-rest-console: A REST console for Vim
- vim.so - Learn and Master Vim faster with interactive exercises
- vimwiki - A Personal Wiki For Vim
- Vim Awesome
- Python으로 vim plugin 만들기
- 레거시 코드를 파괴하는 Vim 벽돌 깨기
- Vi를 좋아하시는 분들을 위하여
- How to Configure Vim like VSCode - YouTube
- 4 Vim Plugins to Boost Your Programming Efficiency | by Tate Galbraith | Better Programming | Medium
- Going through my Dev Setup - YouTube
- anderson.vim - Dark vim colorscheme based on colors from Wes Anderson films
- autosave
- coc.nvim - 기계인간 John Grib
- context.vim: Vim plugin that shows the context of the currently visible buffer contents
- diminactive.vim This is a plugin for Vim to dim inactive windows
- EditorConfig plugin for Vim http://editorconfig.org
- EditorConfig 서로 다른 IDE에서 코딩 스타일을 통일
- IdeaVim
- llama.vim: Vim plugin for LLM-assisted code/text completion
- Minimalist Vim Plugin Manager
- mini.nvim: Library of 40+ independent Lua modules improving overall Neovim (version 0.8 and higher) experience with minimal effort
- Plugin completion using VimAwesome API
- Powerline is a statusline plugin for vim, and provides statuslines and prompts for several other applications, including zsh, bash, tmux, IPython, Awesome and Qtile. https://powerline.readthedocs.org
- Snake - Full Python Scripting in Vim
- vim-dadbod - Modern database interface for Vim
- vim-flake8
- vim-f-hangul
- vim-fugitive: fugitive.vim: A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal
- vim-github-dashboard - 그래, 가끔 "Vim에서" GitHub을 보자!
- vim-go - Go development plugin for Vim
- vim-pathogen
- vim-plug - Minimalist Vim Plugin Manager
- vim-python-mode
- vim scripts
- Vimwiki 사용법
- Vundle
$ [https_proxy=http://x.y.z:port] git clone https://github.com/fatih/vim-go.git ~/.vim/bundle/vim-go $ [http_proxy=http://x.y.z:port https_proxy=http://x.y.z:port] vi ~/.vimrc ... call vundle#begin() ... Plugin 'faith/vim-go' ... call vundle#end() :w :PluginInstall
$ mkdir -p ~/.vim/{ftdetect,indent,syntax} && for d in ftdetect indent syntax ; do https_proxy=http://x.y.z:port curl -o ~/.vim/$d/scala.vim https://raw.githubusercontent.com/derekwyatt/vim-scala/master/$d/scala.vim; done $ [http_proxy=http://x.y.z:port https_proxy=http://x.y.z:port] vi ~/.vimrc ... call vundle#begin() ... Plugin 'derekwyatt/vim-scala' ... call vundle#end() :w :PluginInstall
- Yode-Nvim - Focused Code Editing - YouTube
- youcompleteme - A code-completion engine for Vim http://valloric.github.io/YouCompleteMe
- vim8의 비동기 기능(job/channel)을 사용한 플러그인들
- agrep Asynchronous grep plugin for Vim
- ale Asynchronous Lint Engine
- asyncrun.vim Run Async Shell Commands in Vim 8.0 and Output to Quickfix Window
- codi.vim The interactive scratchpad for hackers
- validator.vim Check syntax on the fly asynchronously
- vim-grepper Helps you win at grep.
git clone https://github.com/JetBrains/ideavim.git ./gradlew buildPlugin - Install plugin from disk set surround, ys, cs, ds, 비쥬얼 모드에서의 S 모두 동작