- 리눅스
- www.linuxjournal.com
- Linux Fundamentals
- pubdata.tistory.com/category/Lecture_Linux
- 아무도 가르쳐주지 않는 리눅스 기초
- 따배리 리눅스 시리즈 - YouTube
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head -1 stores.dat | tr '|' '\n' | wc -l
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- All about Linux
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- 보안 강화 리눅스(Security-Enhanced Linux)
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export TMOUT=0
자동 로그아웃 off
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- A Linux sysadmin's introduction to cgroups | Enable Sysadmin
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- Introduction | QEMU internals
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head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 32 ; echo ''
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- How to Migrate a Linux Server To New Hardware – CloudSavvy IT
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- poll on mac 10.12 is broken | daniel.haxx.se
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변경, 재부팅 없이 즉각 적용하기 – 형우의 웹개발 - SSD 용량 확장 후 lvm luks암호화 볼륨 리사이즈 방법 – 형우의 웹개발
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swap caps lock <-> ctrl
setxkbmap -option ctrl:swapcaps # Swap Left Control and Caps Lock setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps # Make Caps Lock a Control key
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How to Enable RPMForge Repository in RHEL/CentOS 7.x/6.x/5.x
Simultaneous Multithreading in Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Red Hat Customer Portal
모든 리눅스 바이너리의 기본 라이브러리이기 때문에 쉘에서 벌어지는 모든 명령(fork 된 신규 프로세스)가 필요로하는 동적 라이브러리
절대 mv/ln 등으로 임의로 고쳐서는 안되는 파일
임의로 소스 빌드해서 cp로 덮어쓰거나 (만약 glibc compatible version 범위에 벗어나도 문제가 됨) mv로 이름을 바꾸면 안됨
glibc의 경우 CentOS/RHEL 등에서 배포판 기준으로 잡힌 버전 (ex. 2.12)으로 고정되고 패치되는 형태이기 때문에 상위 버전으로 별도패키징해서 올리는게 아닌이상 일반 파일로 올리는 것은 위험
특정 어플리케이션 빌드 때 GLIBC 버전이 더 높게 필요하면 아래 예시처럼 다른 경로에 빌드해서 LD_LIBRARY_PATH 변수를 통해서 별도 라이브러리 링크로 처리
$ tar zxvf glibc-2.24.tar.gz $ cd glibc-2.24 $ mkdir build $ cd build $ ../configure --prefix=/opt/glibc-2.24 $ make $ sudo make install $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/glibc-2.24/lib
redhat7 When Root Password lost, How to configure Root PasswordC
CentOS가 Ubuntu 보다 더 안정적인 이유 별로 설득력 있는 견해라고 생각이 들진 않지만 참고용으로 기록
How to migrate from CentOS 8 to Rocky Linux (conversion) - nixCraft
How to migrate from CentOS 8 to CentOS stream conversion - nixCraft
하위 버전 CentOS Linux에 배포할 때의 glibc, libstdc++ 라이브러리 버전 문제 | Popit
Centos Installation and RHEL-8 Installation with CLI method for beginners Student - YouTube
checksec Identify security properties on Linux using checksec | Opensource.com
service --status-all | grep [name] service [name] [status|start|stop|restart] chkconfig --list chkconfig [name] [on|off] netstat -tulpn
yum info <package>
yum [--disablerepo=dockerrepo] install git
특정 repo에 오류가 있을 때 --disablerepo를 사용하면 동작... failure: repodata/repomd.xml from dockerrepo: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try. https://yum.dockerproject.org/repo/main/centos/7/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] HTTPS Error 404 - Not Found
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yum update <package>
- 전체 repository에 대해 proxy를 설정할 때는 /etc/yum.conf에 추가
- 개별 repository에 대해 proxy를 설정할 때는 /etc/yum.repos.d/some.repo의 각 항목마다 추가
Why does yum return error: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try ? - Red Hat Customer Portal
rpm-software-management/dnf: Package manager based on libdnf and libsolv. Replaces YUM
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- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 개발 설정
- AppArmor 란 무엇이며 Ubuntu를 어떻게 안전하게 유지합니까? - TheFastCode
- Inspecting coredumps like it's 2021
- How to Setup GlusterFS in Ubuntu - YouTube
- marcokhan :: Ubuntu How to Kernel Compile
- 우분투 하드 디스크 추가 마운트 하기 - 로스카츠의 AI 머신러닝
- 2023년도 정기총회 회의록 등 자료 공시 및 세미나 자료 공유 - 공지 사항 - 우분투한국커뮤니티 포럼
- 우분투 리눅스에서 GNU Pass 활용 설치 명령어 | 웹으로 말하기
- 우분투 리눅스에서 Caps Lock을 한영키로 사용하기 | 웹으로 말하기
- 우분투 노틸러스에서 스페이스바 퀵뷰 되게 하기 | 웹으로 말하기
- OCI Ubuntu Linux XRDP(GUI) 환경 구성하기 - YouTube
- VMware를 사용하여 Windows 11에 Ubuntu 22.04 설치하기 - 멈춤보단 천천히라도
- Windows에 설치된 VirtualBox를 사용하여 Ubuntu 설치하기
- Things To Do After Installing Ubuntu 24.04 LTS - YouTube
- Setup Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, Neovim, Wezterm from scratch for Software Development - YouTube
- 우분투에서 Rectangle처럼 단축키로 창 배치하는 프로그램 Tactile – 형우의 웹개발
- Boost your development environment with Ubuntu Multipass - Let’s Debug It!
- Ubuntu 24.10 (Oracular Oriole)
- Python and SSH: sending commands over SSH using Paramiko
- ansible
- sysnet4admin.blogspot.com/search/label/ansible
- 조건별로 nginx 설치하기
- Plugin 살펴 보기 1편 (Action, Cache)
- Plugin 살펴 보기 2편 (Callback)
- Plugin 살펴 보기 3편 (Connection)
- Plugin 살펴 보기 4편 (inventory)
- plugin 중에서 python을 이용한 filter에 대한 짧은 이야기
- Ansible 교육 자료
- 앤서블 설치 - vagrant로 생성한 가상 머신(guest system)에 앤서블(Ansible)을 설치하여 앤서블(Ansible)을 사용할 수 있는 환경을 만듭니다
- 1. Ansible (앤서블) 로 전체 서버 사용자 추가하기 - 호스트 연결하기
- 2. Ansible (앤서블) 로 전체 서버 계정 추가하기 - CLI로 계정 추가하기
- 3. Ansible (앤서블) 로 전체 서버 사용자 추가하기 - 플레이북으로 개선하기
- 4. Ansible (앤서블) 로 전체 서버 사용자 추가하기 - Jenkins&Github 연동하기
- Ansible에서 전략 패턴을 이용해 자동화 프로젝트의 확장성을 확보하기
- 프로비저닝 자동화를 위한 Ansible AWX, 설치부터 엔터프라이즈 환경 적용까지 – 1
- 프로비저닝 자동화를 위한 Ansible AWX, 설치부터 엔터프라이즈 환경 적용까지 – 2
- Ansible with oci
- A set of Ansible playbooks to build and maintain your own private cloud: email, calendar, contacts, file sync, IRC bouncer, VPN, and more
- 20 개의 ANSIBLE 인터뷰 질문
- Vagrant와 Ansible로 하는 서버 관리 기초
- How to install software with Ansible | Opensource.com
- How To Write Ansible Playbooks | DigitalOcean
- How Do Ansible Tags Work? - Percona Database Performance Blog
- 미리 알았으면 좋을 Ansible 테크닉들 | GeekNews
- Using Ansible with REST APIs | Opensource.com
- 로컬에서 개발 중인 Ansible role을 편하게 테스트하는 방법 | 박성훈의 블로그
- Ansible Tower with OSP16 - YouTube
- DevOps - Part 12 - First Ansible PlayBook To Create Docker Image and Container ... Very Easy Steps - YouTube
- 8 ways to speed up your Ansible playbooks | Enable Sysadmin
- How To Write An Ansible Playbook To Change SSH Banner Message On Linux | Copy Module Example - YouTube
- Bashible - a deployment/automation tool written in Bash (DSL). Inspired by Ansible. Simplifies things and prevents usual mistakes
- fabric
- salt
- 리눅스를 활용한 회사 인프라 구축의 모든 것
- 우분투
- 더북(TheBook): 리눅스 서버를 다루는 기술
- 더북(TheBook): 모던 리눅스 관리 1~4장만
- Deep into Linux and Beyond
- Just Enough Linux
- Linux-for-Networking-Professionals: Linux for Networking Professionals, published by Packt
- Linux Inside
- The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide
- Linux Terminal Tools 103p PDF | GeekNews pdf
- The Unix Workbench
- Hacking the Planet with Notcurses
- practice - get file creation time
- practice - file path에 space가 있을 때 vi로 여러 파일을 한 번에 열기 grep, cut, sort, sed, xargs
10가지 재밌는 리눅스 명령어들 cmatrix, asciiviewer, rev, yes, rig, figlet, toilet, banner, text to speech with espeak, :(){:|:&};:
60 Commands of Linux : A Guide from Newbies to System Administrator
command line power user - modern command line workflow with ZSH, Z and related tools
Learn the Command Line - Learn how to use the command line to manipulate data and automate tasks
the art of command line - Master the command line, in one page
7 Amazing CLI Tools You Need To Try - YouTube fzf, bat, delta, eza, tldr, thefuck, zoxide
- fish shell, fzf, fd, ripgrep, htop, glances, virtualenv, virtualfish, pyenv, nodenv, rbenv, pipx, ctop, lazydocker, homebrew, asciinema, colordiff, diff-so-fancy, tree, bat, httpie, tldr, exa, litecli, pgcli, mas, ncdu
- Starship: Cross-Shell Prompt
- z - jump around
sync && echo [1|2|3] > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
&[swapoff|swapon] -a
More shell, less egg
tr -cs A-Za-z '\n' < [input] | tr A-Z a-z | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | sed ${1}q
Extract it command line to extract compressed file
(리눅스 업스킬 도전 #12) sftp로 복사하기 winscp sftp
8 super heroic Linux commands that you probably aren't using
The Art of Command Line 기초적인 부분을 거의 모두 정리해 놓은 매우 유용한 자료
Munging CSV files with standard Unix tools cut sort awk
스타트업 개발자가 리눅스 서버에 들어가면 언제나 하는 작업들 operation에 관계되는 여러가지 명령어 정리
오픈스택 명령어로 오픈스택 명령어 만들기 grep, sed, awk
Text processing in the shell cat head tail wc grep cut paste sort uniq awk tr fold sed for xargs
ls보다는 exa를 사용하자! 모던 리눅스 명령어 소개 번역 exa, bat, hexyl, fd, procs, rg(ripgrep)
How can I monitor the thread count of a process on linux?
cat /proc/<PID>/status | grep Threads
CPU 개수
grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo
CPU 코어 전체 개수grep ^processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l
물리 CPU 개수grep 'cpu cores' /proc/cpuinfo | tail -1
CPU당 물리 코어 개수
CLI: improved bat, prettyping, fzf, htop, diff-so-fancy, fd, ncdu, tldr, ack/ag, jq, ponysay, csvkit, noti, entr
6 Terminal Commands You Should Know | by Tate Galbraith | Better Programming | Medium
(리눅스 업스킬 도전 #11) 특정 조건으로 파일 찾기 locate which grep zcat zless less find
Shell Commands Every Developer Must Know | by Erik van Baaren | Erik on Technology | Medium
6 Lesser-Known Linux Commands You Should Try | by Tate Galbraith | The Startup | Oct, 2020 | Medium tc, whiptail, shred, split, nl, flock
코드잇 :: 알고 있으면 개발자에게 유익한 유닉스 커맨드 꿀팁 man less cp rm history
explainshell.com - match command-line arguments to their help text
How to Test Network Speed in Linux {9 Tools} | phoenixNAP KB
- Speedtest, Fast, Color Bandwidth Meter (CBM), iPerf, nload, Tcptrack, Iftop, Wget, youtube-dl
Linux / UNIX List Just Directories Or Directory Names - nixCraft
ls -d */
find . -type d -ls
find . -d 1 -type d
modern-unix: A collection of modern/faster/saner alternatives to common unix commands
- bat exa lsd delta dust duf broot fd ripgrep ag fzf mcfly choose jq sd cheat tldr bottom glances gtop hyperfine gping procs httpie curlie xh zoxide dog
- Modern Unix - 유닉스 명령들의 최신 대체제 | GeekNews
6 Command Line Tools for Productive Programmers - Earthly Blog broot, Funky, Fuzzy Finder (FZF), McFly, Better CD, GitUpdate, JQ, mitmproxy, Pandoc, PSTree, Earthly linting prose
An intro to finding things in Linux locate whereis which find
20 Linux commands every sysadmin should know | Opensource.com
7 infrastructure performance and scaling tools you should be using | Opensource.com
파일과 디렉터리에는 정확한 소유권과 적당한 권한을 부여하라 - 넷마블 기술 블로그
find / -nouser -o -nogroup
suid sgid stickybit chmod chgrp umask home directory environmental variable -
how to diagnose a mysterious process that’s taking too much CPU, memory, IO, etc?
8 Command Line Tools that will Change Your Terminal Experience - YouTube mas cli, fuzzzBat , fzf, man pages tips , tldr , fzf-git , zoxide , eza , Duck , tmux
acl access control list
- AWK script 가이드
means whole line- sum of numbers in file
awk '{ sum += $1 } END { print sum }' [file name]
- awk example image
- Merging Frequencies in a File
- AWK greater than?
- Print only the Nth line before each line that matches a pattern
awk '{ gsub(/\xef\xbb\xbf/,""); print }' INFILE > OUTFILE
remove ALL <U+FEFF>- You are here: Home / Linux Commands / Getting Started With AWK Command
- Awk in 20 Minutes
- Running Awk in parallel to process 256M records
- 리눅스 awk 명령어 : 원하는 컬럼을 출력한다
- awk: BEGIN { ... | Jemma Issroff
- An Introduction to AWK – The New Stack
- Understanding AWK - Earthly Blog
- awk가 어떻게 입력데이터의 행과 열을 다루는지 보여주고 아마존의 1,900만 개의 리뷰의 데이터를 awk로 처리해서 랭크를 매겨주는 프로그램 작성
- AWK Command Examples for Beginners / AWK Linux Tutorial
- aho: A git implementation in awk
get file name from path- e.g.
$ basename /tmp/mdstat.tmp .tmp
- e.g.
bashcrawl · Learn Linux commands by playing a simple text adventure
comm [-1] [-2] [-3] [file1] [file2]
print common lines between file1 & file2 (-1 suppresses only lines from file1 & -2 does the same from file2, -3 does the same for duplicated lines)
cp -Rf source_dir/* dest_dir
mac/unix 디렉토리 병합하기
- Crontab Generator
- crontab.guru
- cron and crontab usage and examples
`date "+\%Y\%m\%d"`
How can I executedate
inside of a cron tab job?LANG=ko_KR.UTF-8
Python3: UnicodeEncodeError only when run from crontab- Cron in production? That is a double edged sword!
- www.lesstif.com/display/1STB/cron
- Crontab을 이용한 노드 API 호출
- 해당 달의 첫 평일에 실행하는 스케쥴
- crontab 사용시 권한 주의
- Linux에서 crontab 실행시 명령어 찾지 못할때 crontab에 absolute path 사용
- python-crontab
- Cron Expression
- The Fun cron Tutorial
- Linux Crontab: 15 Awesome Cron Job Examples
- 서머타임과 배치작업
- (리눅스 업스킬 도전 #10) 특정 시각에 반복적으로 작업하기 crontab 이외에 list-timers, apt-daily.timer 등 소개
- 크론탭(crontab)을 이용한 작업 스케쥴링 - 로스카츠의 AI 머신러닝
- Scheduling without CRON | Pega Devlog
- practice -
insecure &-svo
verbose - practice - sessionid를 curl로 얻는 방법
- practice - X-Api-Key with username & password
- practice - 환경변수 environmental variable 사용하기
- practice - http status code 출력
-o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}"
- -d, --data, --data-ascii, --data-raw, --data-binary, --data-urlencode
- online curl commandline builder
- TLS Connection Control
- Use Curl to identify bottlenecks in your service layers
- Is curl|bash insecure?
- 서버 외부에 연결하기 전에 제대로 출력되는지 확인하기 - 완두블로그
- 10 Curl Commands You Should Know
- Curl Cookbook
- curl dash-dash-json | daniel.haxx.se
- curl에 JSON을 보낼 수 있는 --json 옵션 추가. 이 옵션은 curl 7.82.0부터 사용 가능, 2022년 3월 초 릴리스 예정
- JSON · curl/curl Wiki
- curl 7.82.0에 추가된 JSON 옵션 :: Outsider's Dev Story
- Detecting the use of "curl | bash" server side | Application Security
- 자주 사용하는 curl 명령어 옵션과 예제 chrome에서 curl 명령 확인
- “I could rewrite curl” | daniel.haxx.se
- Convert curl commands to code
- Bloodguy :: Linux curl 응답시간 측정 (how to measure curl response time)
- curlshell: reverse shell using curl
- twenty-five years of curl | daniel.haxx.se
- curl을 만든 Daniel Stenberg이 25주년을 맞이하여 8.0.0을 릴리스하며 지난 25년의 curl 역사를 정리한 글
- 27살에 처음 시작했는데 URL 전송 도구로 작게 시작해서 지금까지 계속 점진적이고 반복적으로 개선
- Curl 25주년 | GeekNews
- practice -
date +%Y%m%d [--date '1 days ago']
for i in {n..m} do echo $i YYYYMMDD=`date "+%Y%m%d" --date "$i days ago"` YYYY=${YYYYMMDD:0:4} MM=${YYYYMMDD:4:2} DD=${YYYYMMDD:6:2} done
날짜 차이 계산 How to calculate time difference in bash script?
#!/bin/sh TODAY=`date '+%Y%m%d'` DAY=${1:-$TODAY} # 입력이 있으면 사용하고 아니면 오늘 날짜 사용 A_YEAR_AGO=`date '+%Y%m%d' -d "$DAY - 366 days"` # 366일 전 YESTERDAY=`date '+%Y%m%d' -d "$DAY - 1 days"` # 어제
date -d "Mon Feb 27 15:03:58 2017" +"%Y%m%d"
Convert string to date in bash
date -d '20121212' +'%Y-%m-%d' date -d '20121212 -7 days' +'%Y-%m-%d' dat2=$(date -d "$dat -1 days" +'%Y%m%d')
date +%s
How can I generate Unix timestamps?
- Delta is a command-line utility for text diffs. View split diffs in the browser with syntax highlighting (demo), or in the command-line using the --cli flag
- diff-so-fancy: Good-lookin' diffs. Actually… nah… The best-lookin' diffs
- difftastic: a diff that understands syntax 🟥🟩
- graphtage: A semantic diff utility and library for tree-like files such as JSON, JSON5, XML, HTML, YAML, and CSV
get directory name from path -
- du 명령어
du -hs <directory>
du -ckx | sort -n -r | head
가장 용량이 큰 디렉토리 찾기 - df와 du의 용량차이 발생과 해결(아무리 지워도 디스크 사용량이 줄어들지 않을때)
- How to find the largest directories or largest files?
- 컴퓨터 vs 책: 5분 따라하기 리눅스에서 용량을 가장 많이 차지하는 파일/디렉토리 찾기
- Replace du with dust on Linux | Opensource.com
- Check used disk space on Linux with du | Opensource.com
- du 명령어
echo -e "..."
'echo' without newline in a shell script
find [directory] -iname "[file name or pattern]" -exec ls -alt {} \;
find [directory] -name "[file name or pattern]" -exec ls -alt {} \;
find ~/Downloads/*.pdf -mtime -10
-atime = access / -ctime = creation, file 속성 / -mtime = modificationfind <dir> -not -newermt 2010-01-01
Shell script to find files older than 1st Jan 2010find . -type d -exec zip -r {}.zip {} \;
현재 directory의 sub directory들을 찾아 각각의 이름으로 압축find . -type f -name "*.md" -exec sed -i '' 's/<old>/<new>/g' {} +
- find 명령 정리
- find example image
- Linux - Linux Command for finding files
- A shell one-liner to search directories
- Markus Mahlberg's answer to Why do experts always recommend using the command line and not the GUI (Win/Linux)? - Quora
- fd: A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find'
- fd-kor
- go-find: A programmatically accessible golang implementation of the *nix
- File character counts fold 응용
gcore How I recovered a lost email from my email client’s memory
grep: Binary file <some file> matches
>grep [-a|--text] <some file>
grep '^[A-Z_]\+[ ]\+[0-9]\+' [file name]
파일에서 영어 대문자와 _(underscore)로 시작하고 중간에 스페이스, 탭으로 이뤄진 공백이 있고 숫자로만 끝나는 line 찾기grep -c <something>
How do I count the number of occurrences of a word in a text file with the command line?- Capturing Groups From a Grep RegEx
grep -Po 'query=\K[a-zA-Z]{16,}'
log에서 query=...으로 되어 있는 부분에서 16자 이상의 영문자만 찾고 싶은 경우. -P는 perl regular expression, \K는 앞 부분은 결과에서 제외, GNU grep version 2.5 이상
- grep example image
- Deep Dive Grep
- 리눅스에서 Grep and , or , not 사용법
- Use long flags when scripting |> News and podcasts for developers |> Changelog
- (리눅스 업스킬 도전 #8) 문자열 탐색을 위한 grep
- Remove grep command while grepping using ps command - nixCraft
- How to use grep | Enable Sysadmin
- why GNU grep is fast
- ack is a tool like grep, optimized for developers- AGREP - approximate GREP for fast fuzzy string searching
- BigGrep is a tool to index and search a large corpus of binary files that uses a probabalistic N-gram based approach to balance index size and search speed
- hgrep: Grep with human-friendly search results
- ICgrep: The fastest way to search text to find the patterns
- ripgrep: ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern
- sift is a fast and powerful open source alternative to grep
- ugrep: 🔍NEW ugrep v3.1: ultra fast grep with interactive query UI and fuzzy search: search file systems, source code, text, binary files, archives (cpio/tar/pax/zip), compressed files (gz/Z/bz2/lzma/xz/lz4), documents and more. A faster, user-friendly and compatible grep replacement
history -c
history -d <line number>
리눅스 history 지우기- How To : 리눅스에서 명령 사용 요약하기 - ITWorld Korea HISTSIZE, HISTIGNORE
- (리눅스 업스킬 도전 #5) 탭/화살표 사용법과 숨겨진 파일
- bash history 기록을 sync 맞추기 위한 -w 옵션을 알아봅시다. - Codingdog Blog
- 파일 캐릭터셋(character set) 변경
iconv -f UTF-16LE -t UTF-8 <infile> > <outfile>
infile 형식이Little-endian UTF-16 Unicode text, with CRLF, CR line terminators
라 utf8로 바꾸는 경우
replacement of ifconfig -
ls* Commands Are Even More Useful Than You May Have Thought - nixCraft
lsscsi lsblk lsb_release lsusb lscpu lspci lshw lshw-gtk ls lsof lsattr lshal lsinitramfs lsmod lspcmcia lswm lsdvd lslk lsmbox lscgroup lsdiff lspst lsdnssec lsmem lsdev lslocks lsar lslogins lsgpu lstopo lsipc
- How to Use lsmod in Linux (With a Practical Example) – CloudSavvy IT
monit 설정이 엄청나게 쉽다지만, 간단한 건 upstart가 더 쉬웠음
SERVER$ nc -l [port number] > [file name] CLIENT$ nc [server ip] [port number] < [file name] SERVER$ nc -l [port number] | tar xvfz - CLIENT$ tar cvfpz - [files] | nc [server ip] [port number]
- practice - ntpd, ntpdate, ntpq
- RHEL, CentOS에서 ntp 서버 설정하기(사설망 내부 서버들의 시간 동기화)
- Building a more accurate time service at Facebook scale chrony
- 2012년에 비트윈 서버를 마비시켰던 윤초 이야기 - VCNC Engineering Blog
- It’s time to leave the leap second in the past - Engineering at Meta
- Meta에서 쓴 글
- UT1과 UTC를 보정하는 윤초(Leap Second)가 지금까지는 괜찮았지만
- 윤초의 문제가 많이 발생하고 있고 앞으로는 음의 윤초가 생길 가능성이 있기 때문에 페이스북에서는 현재의 윤초를 그대로 유지하려고 노력
- 이제 '윤초'는 과거로 남겨둘 때가 되었다 | GeekNews
- Let's Encrypt의 메모리 안전성 강화: ntpd-rs 배포 | GeekNews
(OS X) -
GNU Parallel Tutorial — GNU Parallel 20220222 documentation -
paste [-s] [-d<delimiter>] <file 1> <file 2> ... <file n>
row <-> column 회전- how to merge two files consistently line by line
- paste로 파일 두 개 join하기
- The Story of the PING Program
- Diagnose connectivity issues with the Linux ping command | Opensource.com
- prettyping is a wrapper around the standard ping tool with the objective of making the output prettier, more colorful, more compact, and easier to read
- Linux Tutorial 67 - Test connectivity with ping command | ping6 command in linux | ping vs ping6 - YouTube
- How to Use the arping Command on Linux
ps -T -p <process num>
How to view threads of a process on Linuxdiff <(ps -aux) <(ps -ux)
linux process substitution이 어떻게 동작하는지 간단하게 알아봅시다- Monitor your Linux system in your terminal with procps-ng | Opensource.com ps and pstree, pidof, pgrep
- 10 Example of ps -ef command in Linux and UNIX | Java67
- 10 Examples of ps command in Linux | Java67
- Linux Process Story
- ProcMon-for-Linux: Procmon is a Linux reimagining of the classic Procmon tool from the Sysinternals suite of tools for Windows. Procmon provides a convenient and efficient way for Linux developers to trace the syscall activity on the system process monitor
- You are here: Home / Guides / Explained: Input, Output and Error Redirection in Linux Explained: Input, Output and Error Redirection in Linux
- 리다이렉션(redirection), 파이프(pipe)의 개념 - 로스카츠의 AI 머신러닝
- Do Not Use '>' in Your Command Prompt (and How to Stay Safe in Shell) | Tanel Poder Consulting
- Illustrated Redirection Tutorial - Bash Hackers Wiki
rsync -avz --rsh="ssh -l [id]" [ip]:[src path] [dst path]
- daemon / ssh 방식 두 가지가 있는데, ssh의 경우 ssh public key를 추가해야 접속이 가능
- ssh 를 이용한 rsync 및 스크립트
- RSYNC 리눅스 서버 자동 백업하기
- rclone "rsync for cloud storage" - Google Drive, Amazon Drive, S3, Dropbox, Backblaze B2, One Drive, Swift, Hubic, Cloudfiles, Google Cloud Storage, Yandex Files https://rclone.org
- rsync: Series Overview - Michael Stapelberg
- practice - 지난 30일간 average CPU load만 모아서 그 평균을 계산
- practice - 지난 14일간 average CPU load + memory usage 계산
- practice - cpu, memory, buffer, disk, pageout on CentOS 7
- Understanding Linux CPU Load - when should you be worried?
- CPU Load에 대해
- Linux capacity planning: 5 things you need to do
- Understanding the Load Average on Linux and Other Unix-like Systems
- 10 Useful Sar (Sysstat) Examples for UNIX / Linux Performance Monitoring
- Linux - 시스템 관리 : 시스템 부하 체크
- sar sysstat 리눅스 지표 분석 도구
- Generate CPU, Memory and I/O report using SAR command
- How to Calculate Memory Usage in Linux using sar, ps, and free
- How to view past performance with sar in Linux
sar -A -f /var/log/sa/sa<num>
num=01~29 How do I get sar to show for the previous day?- Linux/Android CPU Usage (사용량) 계산 방법 – MKBlog
- Is Your Linux Version Hiding Interrupt CPU Usage From You? | Tanel Poder Consulting /proc/stat perf
- 서버에 걸리는 부하, 추측하지 말고 계측하자 CPU, I/O bound
- Load Average에 대하여 :: Lunatine's Box — Lunatine's Box
- Where Linux's load average comes from in the kernel
- Network Monitoring using SAR. In this blog we will have a look at how… | by Malith Jayasinghe | Medium
screen screen 빠르게 사용
find . -iname "*.java" -exec sed -i '' 's/[[:space:]]*$//' {} +
특정 확장자 파일의 trailing whitespace를 sed로 제거- Sed stream editor 가이드
- Bash Shell: Remove (Trim) White Spaces From String / Variable
sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'
remove tab & space at the start of the linesed -e 's/[ \t]*$//'
remove tab & space at the end of the line
sed 's/\xEF\xBB\xBF//g'
removesed -e "s/^M//" <infile> > <outfile>
^M 제거cat test.json | sed s/\"/\\\\\"/g
"를 "로 변경- sed example image
- Delete specific line number(s) from a text file using sed?
- bash 저장 SINGLE 줄에 따옴표로 묶인 파일 이름을 출력하는 방법은 무엇입니까? path에 space가 있어서 quotation을 추가하기 원할 때
- Sed One-Liners Explained, Part I: File Spacing, Numbering and Text Conversion and Substitution
- shell script 작성시 sed 치환패턴 문자열 escapse
- sed를 살펴보자! sed 명령어 사용법과 예시, 패턴 스페이스와 홀드 스페이스, 유용 표현
- Replace smart quotes with the Linux sed command | Opensource.com
- What is the sed command || Why do we use sed command || - YouTube
- Linux: EP14 - sed(Stream Editor) 명령어에 대해서 알아보자 - YouTube
- sed-bin: sed to C translator written in sed
- sed-circuit-simulator
- useful-sed: Useful sed scripts & patterns
seq -f '%05g' [start number] [end number]
format string %e, %g, %f- 리눅스 seq 명령어 사용법
- How To Shuffle and Sample on the Command-Line
sort -u -t[delimiter] -k[column num],[column num] [file name]
remove lines based on duplicates within one columnsort -t' ' -k9 -n -r [file name]
tab 구분 시 9번째 column 기준으로 숫자 역순으로 정렬- Sort Files Like A Master With The Linux Sort Command (Bash)
sort -V
Sorting numbers inside text strings- Sort IP Addresses with GNU sort
replacement of netstat -
- Getting Started with SSH
- ssh key 효율적인 관리 방법
- SSH known_host 메모 ssh-keyscan
ssh-keygen -R <ip>
Host key verification failed 대처- A top-down introduction to SSH and how it enables secure data-sharing
- SSH Port Forwarding
ssh -L 15673:localhost:15672 <server>
e.g. rabbitmq의 web interface를 보고 싶은데, server에서 정책상 허용을 안 하면 내 localhost로 port forwarding을 해서 localhost:15673로 접속 가능
- SSH Tunneling | The Linux Rain
- Visual guide to SSH tunnels
- What is SSH Tunneling, SSH Reverse Tunneling and SSH Port Forwarding? | Teleport
- SSH Handshake Explained
- SSH Tips & Tricks
- MAC에서 비밀번호 없이 ssh 접속하기(config) - On KimKevin's Dev Way
- SSH Emergency Access
- Private/Public 키 쉽게 다루기 - YouTube
- Simple SSH Security | Disk Notifier
- It's Now Possible To Sign Arbitrary Data With Your SSH Keys
- Introducing SSH command logging
- How To Set Correct SSH Directory Permissions in Linux
- SSH tips and tricks | Carlos Becker
- Passion is like genius; a miracle. - ssh-add 를 자동실행하는 방법
- 리모드 서버에 ssh private key를 저장하지 않으려면 – Passion is like genius; a miracle
- The story of the SSH port is 22
- 1995년 SSH를 만든 Tatu Ylonen이 SSH의 포트 번호인 22번을 어떻게 할당받았는지 적은 글
- 당시 23번 포트의 Telnet과 21번 포트의 FTP를 대체할 수 있도록 SSH를 설계 후 무료인 22번 포트를 사용하면 좋겠다고 생각
- 당시에는 인터넷의 규모가 작고 초기 단계, IANA에서 포트 번호를 관리, IANA에 SSH의 RFC를 첨부하면서 포트 번호, 특히 22번을 받고 싶다고 이메일
- IANA에서 22번을 할당해 주고 Tatu Ylonen을 담당자로 지정해 주어 바로 SSH의 베타테스터들에게 공개
- What You Get After Running an SSH Honeypot for 30 Days
- endlessh: SSH tarpit that slowly sends an endless banner
- ggh: Recall your SSH sessions (also search your SSH config file)
- lazyssh: A jump-host SSH server that starts machines on-demand
- OpenSSH
- ssh-agent The pitfalls of using ssh-agent, or how to use an agent safely
- shpool: Think tmux, then aim... lower
- sshx 웹 기반으로 실시간 협업이 가능한 터미널
- ZeroSSL Introducing another free CA as an alternative to Let's Encrypt
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub id@host
[ 0 = ``stat --printf="%s" $f`` ] && rm $f
remove file if size is 0stat -c%s <file>
How to check size of a file?stat /proc/<PID>
How to find uptime of a linux process
debugging tool to trace system calls and signals -
- sudo 패스워드 없이 사용하는 방법
- (리눅스 업스킬 도전 #3) 파일 접근 허가와 sudo 명령 그리고 시간대
- (리눅스 업스킬 도전 #14) sudo 권한 주기
- 우분투에서 sudo 명령어 없이 docker 사용하기
- 5 new sudo features you need to know in 2020 | Opensource.com
- Difference between “sudo” and “su” command in Linux, UNIX, or Mac OS | by Bryant Jimin Son | Feb, 2021 | Medium
- Exploring the differences between sudo and su commands in Linux | Enable Sysadmin
- Difference between "sudo" and "su" command in Linux - YouTube
systemd redhat 6.3에서는
가 안 됨- How to install, manage, start and autostart ssh service on RHEL 7 Linux
- 서버 프로세스를 관리하는 올바른 방법
- How To Install / Upgrade systemd on RHEL/CentOS 7.0
- Why I dislike systemd
- Systemd is the best example of Suck
- hastur is a tool for launching systemd-nspawn containers without need of manual configuration
- systemd 살펴보기
- systemd 서비스 unit파일 작성에서 했던 실수
- Creating a Linux service with systemd
- In search of a better job scheduler What if cron and systemd had a baby? Wouldn't it be beautiful?
- How to write startup script for systemd
- Operating Systems Without Systemd
- Working with systemd-networkd. All about using systemd-networkd as… | by Sahitya Maruvada | 100 Days of Linux | Medium
- Services in systemd: In-Depth Tutorial | by Michael Krasnov | Better Programming | Medium
- How to set environment variable in systemd service? - Server Fault
- 5 reasons sysadmins love systemd | Opensource.com
- systemd: The Good Parts - Christine Dodrill
- Avoiding complexity with systemd | Michael Maclean
- systemd service sandboxing and security hardening 101
- systemd, 10 years later: a historical and technical retrospective
- 임베디드 리눅스에서 systemd가 문제가 되는 이유 | GeekNews
- systemd by example - the systemd playground
- Stop using tail -f (mostly)
- delete first line of a file
tail -n +2 [file name]
- Portability of tar features
- (리눅스 업스킬 도전 #16) tar와 친구들
- 리눅스 tar.gz 파일 압축/삭제 하기 :: Jechue World
find . -name "<file name pattern>" -exec sh -c 'tar cvzf {}.tar.gz {}; rm -f {};' \;
- The tar archive format, its extensions, and why GNU tar extracts in quadratic time - Mort's Ramblings
- Can You Top This? 15 Practical Linux Top Command Examples
- catching top waits – domas mituzas
- Guider – A System Wide Linux Performance Analyzer
- iftop 설치, 실시간 트래픽 확인하기
- top 명령어
top -H
How to view threads of a process on Linuxtop -H -p <PID>
How to get the number of threads in a Java process- bashtop - Awesome Linux resource monitor - nixCraft
- bpytop: Linux/OSX/FreeBSD resource monitor
- btop: A monitor of resources
- htop
- highest-cpu.sh Threadhold 값 (30%) 이상 CPU 점유하고 있는 프로세스 중 가장 높은 CPU 점유하고 있는 프로세스 반환
- nvtop: GPU & Accelerator process monitoring for AMD, Apple, Huawei, Intel, NVIDIA and Qualcomm
- remove-all-white-spaces
tr -d [:blank:]
- replace-whitespaces-with-tabs-in-linux
tr -d '^M'
^M과 개행 문자를 같이 없애고 싶었는데, 원하는대로 잘 동작하지 않았고, ^M만 없앨 때는 이 방법이 가장 편했음- Different ways to delete ^M character in a file
- How to convert the ^M linebreak to 'normal' linebreak in a file opened in vim?
- How can I replace a newline (\n) using sed?
- How to add a carriage return before every newline?
- sed replace newline (or 5 ways to remove line breaks with sed, python, tr, perl, xargs) 1
- remove-all-white-spaces
wc -c <file>
How to check size of a file?
- 0, 1에 대한 bit format 출력
xxd -b (Filename) > BINARY.bin
현재 디렉토리에 BINARY.bin 파일 생성xxd -r BINARY.bin > (Filename)
변환된 바이너리 덤프 -> 원본 파일 형식- hex 값을 수정한 이후 이를 다시 원본 형태로 돌려놓아야 할 때 유용
- 꿀벌개발일지 :: 파일을 바이너리로 보기
- 0, 1에 대한 bit format 출력
A Little Story About theyes
Unix Command | Matthias Endler -
uncompresses either a list of files on the command line or its standard input and writes the uncompressed data on standard output
- Linux mail command examples – send mails from command line
- Bash script to send email
- exchange server
- mail/mailx
- practice - mail command
- debugging message 보기 쉬움
- .eml file을 message body로 보낼 수 없고 attachment로만 보내짐
- 리눅스 시스템에서 간단히 메일 전송하기
- Sending a file as the body of an email
- Can "Mailx" Send An Email With The Contents of Another File? uuencode 사용에 대한 이야기가 있는데 필요가 없었음
- How do I send HTML email using linux 'mail' command?
- How do I send mail from linux command line so it appears as HTML to recipient?
- practice - mail command
- mutt - 사용 실패
- nc
- sendmail
- practice - sendmail command
- debugging message 보기가 힘들었음
- .eml file을 message body로 보낼 수 있었음
- localhost의 user에게도 메일이 같이 보내졌는데 이유는 모르겠음
- Disable local delivery in Sendmail
- Postfix Address Rewriting
- fatal: parameter inet_interfaces: no local interface found for ::1
- Basic Modes of sendmail
- Sendmail Attachment
- practice - sendmail command
- smtp-cli — command line SMTP client CentOS7에서 test 해봤지만 실패
- smtplib -> python
- Build your own Command Line with ANSI escape codes
- 커맨드라인 인터페이스, 셸, 터미널이란? | 44BITS
- 리눅스/맥 커맨드라인 셸 입문자를 위한 생존 가이드 | 44BITS
- Designing Command Line Experiences
- Escape Codes의 역사
- escape codes의 이해
- Command Line Interface Guidelines
- inshellisense: IDE style command line auto complete
- NO_COLOR: disabling ANSI color output in various Unix commands
yum update -y && yum clean all && yum groupinstall "Development Tools" -y
CentOS / RHEL 7: Install GCC (C and C++ Compiler) and Development Tools -
apt-get update && apt-get install -y build-essential
How to Install Development Tools on Ubuntu, Debian & LinuxMint -
Ubuntu; Use specific version as default How to install gcc-4.4.6? Choose gcc and g++ version
apt-get install gcc-4.4 cpp-4.4 gcc-4.4 gcc-4.4-base -y update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.4 10
Bounded dynamicism with cross-modifying code - Paul Khuong: some Lisp
Diving into GCC internals — GCC Contributors Guide 0.1 documentation
- 리눅스 방화벽과 NAT를 위한 ipTables
- The Complicated Firewall
- Using Multiple NICs on Linux ip iproute2
- Common interface for NIC statistics — Jakub Kicinski
- iptables: How Kubernetes Services Direct Traffic to Pods | Dustin Specker
- A Deep Dive into Iptables and Netfilter Architecture
- linux-insides - A little bit about a linux kernel
- Multitasking in the Linux Kernel. Workqueues
- Timers in the Linux kernel
- Create a timer on Linux | Opensource.com A tutorial showing how to create a POSIX-compliant interval timer
- Writing a Simple Linux Kernel Module
- Initialization
- The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide
- Kernel bypass
- Linux kernel development
- BPF / XDP 8월 세미나 KossLab
- Interactive map of Linux kernel
- Submitting your first patch to the Linux kernel - Cristian Henrique - Medium
- Getting started with Linux kernel development
- kkamagui의 작업실 :: 리눅스 커널 모듈(Linux kernel module) 설치 시 모듈 사이즈 줄이기
- kkamagui의 작업실 :: 리눅스 커널 다시 컴파일 후 그래픽 모드 전환 오류 해결 방법
- 리눅스 커널 모듈 작성 – Place Of 42Seoul Story
- 30 things you didn't know about the Linux kernel | Opensource.com
- Modifying The Linux Kernel – New Syscalls – Coding Kaiser
- Linux Kernel 101 for Beginner - YouTube
- Linux 커널 6.0 릴리즈 | GeekNews
- Debugging the Linux kernel with GDB - sergioprado.blog
- Asterinas is a secure, fast, and general-purpose OS kernel, written in Rust and providing Linux-compatible ABI
- bpf_emulator: bpf_emulator for userspace
- kerla: A new operating system kernel with Linux binary compatibility written in Rust
- like-dbg: Fully dockerized Linux kernel debugging environment
- Nanos.org
- No more boot loader: Please use the kernel instead :: DevConf.CZ :: pretalx
- OPS - Easily Build and Run Unikernels
- eBPF - Introduction, Tutorials & Community Resources
- eBPF Summit 2023 Schedule
- TIL: eBPF is awesome
- How To Add eBPF Observability To Your Product
- Debugging with eBPF Part 1: Tracing Go function arguments in prod | Pixie Labs Blog
- Debugging with eBPF Part 2: Tracing full body HTTP request/responses | Pixie Labs Blog
- Debugging with eBPF Part 3: Tracing SSL/TLS connections | Pixie Labs Blog
- Notes on BPF & eBPF
- A Gentle Introduction to eBPF
- 확장 BPF | 네트워크 언저리
- BPF/eBPF란 무엇인가
- Production ready eBPF, or how we fixed the BSD socket API
- A Beginner's Guide to eBPF Programming with Go • Liz Rice • GOTO 2021 - YouTube
- eBPF: Fueling New Flame Graphs & more • Brendan Gregg • YOW! 2022 - YouTube
- bpf를 이용한 성능분석 | GeekNews
- BPF : 새로운 타입의 소프트웨어 | GeekNews
- eBPF rethinking the Linux Kernel | GeekNews
- eBPF 공식 사이트 오픈 | GeekNews
- eBPF Summit Recap | GeekNews
- eBPF 재단 출범 | GeekNews
- eBPF: Unlocking the Kernel 공식 다큐멘터리, 30분 | GeekNews
- From Monitoring to Observability: eBPF Chaos - YouTube
- 전 세계 1% 리눅스 기여자가 말하는 eBPF "리눅스와 플랫폼 엔지니어링의 미래" - ITWorld Korea
- eBPF/XDP: 당신만 모르는 안전하고 빠른 Networking
- 커널 스페이스에서 실행되는 eBPF와 eBPF 기반으로 패킷을 처리할 수 있는 XDP 설명
- eBPF로 작성해서 이를 커널로 로드하는 예시
- 2018년에 나온 XDP의 설계를 보여주는The eXpress Data Path: Fast Programmable Packet Processing in the Operating System Kernel 논문 요약
- Noisy Neighbor Detection with eBPF | by Netflix Technology Blog | Sep, 2024 | Netflix TechBlog
- bpftop: bpftop provides a dynamic real-time view of running eBPF programs. It displays the average runtime, events per second, and estimated total CPU % for each program
- Announcing bpftop: Streamlining eBPF performance optimization | by Netflix Technology Blog | Feb, 2024 | Netflix TechBlog
- Netflix가 eBPF 프로그램의 성능 최적화와 모니터링을 쉽게 할 수 있게 하는 bpftop CLI를 오픈소스로 공개
- bpftop으로 실행중인 eBPF 프로그램의 성능 통계를 실시간으로 볼 수 있고 bpftop을 사용 중일 때만 활성화되므로 오버헤드도 최소화
- Announcing bpftop: Streamlining eBPF performance optimization | by Netflix Technology Blog | Feb, 2024 | Netflix TechBlog
- ebpf-for-windows: eBPF implementation that runs on top of Windows
- ebpfsnitch: Linux Application Level Firewall based on eBPF and NFQUEUE.
- Parca - Open Source infrastructure-wide continuous profiling
- pulsar: A modular and blazing fast runtime security framework for the IoT, powered by eBPF.
- redbpf: Rust library for building and running BPF/eBPF modules
- retina: eBPF distributed networking observability tool for Kubernetes
- Skyfall: eBPF agent for infrastructure observability | LinkedIn Engineering
- tracee: Linux Runtime Security and Forensics using eBPF
- Xcapture-BPF – Linux를 위한 Xray 도구 | GeekNews
- Interrupts and Interrupt Handling
- SIGSEGV as control flow - How the JVM optimizes your null checks
- How the Linux kernel handles interrupts | Opensource.com
- Tutorials and tools for sysadmins and developers
- My Favorite CLI Tools
- fish shell, starship, z, fzf, fd, ripgrep, htop and glances, virtualenv and virtualfish, pyenv, nodenv, and rbenv, pipx, ctop and lazydocker, homebrew, asciinema, colordiff and diff-so-fancy, tree, bat, httpie, tldr, exa, litecli and pgcli, mas, ncdu
- Facebook open-sources new suite of Linux kernel components and tools bpf, btrfs, netconsd, cgroup2, psi, oomd
- X Server가 없이 사용이 가능한 리눅스용 콘솔(터미널용) 텍스트 모드 웹 브라우저
- Links, Lynx, w3m, Googler
- Linux Productivity Tools
- 20 productivity tools for the Linux terminal
- Linux Terminal Tools pdf
- 4 Best Terminal Browsers for Linux Command Line W3M, Lynx, Links2, eLinks
- Top 7 terminal emulators for Linux | Opensource.com
- GNOME terminal, Guake, guake, Konsole, konsolee, Terminator, Tilda, Xterm, Yakuake
- Getting better at Linux with 10 mini-projects
- Edit text on Linux with KWrite and Kate | Opensource.com
- 리눅스용 멀티미디어 프로그램 - 유튜브 플레이어, 다운로더
- 123elf: A native port of Lotus 1-2-3 to Linux
- alacritty - A cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator
- auto-cpufreq: Automatic CPU speed & power optimizer for Linux
- BCHS: BSD, C, httpd, SQLite
- bottle Easily run Windows software on Linux with 🍷 Bottles! ⋅ Bottles
- broot - Get an overview of a directory, even a big one
- Browsix: Unix in the browser tab
- bubblewrap: Unprivileged sandboxing tool
- Byobu - text-based window manager and terminal multiplexer
- cassowary: Run Windows Applications on Linux as if they are native, Use linux applications to launch files files located in windows vm without needing to install applications on vm. With easy to use configuration GUI
- cheat.sh - the only cheat sheet you need https://cheat.sh
- Cockpit Project — Cockpit Project
- Colorizing
- cronitor.io - Monitor cron jobs, microservices and almost anything else
- Crush - an attempt to make a command line shell that is also a powerful modern programming language
- csshX - Manage multiple servers like a boss with csshX!
- ctop - concise commandline monitoring for containers
- DAMON: Data Access Monitor | hacklog
- Darling | macOS translation layer for Linux
- desk - Lightweight workspace manager for the shell
- DH Box platform
- direnv -- Unclutter your .profile
- doslinux: Run Linux programs on DOS
- duf: Disk Usage/Free Utility
- elfcat: ELF visualizer. Generates HTML files from ELF binaries
- entr - A utility for running arbitrary commands when files change
- exa · a modern replacement for ls
- exodus: Painless relocation of Linux binaries–and all of their dependencies–without containers
- FireHOL(firewall) and FireQOS(traffic shaping)
- firejail: Linux namespaces and seccomp-bpf sandbox
- FreeIPA
- fuck - thefuck: Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command
- fzf
- fzf 좋으다
- Why you should be using fzf, the command line fuzzy finder
- FZF로 ZSH 터미널 더 강력하게 사용하기. 이번 포스팅은 정말 쉽고 빠르고 좋은 검색기 FZF를 이용해서 터미널을… | by Harry The Great | 해리의 유목코딩 | Medium
- fzf-fs - Simple file browsing/navigation with https://github.com/junegunn/fzf
- fzf-for-js: Do fuzzy matching using FZF algorithm in JavaScript
- sysz: An fzf terminal UI for systemctl
- hello — helloSystem experimental documentation
- htop htop explained
- i3 - improved tiling wm
- Inotify
- ix: command line pastebin
- juicefs: JuiceFS is a distributed POSIX file system built on top of Redis and S3
- just: 🤖 Just a command runner
- Keep : A personal shell command keeper
- kime: Korean IME
- Lightning is a tool designed to allow you to find and open files as fast as physically possible
- Linuxbrew - a fork of Homebrew, the Mac OS package manager, for Linux
- linux-engineers Wiki 리눅스 엔지니어 기술 면접 질문지
- Linux From Scratch Welcome to Linux From Scratch!
- Linux SysOps Handbook - Linux SysOps Handbook
- loadlibrary - Porting Windows Dynamic Link Libraries to Linux
- Localtunnel ~ Expose yourself to the world
- LSD (LSDeluxe) The next gen ls command
- Lynis - an open source security auditing tool
- makeself - Make self-extractable archives on Unix
- Material Shell - A new desktop experience
- minimodem - general-purpose software audio FSK modem
- Mininet - An Instant Virtual Network on your Laptop
- mlr Miller 6.0.0 Documentation
- Mosh: the mobile shell
- netmap - the fast packet I/O framework
- nextspace: NeXTSTEP-like desktop environment for Linux
- ngrok
- 외부 네트워크에서 localhost로 접속 - ngrok
- 웹 프론트엔드 개발에 ngrok 사용하기 개발 강의 & 팁 - YouTube
- ngrok - 포트포워딩 없이 외부에 로컬서버 공개하기
- Jacob Errington | Roll your own Ngrok with Nginx, Letsencrypt, and SSH reverse tunnelling
- The ngrok Cheat Sheet
- 로컬 서버를 쉽게 인터넷에 연결할 수 있는 ngrok의 다양한 사용 방법을 치트 시트로 정리한 글로 PDF와 PNG로도 제공
- 서버를 노출하는 방법뿐 아니라 소셜 로그인, 웹훅 인증, IP 제한, 서킷 브레이크, 헤더 추가 등의 방법 정리
- awesome-tunneling: List of ngrok alternatives and other ngrok-like tunneling software and services. Focus on self-hosting
- SirTunnel: Minimal, self-hosted, 0-config alternative to ngrok. Caddy+OpenSSH+50 lines of Python
- nnn - The fastest terminal file manager ever written
- noah - Bash on Ubuntu on macOS
- NsJail - A light-weight process isolation tool, making use of Linux namespaces and seccomp-bpf
- oasis: a small statically-linked linux system
- Oh-My-Zsh is an open source, community-driven framework for managing your ZSH configuration
- pam-duress: A Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) which allows the establishment of alternate passwords that can be used to perform actions to clear sensitive data, notify IT/Security staff, close off sensitive network connections, etc if a user is coerced into giving a threat actor a password
- Pass: The Standard Unix Password Manager
- πfs - the data-free filesystem!
- piko: An open-source alternative to Ngrok, designed to serve production traffic and be simple to host (particularly on Kubernetes)
- pig - A Linux packet crafting tool
- Pipe Viewer – A Unix Utility You Should Know About
- prm - A minimal project manager for the terminal
- ptyget Daniel J. Bernstein's ptyget toolset
- pxi (pixie) - a small, fast, and magical command-line data processor similar to jq, mlr, and awk
- Qfc - Quick Command-line File Completion
- Radare2 Explore binaries using this full-featured Linux tool | Opensource.com binary analysis
- rdiff-backup
- redo: Redo is the ultimate tool to create reusable functions from your history in an interactive way
- RTail - Terminal output to the browser in seconds, using UNIX pipes
- SC-IM - Spreadsheet Calculator Improvised -- An ncurses spreadsheet program for terminal
- shed - the sh editor
- snappy-start: Tool for process startup snapshots
- snip: A simple and minimal command-line snippet manager
- spaceman-diff - Diffing Images on the Command Line
- sshync - Auto-sync files or directories over SSH using fs.watch()
- Stow - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation
- TerminalTextEffects (TTE) is a terminal visual effects engine
- timeshift: System restore tool for Linux. Creates filesystem snapshots using rsync+hardlinks, or BTRFS snapshots. Supports scheduled snapshots, multiple backup levels, and exclude filters. Snapshots can be restored while system is running or from Live CD/USB
- tldr: 📚 Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands
- tlm: Local CLI Copilot, powered by CodeLLaMa. 💻🦙
- toybox: all-in-one Linux command line
- trash-cli - Command Line Interface to FreeDesktop.org Trash
- tufirewall: tufirewall using netfilter hook api
- unetbootin.github.io - create bootable Live USB drives
- Unikraft
- up: Ultimate Plumber is a tool for writing Linux pipes with instant live preview
- VTM | Text-based Desktop Environment, aka Monotty Desktop (desktopio)
- watchexec: Executes commands in response to file modifications
- Wayland
- Warp—The blazingly fast, Rust-based terminal
- when: Timezones from the command line
- X2GO: Linux Remote Desktop & Terminal Server System With Support For Published Applications
- Xmobar updates from ZuriHac
- xrdp - an open source RDP server
- Xterm The Xterm Window Manager Homepage
- zindex - Create an index on a compressed text file
- 11. 로그관리, systemd-journald, rsyslogd, journalctl, syslog, journal :: 0부터 시작하는 해킹공부
- 중앙집중식 syslog 설정 및 관제
- logrotate Rotate and archive logs with the Linux logrotate command | Opensource.com
- rsyslog Monitoring Linux Logs with Kibana and Rsyslog | by Antoine Solnichkin | devconnected — DevOps, Sysadmins & Engineering | Medium
- Buffer and Cache
- Buffer; optimize for block IO. metadata, data stream such as moving Youtube slider. once used, can't use it again.
- Cache; optimize for disk IO. usually files. use it again and again unless evicted by algorithm such LRU
- What is the difference between a cache and a buffer?
- Linux memory: buffer vs cache
- Linux Kernel: What is the major difference between the buffer cache and the page cache?
- What is the difference between Buffers and Cached columns in /proc/meminfo output?
- 리눅스의 페이지 캐시와 버퍼 캐시
- hazelnut is an APACHE licensed library written in Python designed to provide a simple and pythonic way to parse the /proc/meminfo file on LINUX based systems
- Stack and Heap
- THE STACK AND THE HEAP java stack, stack frame, and heap
- Where the top of the stack is on x86 - Eli Bendersky's website
- Heap 과 Stack 차이점
- linux 환경에서의 메모리 보호기법을 알아보자(1) ASLR : Address Space Layout Randomization
- 번역 Linux에서 메모리를 다 써버렸을 때 일어나는 일
- Out Of Memory Killer 회피하기
- command-line — 커맨드 라인에서 oom-killer를 테스트하는 방법
- Linux Internals: How /proc/self/mem writes to unwritable memory - offlinemark
- Understanding memory usage on Linux
- How to determine CPU and memory consumption from inside a process?
- Limit total memory usage for multiple instances of systemd service
- Linux Check Memory Usage
- How to check memory usage per process in Linux
- 8 Commands to Check Memory Usage on Linux
- How to measure Linux Performance Avoiding Most Typical Mistakes: Memory
- How Much Memory Does the Process Really Take on Linux? - Percona Database Performance Blog
- smem Get memory use statistics with this Linux command-line tool | Opensource.com
Find memory used by Services
- How to close a running process's socket call close
- Beej's Guide to Network Programming Using Internet Sockets
- 데이터 고속전송 가이드
- Weeknotes: Fun with Unix domain sockets
- Linux Kernel network (networking stack)
- What they don't teach you about sockets
- Bash Shortcuts Gem
- Full vim for readline (bash, gdb, python, etc)
- Code Inflation
- joinc
- Share your favourite bash/zsh aliases
- HyperJump - A Quicker Way to CD
- Stronger Shell
- Beyond Bash - Shell scripting in a typed, OO language
- Monadic i/o and UNIX shell programming
- An Asynchronous Shell Prompt
- 쉘 코드 골프 2회 - PATH 변수 내용이 중복되지 않도록 추가하기
- How to Christmassify your terminal and shell - How to add emojis, color, and font styles to your Bash prompt
set -u
at the start of a script- treat unset variables and parameters as an error
- agnoster.zsh-theme
- ctypes.sh - A foreign function interface for bash
- ctypes.sh, a foreign function interface for bash
- Dcron - Job scheduling made easy, distributed and highly-available
- Edbrowse, a Command Line Editor Browser
- Es: a shell with higher-order functions
- fish shell - Finally, a command line shell for the 90s
- journal - A unix/linux command line utility that creates a new journal text file with today's date on your computer
journalctl -u <service name> > <file name>
How to see full log from systemctl status service? system service를 시작할 수 없는 경우- journalctl 사용법 :: Sysops Notepad
- lolcat - Rainbows and unicorns!
- nixar - New shell commandsJoyable equivalents for existent linux commands
- Prezto - Instantly Awesome Zsh
- svsh - Take control of your supervisor
- vnstat - Track and Log a Linux Server's Bandwidth Use
- Zsh
Use different configuration file
$ tmux -L myapp -f myapp-tmux.conf new-session -d -s myapp # start another tmux server $ tmux -L myapp attach -t myapp # attach to myapp
- 상황; 이미 실행하고 있는 tmux server가 있고, .tmux.conf에 있는 설정을 사용하고 싶지 않을 때
- 해결; tmux command에 -f option이 있지만, 이 option은 새로 server를 시작할 때만 동작하므로, 위와 같이 새로 server를 시작하고 attach 해야 함
tmux - The Desktop Environment for your Terminal - Lunduke Show
github.com/Zeta611/dotfiles tmux 설정 참조
tmux-git - Script for showing current Git branch in Tmux status bar
활성/비활성 pane 배경색 분리; tmux 1.8에서는 동작하지 않는 걸로 보임
set-window-option -g window-style 'bg=#181818' set-window-option -g window-active-style 'bg=black'
Ctrl + B
, and then:
,:source-file ~/.tmux.conf
switch to the next layout e.g. horizontal pane <-> vertical pane
C-b space
How to increase scrollback buffer size in tmux?
set-option -g history-limit 3000
How do I reorder tmux windows?
swap-window -s [from-number] -t [to-number]
orswap-window -t [to-number]
tmux protocol version mismatch (client N server M)
$ tmux attach protocol version mismatch (client 7, server 6) $ pgrep tmux 3429 $ /proc/3429/exe attach