- PyTorch - a deep learning framework that puts Python first
- github.com/pytorch
- PyTorchZeroToAll
- Awesome-pytorch-list
- Awesome-pytorch-list - A comprehensive list of pytorch related content on github,such as different models,implementations,helper libraries,tutorials etc
- the-incredible-pytorch
- PyTorch-Deep-Learning-Minicourse
- Understand PyTorch code in 10 minutes
- PyTorch는 4 가지 주요 패키지로 구성
- torch : Numpy와 비슷한 범용 배열 라이브러리로서, 텐서 유형이 (torch.cuda.TensorFloat)로 변환될 때 GPU에서 계산을 수행 가능
- torch.autograd : 그래프를 작성하고 자동으로 그라디언트를 얻는 패키지
- torch.nn : 공통 레이어와 비용 함수가 있는 신경망 라이브러리
- torch.optim : SGD, Adam 등과 같은 일반적인 최적화 알고리즘을 사용하는 최적화 패키지
- pytorch超入門
- PyTorch 0.1.8 Release
- github.com/neuralix/google_evolution
- PyTorch FastCampus
- PyTorch implementation of PathNet: Evolution Channels Gradient Descent in Super Neural Networks
- Pytorch implementation of "Forward Thinking: Building and Training Neural Networks One Layer at a Time" https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.02480.pdf
- AGE - Code for paper "Adversarial Generator-Encoder Networks" by Dmitry Ulyanov, Andrea Vedaldi and Victor Lempitsky
- Recursive Neural Networks with PyTorch
- pytorch超入門
- PyTorch in 5 Minutes
- github.com/meliketoy/Pytorch-wide-resnet
- Pytorch implementation of "A simple neural network module for relational reasoning" (Relational Networks) https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.01427.pdf
- Make a Acquaintance with Pytorch
- Visual Question Answering in pytorch
- Bottom-Up and Top-Down Attention for Visual Question Answering
- reinforce-gridworld.ipynb
- Pruning deep neural networks to make them fast and small
- PyTorch Implementation of 1611.06440 Pruning Convolutional Neural Networks for Resource Efficient Inference
- Pruning은 네트워크의 inference 속도를 빠르게 하거나, 파라미터 크기를 줄이기 위해 성능을 유지함과 동시에 '네트워크의 가지를 쳐내는' 방법
- 모바일 기기에 딥러닝 모델을 이식하기 위해 꼭 필요한 기술들 중에 하나이지만, 구현이 까다로움
- Design by evolution - How to evolve your neural network. AutoML: time to evolve
- Attention is all you need: A Pytorch Implementation
- ResNet Fine-Tuning - Pytorch implementation of Fine-Tuning (Transfer Learning) Residual Networks
- PyTorch Implementation of the Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation (UNIT) Networks
- PyTorch image models, scripts, pretrained weights -- (SE)ResNet/ResNeXT, DPN, EfficientNet, MixNet, MobileNet-V3/V2/V1, MNASNet, Single-Path NAS, FBNet, and more
- Getting Up and Running with PyTorch on Amazon Cloud
- PyTorch_AWS설치.pdf
- PyTorch or TensorFlow?
- PyTorch vs TensorFlow in 2022
- AWD-LSTM Language Model
- Understanding Attentive Recurrent Comparators
- Fast.ai's software could radically democratize AI
- Serving PyTorch Models on AWS Lambda with Caffe2 & ONNX
- PyTorch vs. TensorFlow: 1 month summary
- PyTorch vs TensorFlow — spotting the difference
- PyTorch vs Tensorflow for Your Python Deep Learning Project – Real Python
- PyTorch Neural Style Transfer Windows
- Fast Style Transfer PyTorch Tutorial
- PyTorch Curve Fitting Test
- Memory efficient implementation of dense nets
- pytorch-ewc
- Implementing REINFORCE from scratch
- pytorch-deep-generative-replay - PyTorch implementation of Continual Learning with Deep Generative Replay, NIPS 2017
- Poincaré Embeddings for Learning Hierarchical Representations
- Decoupled Neural Interfaces for PyTorch
- BP를 사용하지 않고 FF 네트워크에서 synthetic gradient를 계산해서 접근하는 "Decoupled Neural Interfaces using Synthetic Gradients" 논문의 PyTorch 구현
- DeepNLP-models-Pytorch stanford cs224n
- DiracNets
- Tacotron-pytorch
- TensorFlow meets PyTorch with Eager execution
- Dynamic Routing Between Capsules - PyTorch implementation
- Soft-Decision-Tree
- EuroSciPy 2017: Keynote: PyTorch: Framework for fast, dynamic deep learning and scientific computing
- Deep Learning Sample Test - PyTorch
- #3.1. Tensorflow vs. PyTorch
- PyTorch implementation of TRPO
- DQN implementation in PyTorch
- PER(Prioritized Experience Replay) implementation in PyTorch
- MaD TwinNet On-line Demo
- Getting Started with PyTorch Part 1: Understanding how Automatic Differentiation works
- Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) in 50 lines of code (PyTorch)
- Draw Like Bob Ross (With Pytorch!)
- pytorch-exercise
- 「PyTorchで学ぶニューラルネットワークと深層学習」サンプルコード集
- Implementing word2vec in PyTorch (skip-gram model)
- Keras-Tensorflow-PyTorch: sample codes and simple speed comparison pytorch가 가장 빠르다고 한 실험 정리인데 여러가지로 실험 자체를 신뢰할만하지는 않음. 그냥 참고
- Deep Learning Frameworks Speed Comparison
- Code examples in pyTorch and Tensorflow for CS230
- PyTorch for Natural Language Processing: A Sentiment Analysis Example
- PyTorch Sentiment Analysis
- Keras or PyTorch as your first deep learning framework
- PyTorch 튜토리얼, 프로젝트, 라이브러리, 비디오, 논문, 책 등의 리소스 목록
- Deep Learning with Pytorch
- Taming LSTMs: Variable-sized mini-batches and why PyTorch is good for your health
- pytorch-EverybodyDanceNow
- PyTorch NEAT
- PyTorch JIT Source Code Read Note
- Training Neural Nets on Larger Batches: Practical Tips for 1-GPU, Multi-GPU & Distributed setups
- BraTs (Brain Tumor Segmentation) DeepLab v3+, PSPNet
- pytorch-mnist-VAE - Variational AutoEncoder on the MNIST data set using the PyTorch
- pytorch-mnist-CVAE - Conditional Variational AutoEncoder on the MNIST data set using the PyTroch
- Pseudo CQT on Pytorch
- Implementation maskrcnn-benchmark, pytorch c++ frontend
- PyTorch developer ecosystem expands, 1.0 stable release now available
- PyTorch 1.0: now and in the future - Adam Paszke
- vid2vid - Pytorch implementation of our method for high-resolution (e.g. 2048x1024) photorealistic video-to-video translation
- github.com/chagmgang/torch_rl
- FloWaveNet : A Generative Flow for Raw Audio
- UIS-RNN - the library for the Unbounded Interleaved-State Recurrent Neural Network (UIS-RNN) algorithm. UIS-RNN solves the problem of segmenting and clustering sequential data by learning from examples
- PyTorch Implementation of Differentiable ODE Solvers
- pytorch-acer - An Implementation of Sample Efficient Actor-Critic with Experience Replay
- A Simple Neural Network from Scratch with PyTorch and Google Colab
- Variational AutoEncoders for new fruits with Keras and Pytorch
- Logging in Tensorboard with PyTorch (or any other library)
- Transfer Learning with Convolutional Neural Networks in PyTorch
- CNN-based-Celebrity-Classification-AI-Service-Using-Transfer-Learning: 3분만에 만드는 인공지능 서비스: 마동석/김종국/이병헌 분류기
- Making Your Neural Network Say “I Don’t Know” — Bayesian NNs using Pyro and PyTorch
- Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithms - PPO in PyTorch
- Pytorch Model summary
- Developer Conference 2019
- PyData Montreal slides for the talk: PyTorch under the hood
- Harmonic-percussive source separation in Pytorch
- Inverse-STFT in Pytorch
- PyTorch Multi-GPU 제대로 학습하기
- The dangers of reshaping and other fun mistakes I’ve learnt from PyTorch
- Randomly Wired Neural Network - Implementing Randomly Wired Neural Networks for Image Recognition, Using CIFAR-10 dataset, CIFAR-100 dataset
- layer_normalization.py
- Getting Started with Intel® Optimization for PyTorch on Second Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors
- Accelerate your Hyperparameter Optimization with PyTorch’s Ecosystem Tools | by PyTorch | PyTorch | Sep, 2020 | Medium
- Weights & Biases - Monitor Your PyTorch Models With Five Extra Lines of Code
- DataLoader num_workers에 대한 고찰
- But what are PyTorch DataLoaders really? | Scott Condron’s Blog
- Data Loader, Better, Faster, Stronger pytorch에만 국한되지 않는 좋은 글 parquet, tfrecord, Petastorm
- CRAFT: Character-Region Awareness For Text detection
- Getting Started With Pytorch In Google Collab With Free GPU
- Diverse Mini-Batch Active Learning
- Load tacotron2+waveglow from PyTorch Hub
- PyTorch Hub 톺아보기
- A pytorch Implementation of VoVNet Backbone Networks
- RESNEXT WSL 페이스북 인스타그램 해시태그 pre-trained ResNext 모델
- AirSim Unity Reinforcement Learning Quadrotor Pytorch
- Deep Blind Video Decaptioning by Temporal Aggregation and Recurrence
- Deep Video Inpainting
- Splitter - A PyTorch implementation of "Splitter: Learning Node Representations that Capture Multiple Social Contexts" (WWW 2019)
- From Research to Production with PyTorch
- Accelerating Deep Learning Recommender Systems by Over 15x Using RAPIDS, PyTorch and fast.ai
- From Research to Production with PyTorch
- Policy Gradient with PyTorch and Python Class Structure
- Comparion policy gradient codes implemented by TF 2.0 and PyTorch based on https://medium.com/@hamza.emra/reinforcement-learning-with-tensorflow-2-0-cca33fead626
- Cleaning the data for rapid prototyping (fastai)
- RethNet: Object-by-Object Learning for Detecting Facial Skin Problems
- Pytorch Support TPU
- PyTorch at Tesla - Andrej Karpathy, Tesla
- PyTorch Autograd
- PyTorch Module
- 파이토치에도 보일러플레이트가 스치운다
- Reproducible PyTorch를 위한 randomness 올바르게 제어하기!
- 3D Deep Learning with PyTorch3D - YouTube
- Deep Learning (with PyTorch) - YouTube
- How to scale training on multiple GPUs | by Giuliano Giacaglia | Towards Data Science
- 네트워크 경량화 이모저모 @ 2020 DLD
- 파이토치 모델 결과 재구성하기 (Pytorch Reproduction Experiement) - TooTouch
- 하나의 조직에서 TensorFlow와 PyTorch 동시 활용하기 – 핑퐁팀 블로그
- Machine Learning with C++ - Mask R-CNN with PyTorch C++ Frontend - Data Science Central
- 딥페이크 변조 영상 탐지 AI 경진대회
- SSD-pytorch: SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector pytorch implementation focusing on simplicity
- Pytorch - 철강 불량 확인하기(feat K-Means, GMM)
- AI 아이돌 교차편집 프로그램 :: 구름 저장고
- PyTorch Focal Loss :: 까먹을까봐 적어놓는 블로그
- PyTorch Ecosystem Day 2021 톺아보기 - Seunghwan Hong
- Top 10 Performance Tuning Practices for Pytorch | by Wonyoung Shin | 네이버 쇼핑 개발 블로그 | Apr, 2021 | Medium
- Federated-Averaging-PyTorch FedAvg
- Suite를 활용한 머신러닝 워크플로우 실전 체험기 – Superb AI Blog
- PyTorch to TF.js Conversion
- Automatic Differentiation in Python and PyTorch - YouTube
- Pytorch로 ResNet 구현, torch summary 살펴보기
- Deep Learning: Graph Neural Networks (GNN) for Information Extraction with PyTorch - YouTube
- Two-Dimensional Tensors in Pytorch
- Profiling and Tuning PyTorch Models - Shagun Sodhani | PyData Global 2021 - YouTube
- Data Science Web nugget Roundup, Jan 29: Calculating Derivatives in PyTorch; Hacking Wordle - KDnuggets
- PyTorch on Apple M1 MAX GPUs with SHARK – 2X faster than TensorFlow-Metal – nod.ai
- "GPU 기반 파이썬 머신러닝" 파이토치(PyTorch)의 이해 - ITWorld Korea
- Clara Hoffmann: I broke the PyTorch model - Debugging custom PyTorch models in a structured manner - YouTube
- jinaai_late_chunking.ipynb at main · jlonge4/gen_ai_utils
- BERT-pytorch Pytorch implementation of Google AI's 2018 BERT, with simple annotation
- PyTorch implementation of Google AI's BERT model with a script to load Google's pre-trained models
- pytorch implementation of google BERT
- 딥러닝으로 동네생활 게시글 필터링하기
- KorQuAD (Korean Question Answering Dataset) submission guide using PyTorch pretrained BERT
- XLNet-Pytorch arxiv:1906.08237 Simple XLNet implementation with Pytorch Wrapper!
- Smaller, faster, cheaper, lighter: Introducing DistilBERT, a distilled version of BERT
- KoBERT와 CRF로 만든 한국어 객체명인식기 (BERT+CRF based Named Entity Recognition model for Korean)
- Painless Fine-Tuning of BERT in Pytorch
- Gmlp_pretrain: Pretraining code to train Gmlp Language model
- pytorch-bert - A implementation of BERT using PyTorch https://pypi.org/project/pytorch-bert
- 새로운 머피책(3권 같은 2권)의 Draft PDF가 공개되었습니다! (+ 2권 같은 1권의 Draft PDF 링크도 있어요!) - 새로운 소식 - 파이토치 한국 사용자 모임
- Deep Learning with PyTorch | PyTorch
- pml-book: "Probabilistic Machine Learning" - a book series by Kevin Murphy
- pml2-book: Probabilistic Machine Learning: Advanced Topics
- How to Train an Image Classifier in PyTorch and use it to Perform Basic Inference on Single Images
- Image Classification with Automatic Mixed-Precision Training PyTorch Tutorial
- Classy Vision - An end-to-end framework for image and video classification
- pycl - an image classification codebase, written in PyTorch
- Implementing CNN with Pytorch - 딥러닝 홀로서기
- Introduction to CNN & Image Classification using CNN in PyTorch
- Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks | Deep Learning with PyTorch: Zero to GANs | - YouTube
- #Python | PyTorch ConvNet ... classify FashionMNIST clothing! | #NeuralNetwork #ComputerVision - YouTube
- Graph CNN
- Spherical CNNs - Equivariant CNNs for the sphere and SO(3) implemented in PyTorch
- sru - Training RNNs as Fast as CNNs (https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.02755)
- (Pytorch를 사용한) 단 50줄로 코드로 짜보는 GAN
- High-Resolution Image Synthesis and Semantic Manipulation with Conditional GANs
- Simple PyTorch implementation of GANimation (ECCV 2018 Oral)
- github.com/taey16/pix2pixBEGAN.pytorch
- PyTorch implementation of the StyleGAN Generator ipynb
- PyTorch로 구현하는 GAN들 : Vanilla GAN
- AttentionedDeepPaint
- BEGAN in PyTorch
- BicycleGAN - NIPS 2017 Toward Multimodal Image-to-Image Translation https://junyanz.github.io/BicycleGAN
- c3-gan: Official Pytorch implementation of C3-GAN
- Cycle GAN - Yet another Cycle GAN implementation in PyTorch
- PyTorch-StudioGAN: StudioGAN is a Pytorch library providing implementations of representative Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) for conditional/unconditional image generation
- StarGAN: Unified Generative Adversarial Networks for Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Tranlsation (PyTorch Implemenation)
- stylegan3: Official PyTorch implementation of StyleGAN3
- Introducing Pytorch for fast.ai
- Learn You a PyTorch! (aka Introduction Into PyTorch)
- Deep Learning: Introduction to PyTorch
- Robert Alvarez: Introduction to PyTorch | PyData Miami 2019
- CUDA 9 and CuDNN 7 with PyTorch
- PyTorch 0.3 + Boost Python 주의사항
- 윈도우 10 PyTorch 환경 구성 - 설치
- dakshoont/jupyterhub JupyterHub Image with TensorFlow and PyTorch
- Ubuntu 18.04 CUDA + PyTorch 설치
- Ubuntu 22.04에 CUDA 사용할 수 있도록 PyTorch 설치하는 방법
- 윈도우 10(windows 10)에서 PyTorch 설치하고 gpu를 사용하자!(PyTorch install)
- Ubuntu에 Pytorch 설치하기
- PyTorch Anaconda, JupyterLab을 통한 환경 구축 :: JSYoo94
- Setting up your PC/Workstation for Deep Learning: Tensorflow and PyTorch — Windows | by Abhinand | Sep, 2020 | Towards Data Science
- 딥러닝 실험 환경 구축하기 Conda 설치, Conda 가상환경 만들기, Pytorch 설치, 원격으로 서버환경에서 쥬피터 실행
- 김군이
- 토크ON세미나 22차. 딥러닝을 위한 PyTorch 활용법 | T아카데미
- AWD-LSTM Language Model
- ax - Adaptive Experimentation Platform
- Betty: an automatic differentiation library for generalized meta-learning and multilevel optimization
- BioGPT
- BoTorch - Bayesian Optimization in PyTorch
- Braindecode - A deep learning toolbox to decode raw time-domain EEG
- Brusta - PyTorch model serving project
- 과거 PyTorch는 강력한 REPL의 대가로 대규모 서비스에 모델 서빙이 어려움
- PyTorch 1.0.0 업데이트에서 공개된 JIT compile 지원은 PyTorch 모델 서빙에 새로운 해법 제시
- Brusta는 이 JIT compile을 활용한 다양한 응용 중 하나이며, Platform-free PyTorch Model Serving을 목표로, “PyTorch 모델의 상용화”를 지향하는 프로젝트
- 첫 번째로 PyTorch로 만든 모델을 입력받고, 이 모델을 JVM 위에서 구동하는 서버로 제공하는 모듈을 공개
- Captum
- Clipper Tutorial PyTorch, Tensorflow, PySpark, Scikit-Learn 으로 만든 모델 배포
- ComplexCNN - pytorch implementation of complex convolutional neural network
- 대부분 딥러닝 모델들은 실수를 취급
- 음성을 STFT 변환하여 Phase를 도메인으로 사용할 경우 복소수가 필요
- D2Go is a toolkit for efficient deep learning
- DALLE2-pytorch: Implementation of DALL-E 2, OpenAI's updated text-to-image synthesis neural network, in Pytorch
- Deep Q-Learning with Pytorch
- DeepSpeed - a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training easy, efficient, and effective
- Delve lets you monitor PyTorch model layer saturation during training
- DeOldify - A Deep Learning based project for colorizing and restoring old images (and video!)
- Detectron with VoVNet : select the vovnet branch https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.09730
- Detectron2: A PyTorch-based modular object detection library
- Detectron2 Tutorial
- dinov2: PyTorch code and models for the DINOv2 self-supervised learning method
- Distiller - an open-source Python package for neural network compression research
- DrQA - This is a PyTorch implementation of the DrQA system described in the ACL 2017 paper Reading Wikipedia to Answer Open-Domain Questions
- Efemarai – Test. Visualize. Debug
- efficient_densenet_pytorch - A PyTorch implementation of DenseNets, optimized to save GPU memory
- EuclidesDB - a multi-model machine learning feature database that is tight coupled with PyTorch
- fairseq - Facebook AI Research Sequence-to-Sequence Toolkit written in Python
- FastPhotoStyle
- Federated-Learning-PyTorch: PyTorch implementation of a federated learning
- functorch: functorch is a prototype of JAX-like composable function transforms for PyTorch
- Glow - a machine learning compiler and execution engine for various hardware targets
- gpytorch - A highly efficient and modular implementation of Gaussian Processes in PyTorch
- HiddenLayer - A lightweight library for neural network graphs and training metrics for PyTorch and Tensorflow
- hyperband - Hyperparameter Optimization for PyTorch
- hyperlearn - Faster, Leaner GPU Sklearn, Statsmodels written in PyTorch
- i-Blurry: Official Pytorch implementation of Online Continual Learning on Class Incremental Blurry Task Configuration with Anytime Inference (ICLR 2022)
- iColoriT: Official PyTorch implementation of "iColoriT: Towards Propagating Local Hint to the Right Region in Interactive Colorization by Leveraging Vision Transformer." (WACV 2023)
- Joey NMT framework - developed for educational purposes
- kindle: No code PyTorch model generation package
- 사용 방법은 YOLOv5 에서 모델을 만드는 방법과 거의 동일. yaml 파일로 모델 설정
- kornia - Open Source Differentiable Computer Vision Library for PyTorch https://kornia.org
- LabML Neural Networks
- learn2learn - PyTorch Meta-learning Framework for Researchers http://learn2learn.net
- libtorch
- lovely-tensors: Tensors, ready for human consumption
- PyTorch 디버깅시 직접 텐서를 열어보고 값을 확인하시는 경우도 발생
- 이 작업을 보다 직관적으로 수행해줄 수 있는 패키지(JAX, NUmPy 등 시리즈로 나옴)
- matorage: matorage is Matrix or Tensor(multidimensional matrix) Object Storage with high availability distributed systems for Deep Learning framework
- MMDetection - Open MMLab Detection Toolbox and Benchmark
- 2018년, COCO Detection Challenge를 우승한 MMDet 팀이 작성한 코드베이스를 확장하여, 현존하는 대부분의 Object Detection 모델을 구현한 toolbox
- opacus: Training PyTorch models with differential privacy
- paragraph-vectors - A PyTorch implementation of Paragraph Vectors (doc2vec)
- performer-pytorch: An implementation of Performer, a linear attention-based transformer, in Pytorch
- policy-distillation-baselines: Pytorch Implementation of Policy Distillation for control, which has well-trained teachers via stable_baselines3
- Policy Distillation
- 16년 DeepMind에서 공개. 주로 transfer learning의 한 분야인 knowledge distillation 연구
- 강화학습과 접목되면서 continual learning 또는 multi-task learning에서 지향하고자 하는 방향성과 비슷한 부분이 많아 continual RL 및 multi-task RL의 방법들로 활용되기도 함
- 장점: 빠른 모델 학습, 모델 메모리와 연산량을 크게 줄이도록 경량화 가능, 쉽게 다양한 알고리즘 결합 가능
- Policy Distillation
- pynmsnn: NeuroMorphic Predictive Model with Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) using Pytorch
- PyRobot - An Open Source Robotics Research Platform
- pystiche: A Framework for Neural Style Transfer | by Philip Meier | PyTorch | Dec, 2020 | Medium
- pythia - A modular framework for Visual Question Answering research from Facebook AI Research (FAIR)
- pytorch-a2c-ppo-acktr
- PyTorch-BigGraph - Software used for generating embeddings from large-scale graph-structured data. https://torchbiggraph.readthedocs.io
- PyTorch Edge: Enabling On-Device Inference Across Mobile and Edge Devices with ExecuTorch | PyTorch
- pytorch-fm: Factorization Machine models in PyTorch
- pytorch_geometric - Geometric Deep Learning Extension Library for PyTorch
- PyTorch Geometry package - a geometric computer vision library for PyTorch
- pytorch-image-models
- pytorch-lightning - The lightweight PyTorch wrapper for ML researchers. Scale your models. Write less boilerplate
- pytorch-lightning-template: my useful torch ligntning training template
- pytorch-minimal-gaussian-process: A minimal implementation of Gaussian process regression in PyTorch
- PyTorch-NLP - a Natural Language Processing (NLP) toolkit designed to support rapid prototyping
- PyTorch Project Template
- pytorch-qrnn - Quasi-Recurrent Neural Network (QRNN) for PyTorch
- pytorch-redis - Basic MNIST Example with RedisClient
- pytorch-struct - Fast, general, and tested differentiable structured prediction in PyTorch
- pytorch-template - PyTorch deep learning projects made easy
- pytorch-toolbelt: PyTorch extensions for fast R&D prototyping and Kaggle farming
- PyTorchVideo · A deep learning library for video understanding research
- pytorch-wavenet - This is an implementation of the WaveNet architecture
- Qiskit Hybrid quantum-classical Neural Networks with PyTorch and Qiskit
- QuickDraw - Implementation of Quickdraw - an online game developed by Google
- RandWireNN - Unofficial PyTorch Implementation of: Exploring Randomly Wired Neural Networks for Image Recognition
- Rock-Paper-Scissors-with-Jetson-Nano - an implementation for Rock-Paper-Scissors game with a machine. Jetson Nano is used for AI recognition of hand gesture
- scala_torch: Scala bindings for LibTorch
- skorch - A scikit-learn compatible neural network library that wraps PyTorch
- pytorch & sklearn pipeline | Pega Devlog
- skorch callbacks (1) dataset preparation | Pega Devlog
- skorch callbacks (2) sklearn preprocesing + PyTorch neural network | Pega Devlog
- skorch callbacks (3) ML Pipeline | Pega Devlog
- Bossan - Extend your scikit-learn workflow with Hugging Face and skorch | PyData Amsterdam 2023 - YouTube
- SpeedTorch - Faster pinned CPU tensor <-> GPU Pytorch variabe transfer and GPU tensor <-> GPU Pytorch variable transfer, in certain cases
- spotlight - Deep recommender models using PyTorch
- SplitNet PyTorch Implementation
- tensorboardX - Write TensorBoard events with simple function call
- texar-pytorch - Integrating the Best of TF into PyTorch, for Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Text Generation https://asyml.io
- torchaudio-contrib
- TorchBeast - A PyTorch Platform for Distributed RL
- TorchCraftAI - a platform that lets you build agents to play (and learn to play) StarCraft®: Brood War
- torchfold.py
- torchgpipe - A GPipe implementation in PyTorch https://torchgpipe.readthedocs.io
- torchio: Medical image preprocessing and augmentation toolkit for deep learning
- torchlars - A LARS implementation in PyTorch
- torchrec: Pytorch domain library for recommendation systems
- TorchServe — PyTorch/Serve master documentation
- TorchShard: Slicing a PyTorch Tensor Into Parallel Shards
- torchtext package consists of data processing utilities and popular datasets for natural language
- torchvision - Datasets, Transforms and Models specific to Computer Vision
- PyTorch-Universal-Docker-Template: Template repository to build PyTorch projects from source on any version of PyTorch/CUDA/cuDNN
- UnsupervisedMT - Unsupervised Machine Translation
- VoiceFilter - Unofficial PyTorch implementation of Google AI's VoiceFilter system http://swpark.me/voicefilter
- Music Classification: Beyond Supervised Learning, Towards Real-world Applications — Music Classification: Beyond Supervised Learning, Towards Real-world Applications
- Music Translation - PyTorch implementation of the method described in the A Universal Music Translation Network
- pytorch-music-composer
- Deep Reinforcement Learning with pytorch & visdom
- PyTorch Implementation of Distributed Prioritized Experience Replay(Ape-X)
- GPU 여러개와 어마어마하게 많은 코어가 달린 단일 머신에서 돌릴 수 있는 Distributed RL의 구현은 공개된 것들이 있지만 실제로 수백개의 Actor가 있는 멀티 노드 환경에서 네트워크를 이용해서 네트워크 대역폭이나 메모리 문제, 학습 속도 등의 이슈 없이 돌아가는 코드를 공개한 것은 없는 것 같아 직접 작성
- 멀티프로세싱, 비동기 프로그래밍, 네트워크 프로그래밍, 클라우드, IaC 등 공부하고 구현하면서 메모리 이슈도 많이 만나고 레이턴시 문제도 겪고 엔지니어링 끝에 결국 실험 성공
- 이 모델을 이용하면 Actor를 100개 200개 300개씩 두고 탐험을 할 수 있어서 Suboptimal Policy에 빠지지 않음. 실제로 Seaquest를 이용해서 실험해본 결과, Rainbow, ACER 등에서 1000~2000점 점수를 찍을때 10000점 20000점 30000점 달성
- Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms with PyTorch
- Single-machine implementations of distributed reinforcement learning algorithms with Ray and PyTorch ray 사용
- minimalRL-pytorch
- rlpyt - Deep Reinforcement Learning in PyTorch
- rl_pytorch - Reinforcement Learning Algorithm Implementation in PyTorch
- stable-baselines3: PyTorch version of Stable Baselines, reliable implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms
- Source Separation - Deep learning based speech source separation using Pytorch
- Building an end-to-end Speech Recognition model in PyTorch
- LibreASR: An On-Premises, Streaming Speech Recognition System
- pytorch-kaldi - a project for developing state-of-the-art DNN/RNN hybrid speech recognition systems. The DNN part is managed by pytorch, while feature extraction, label computation, and decoding are performed with the kaldi toolkit
- SpeechBrain - A PyTorch-based Speech Toolkit
- PyTorch v1.2에서 생긴 Transformer API 를 이용한 간단한 Chitchat 챗봇
- Benchmarking Transformers: PyTorch and TensorFlow
- Part 1: Components of the transformer model ipynb
- How to train a new language model from scratch using Transformers and Tokenizers
- Easy Object Detection with Transformers: Simple Implementation of… – Towards AI
- 3detr: Code & Models for 3DETR - an End-to-end transformer model for 3D object detection
- Accelerate — accelerate documentation
- DALLE-pytorch: Implementation / replication of DALL-E, OpenAI's Text to Image Transformer, in Pytorch
- HanBert-Transformers
- Pretrain Transformers Models in PyTorch using 🤗 Transformers | by George Mihaila | Oct, 2020 | Medium
- Pytorch-Transformers
- transformers-pytorch-gpu: 💡 Docker image for Huggingface 🤗 Transformers + GPU + Jupyter notebook + OhMyZsh
- Practical PyTorch: Translation with a Sequence to Sequence Network and Attention
- Neural Machine Translation
- PyTorch 튜토리얼
- 파이토치(PyTorch) 한국어 튜토리얼에 오신 것을 환영합니다! — 파이토치 한국어 튜토리얼 (PyTorch tutorials in Korean)
- Implementing a linear-chain Conditional Random Field (CRF) in PyTorch
- Tutorial: Deep Learning in PyTorch
- pytorch-tutorial - tutorial for researchers to learn deep learning with pytorch
- DeepLearningForNLPInPytorch - An IPython Notebook tutorial on deep learning for natural language processing, including structure prediction
- Minimal tutorials for PyTorch
- Kind PyTorch Tutorial for beginners
- github.com/MorvanZhou/PyTorch-Tutorial
- welcome_tutorials - Various tutorials given for welcoming new students at MILA
- Deep Learning with PyTorch: A 60 Minute Blitz
- PYTORCH 머신러닝 튜토리얼 강의
- PyTorch KR Tutorial Competition 2018
- PyTorch tutorial for learners
- Minimal tutorial on packing and unpacking sequences in pytorch
- DeepLearning_Basic_Tutorial
- PyTorch Tutorials now in Korean
- Get started with PyTorch, Cloud TPUs, and Colab
- d2l-pytorch - This project reproduces the book Dive Into Deep Learning (www.d2l.ai), adapting the code from MXNet into PyTorch
- Effective PyTorch
- Pytorch 코드 작성 팁
- Get started with PyTorch, Cloud TPUs, and Colab
- PyTorch 1.2 Quickstart with Google Colab
- PyTorch 기본 강의 (1-1)
- How to Convert a Model from PyTorch to TensorRT and Speed Up Inference | Learn OpenCV
- Deep Learning (with PyTorch) - YouTube
- 파이토치, 어떻게 시작할까?··· 알짜배기 학습 정보 5가지 - CIO Korea
- how-to-read-pytorch: Quick, visual, principled introduction to pytorch code through five colab notebooks
- PyTorch Fundamentals - Learn | Microsoft Docs
- Understanding PyTorch with an example: a step-by-step tutorial | by Daniel Godoy | Towards Data Science
- Introduction to Distributed Training in PyTorch - PyImageSearch
- M1 iMac 24” 에 pytorch 를 돌려보았다
- Learn PyTorch for deep learning in a day. Literally. - YouTube
- 파이토치 자세한 튜토리얼 - 로스카츠의 AI 머신러닝
- 파이토치 PyTorch - YouTube
- practice - 나만의 LM 만들어보기 - pytorch, transformer
- PyTorch tutorials A to Z
- 파이토치 1. 기본 자료형 텐서
- 파이토치 2. 선형회귀 (Linear Regression)을 통한 코드 구조 이해
- 파이토치 3. 파이토치라이트닝
- 파이토치 4 - 쿠버네티스에서 학습하기
- 5. 파이토치 - 분산 학습의 개념과 하드웨어
- 파이토치 분산 학습 도구 비교
- 파이토치 튜토리얼 번역(quickstart)
- 괜찮은 파이토치 강좌 - 01. 파이토치 기초
- 괜찮은 파이토치 강좌 - 02. 파이토치 워크플로 살펴보기
- 괜찮은 파이토치 강좌 - 03. 신경망 분류(Neural Network Classification)