- kreditjob.com
- Coding Interview University
- Coding Interview University
- Cracking the Coding Interview (Part 1 of 2)
- Cracking the Coding Interview (Part 2 of 2)
- resources
- hackerrank.com/domains/tutorials/cracking-the-coding-interview
- 코딩 인터뷰 완전 분석 풀이집 (파이썬)
- minsuk-heo/cracking the coding interview
- github.com/minsuk-heo/problemsolving/Craking the Coding Interview
- How to use Cracking the Coding Interview Effectively
- How to Crack Coding Interviews? Tips, Topics, and Skills | HackerNoon
- Problem Solving Technique #1 for Coding Interviews with Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, etc
- How to Succeed in any Programming Interview
- 'How to Get a Job at the Big 4 - Amazon, Facebook, Google & Microsoft' by Sean Lee
- Google Interview University
- Awesome Interviews
- 컴공 취준생에게 유용한 링크들 정리
- Ask HN: How do I prepare for the interview?
- How To Prepare For Technical Interviews
- How to make progress while studying for coding interviews
- How I applied lessons learned from a failed technical interview to get 5 job offers
- How I got into Google
- YC Interview Prep Tool
- The Rise And Looming Fall Of The Engineering Whiteboard Interview
- Writing code on whiteboards is hard
- 왜 화이트보드 코딩 인터뷰를 하는가?. 지난 7월 4일 루닛케어(이하 케어)의 백엔드 채용 프로세스에… | by 김준형 | Dec, 2022 | Medium
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- Interview cake - I will teach you to be good at programming interviews
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- FizzBuzzer - Hire the Best Developers
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- Software Interview Preparation Guide - Strategies and Resources on How to
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- 어떻게 질문하는가?
- Jackson Gabbard
- Ace the coding interview, every time
- edge cases, scope, use case, future extensions, tests, performance requirements
- 7 Steps To Approach A Coding Interview Question + Practice Tips!
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- 코딩 인터뷰 – part 1
- 코딩 인터뷰 – part 2
- 코딩 인터뷰 – part 3
- 코딩 인터뷰 – part 4 system design
- 코딩 인터뷰 – part 5
- Tech HR 컨퍼런스 참석 후기
- IT 회사 탐방기 세미나 참석후기
- The ultimate guide to preparing for the coding interview
- interview/README.md at master · Olshansk/interview
- Interview Guide - Copied from https://github.com/andreis/interview/blob/master/README.md
- Every Programmer Should Know
- blog.codingforinterviews.com
- The Joel Test: 12 Steps to Better Code
- 우리 회사의 개발자 인터뷰
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- I interviewed at five top companies in Silicon Valley in five days, and luckily got five job offers
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- whenisgood.net
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- 엔지니어 채용 이렇게 한다
- 능력있는 개발자는 어떻게 알아 볼 수 있나? - Google Docs
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- SDE Skills - Programming Interviews Easy - Session 5
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- 14 Patterns to Ace Any Coding Interview Question
- How to land a job you’re not qualified for
- rachitiitr.com
- 소프트웨어 엔지니어 코딩 인터뷰 준비하기 (미국)
- Tech Interview Handbook 기본적인 모든 인터뷰 절차 및 각 알고리즘 별 문제(혹은 link)도 포함
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- 아틀라시안 채용 후기 atlassian
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- 황동성님
- Interview Sandbox
- 제품을 파는 엔지니어가 되어보니 solution engineer
- (45) AMZ | Google | Facebook | Offer | Reject| Reject | My journey from failure to offer at FAANG - LeetCode Discuss
- How I got a FAANG offer without grinding Leetcode | by jessica | Medium
- A Chrome Extension to code daily with LeetCode | by Ashish Kumar | InterviewNoodle | Medium
- What I Learned from Doing 60+ Technical Interviews in 30 Days
- 코딩 인터뷰 완전정복 시리즈 - YouTube
- 한빛출판네트워크 - 코딩테스트 기획연재
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- My Advice After Interviewing 100+ Software Engineers | by Hugo Rocha | The Startup | Medium
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- Everything wrong with the pre-screen SWE Interview. | by Keno Leon | Dev Genius | Medium
- 누구나 원하는 개발자되기 · shiren the creator
- Blind Date: The Reality of Software Engineers Hiring Process | by Ofer Karp | Dec, 2020 | Level Up Coding
- How to hire senior developers: Give them more autonomy - Hiring Engineers
- Choosing from multiple Java job offers
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- 시리즈 | 개발자 취업 가이드 - ding_coding_co
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- What I Learned After Interviewing More Than 100 Software Engineers | by Philip Starritt | Better Programming
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- InterviewThis: An open source list of developer questions to ask prospective employers
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- Reverse Interview
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- Interview Questions to Ask Your Interviewer
- The really important job interview questions engineers should ask (but don't) - PostHog
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- 아마존에 개발자로 취업하기까지 #2
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- 아마존 출근기 #2 – 개발 프로세스
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- 한국에서의 아마존 본사 인터뷰 후기 및 팁
- 『 아마존 탈락 후기 』
- 아마존에서 MS로 옮긴 백기선씨 이야기
- Amazon 본사 면접후기: 리더쉽에 관한 질문들은 어떻게 대답을 해야하나?
- 나의 실리콘밸리 사내정치 스토리
- Amazon의 연봉 및 보상 체계
- Amazon 취업 후기 - 컨택부터 오퍼까지
- 아마존 인터뷰에 떨어지다
- 두 번째 아마존 인터뷰
- 아마존의 기업 문화
- How Is Software Developed At Amazon?
- 아마존에서 가장 오래 일한 한국인 박정준
- Electricity Metaphor for the web's future
- 아마존 인터뷰 필수 팁 behavioral
- Amazon Interview
- 시니어 개발자로 가는 길
- Two examples for each of Amazon’s 14 Leadership Principles
- Google Lost a chance to hire me… Finally, Amazon hired me !!!
- Amazon Programming Interview Questions | GeeksforGeeks
- geeksforgeeks.org/tag/amazon
- interviewbit.com/search/?q=Amazon
- Amazon Interview
- Amazon Interview Questions And Answers
- Amazon Programming Interview Questions
- AWS 아키텍처 센터
- How To Nail the Amazon Interview: A Practical Guide
- AWS에서의 5년… 글로벌 회사에서 배운 것
- 토종 직장인의 AWS 입사 도전記
- 아마존 한인 개발자들에게 직접 듣는 Amazon 개발 문화의 모든 것 :: 차니의 #클라우드클리닉 22회 :: Channy's Blog
- 아마존 인터뷰 후기 (Seattle SDE)
- An Amazon Programmer's Perspective
- How To Stop Being Afraid of Technical Interviews | by Joey Colon | Better Programming | Medium
- 글로벌 칼럼 | 직장으로서의 AWS에 대해 잘 알려지지 않은 것 - ITWorld Korea
- Amazon PIP 호러 스토리 | GeekNews
- 2022 회고.. 가 아닌 해고 썰 · JSLEE'S DEV BLOG
- hiredintech.com/classrooms/system-design
- The System Design Primer 기본 component와 문제, 그 외 여러가지 주제들에 대한 links
- highscalability.com/blog/category/example 정말 다양한 architecture examples
- SYSTEM DESIGN PREPARATION 간단한 설명과 문제등 다양한 links
- system-design: Learn how to design systems at scale and prepare for system design interviews
- System design interview for IT companies 기초부터 각 부분별 다양한 links
- coding-interview-university#system-design-scalability-data-handling 기초부터 각 부분별 다양한 links
- Grokking the System Design Interview 유료 course
- Is Grokking Advanced System Design Interview on Educative worth it? Review | by javinpaul | Javarevisited | Sep, 2022 | Medium
- Is Grokking System Design Fundamentals on DesignGuru.io Worth It? Review | by javinpaul | Javarevisited | Apr, 2024 | Medium
- ByteByteGo System Design | Substack
- System Design Practice Problems | LeetDesign
- Systems Design Fundamentals The foundational knowledge you need to ace the systems design interviews 유료 course. algoexpert sub
- System Design: Fundamentals - by Ravi Tandon
- Preparing for the System Design Interviews V2 - End to End | Udemy 유료 course
- How to Succeed in a System Design Interview 기본적인 approach와 자료 links
- The Patterns Behind Scalable, Reliable, and Performant Large-Scale Systems
- The Patterns of Scalable, Reliable, and Performant Large-Scale Systems http://awesome-scalability.com
- ml-system-design-pattern
- Scaling to 100k Users
- Horizontal vs Vertical Scaling | System Design | Programming Tutorials - YouTube
- Ten design principles for Azure applications 제목은 Azure가 들어갔지만 일반적인 경우로 봐도 됨
- Basics of System Design
- Systems Design Interview Concepts (for software engineers / full-stack web)
- System Design Interview Prep | Twitter
- Google Systems Design Interview With An Ex-Googler
- Systems Design Study Plan - Google Docs
- System Design : The Algorists
- system-design-resources: These are the best resources for System Design on the Internet
- System Design - Low Level - YouTube
- Crack the System Design Interview - TianPan.co
- System Design Series' Articles - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- Top 10 Object Oriented Analysis and Design Interview Questions and Problems for Experienced Developers | by javinpaul | Javarevisited | Jul, 2022 | Medium
- 10 System Design Algorithms, Protocols, and Distributed Data Structure to solve large-scales Problems | by Soma | Javarevisited | May, 2023 | Medium
- 20 System Design Concepts Explained in 10 Minutes - YouTube
- 10 Reasons to Learn System Design in 2024 | by javinpaul | Javarevisited | Jan, 2024 | Medium
- 🌟 Mastering System Design: A Comprehensive Guide | LinkedIn
- System Design Interview Guide for Senior Engineers
- 6 System Design Interview Problems for Practice - DEV Community
- Top 5 Courses to Crack FAANG or MAANG Interviews in 2024 | by javinpaul | Javarevisited | Jul, 2024 | Medium
- Introduction
- CS75 (Summer 2012) Lecture 9 Scalability Harvard Web Development David Malan 이 분야의 고전같이 여겨지는 강의
- System Design Introduction For Interview 기본적으로 지켜야 할 부분 안내
- System Design Interview – Step By Step Guide 한 번에 보기엔 좀 길지만 좋음
- Watch this before your System design interview!! - YouTube
- Anatomy of a System Design Interview
- Episode 06: Intro to Architecture and Systems Design Interviews
- 8 Things You Need to Know Before a System Design Interview
- Crack the System Design interview: tips from a Twitter software engineer 기초적인 부분과 자신이 참고한 다양한 link들
- System Design Interview - Part 1 Approach and structure
- System Design Interview - Part 2 How To Improve
- System Design Interview - Part 3 Communicate effectively
- Tackling the system design interview 병원 예약 시스템을 예로 설명
- How NOT to design Netflix in your 45-minute System Design Interview? educative.io co-founder가 쓴 주의할 점. netflix와는 무관
- System Design Interview Patterns 여러가지 팁
- Walking Through The System Design Interview
- 5 Tips for System Design Interviews
- System Design Interview Questions – Concepts You Should Know
- 천만 사용자를 위한 클라우드 아키텍처, 5년간의 여정
- Amazon System Design Preparation
- Systems design for advanced beginners | Robert Heaton
- 모바일 앱 서비스 아키텍처 - YouTube
- Intro to system design fundamental series (from scratch) - YouTube
- System Design: (Lecture -2): - Introduction To System Design - 5 Key Concepts You Must Know !! - YouTube
- How to Prepare for System Design Interviews? Concepts, Practice, and Resources
- 4 Steps to Prepare for System Design Interview in 2023? with Resources - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- System Design for Beginners Course - YouTube
- Top 10 Free System Design Courses and Tutorials in 2023 | by javinpaul | Javarevisited | Medium
- 시스템 디자인 101: 기초 가이드 시스템 디자인 - YouTube
- 40 Must Read Engineering Blogs to Learn System Design and Software Architecture in 2024 | by javinpaul | Javarevisited | Jun, 2024 | Medium
- System Design with Richa Pandey - YouTube
- Javarevisited: 100+ System Design Interview Questions and Problems for Software Engineers
- the basics of how systems are designed
- 15 System Design Building Blocks You Should Know
- Wondering how to balance your system design for optimal performance? Let's break down the essential trade-offs
- The System Design Newsletter | Neo Kim | Substack
- If You're into Microservices & System Design, Don't Ignore These Topics:
- best-system-design-resources: A collection of best resources to learn System Design, Software architecture, and prepare for System Design Interviews
- system-design-101: Explain complex systems using visuals and simple terms. Help you prepare for system design interviews
- Problems
- Success in Tech - Coding and System Design Interview Questions
- Gaurav Sen - System Design
- Tech Dummies - Narendra L - System Design
- Tushar Roy - Coding Made Simple - System design interview questions
- Top 10 System Design Interview Questions for Software Engineers
- System Design Interview
- System Design Master Template: One Template to Rule Them All
- AirBnB
- How to build an app like Airbnb?
- Airbnb System Design | Booking.com System Design | System Design Interview Question - YouTube
- The Human Side of Airbnb’s Microservice Architecture
- Airbnb System design 분석
- System design architecture for hotel booking apps (Like Airbnb, OYO) | by Purnendu Kar | Nerd For Tech | Medium
- Autocomplete or Typeahead
- System design : Design Autocomplete or Typeahead Suggestions for Google search
- Interview Preparation: Designing An Auto-Complete Engine From Scratch
- Amazon interview question: System design / Architecture for auto suggestions | type ahead
- System Design Analysis of Google Auto-Suggestion Service | by Ashis Chakraborty | codeburst
- Blockchain
- Distributed storage
- System Design : Distributed Database System Key Value Store
- What is Distributed Caching? Explained with Redis!
- cache policy; write through, write back, 문제점
- Redis system design | Distributed cache System design
- System Design: Why is single-threaded Redis so fast? - YouTube
- System Design: (Lecture -4): - What is Distributed Caching? Explained in Detailed - YouTube
- Interview Prep: Designing A Distributed Cache
- Learn System design : Distributed datastores | RDBMS scaling problems | CAP theorem
- Learn System design : How distributed datastore works(basics)?
- Implement An LRU Cache - The LRU Cache Eviction Policy ("LRU Cache" on LeetCode)
- Implement LRU Cache | Implement LRU Cache using HashMap & Doubly Linked List | Programming Tutorials - YouTube
- 6 Distributed storage & computing systems interview Q&As | Java-Success.com
- Database Sharding: Data Partitioning | 10 Min System Design #database #sharding #systemdesign - YouTube
- System Design: Build a Real-World Physical Storage Application | by Nishant Sabharwal | Mar, 2022 | Better Programming
- Magic Pocket: Dropbox’s Exabyte-Scale Blob Storage System - YouTube
- Dropbox
- Google Docs
- Example coding interview: Designing Google Docs
- Google Docs System design | Part 1| Operational transformation | differentail synchronisation
- Google Docs System design | part 2| System components explanation micro services arcitecture
- How To Design Google Docs
- Google Docs 같은 실시간 협업 에디터를 만드는 방법
- How I reverse-engineered Google Docs to play back any document's keystrokes « James Somers (jsomers.net)
- how to design 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐜𝐬
- Messenger, Messaging
- Whatsapp's Architecture
- What is WhatsApp's server architecture?
- How to Build your Own Real-time Chat App like WhatsApp?
- Whatsapp System Design: Chat Messaging Systems for Interviews
- Whatsapp System design or software architecture
- System Design : Design messaging/chat service like Facebook Messenger or Whatsapp
- System Design: Messenger service like Whatsapp or WeChat - Interview Question
- WhatsApp System Design | FB Messenger System Design | System Design Interview Question - YouTube
- Ace the System Interview— Design a Chat Application | by Zixuan Zhang | Towards Data Science
- 카카오톡 시스템 디자인 | WebSocket | 메시지 큐 | SQL vs NoSQL - YouTube
- Online store
- Design eCommerce Website (Part I)
- Design eCommerce Website (Part II)
- BOOKMYSHOW System Design, FANDANGO System Design | Software architecture for online ticket booking
- Google Software Engineer Design Interview: Reservation System
- Design Interview Question: Airline reservations system - MakeMyTrip Logicmojo.com
- System Design Shopify eCommerce platform Interview Question for software engineers
- Shopify’s Architecture to Handle the World’s Biggest Flash Sales - YouTube
- How to Build an Awesome eCommerce App? A Complete Guide to Developing an eCommerce Mobile App
- 쇼핑 주문서의 임시저장 기능?
- IRCTC System Design | Railways Ticket Booking Service | System Design - YouTube
- 29LIVE 개발기. 안녕하세요, 29CM에서 첫 커리어를 시작한 커머스백엔드 개발자… | by Junghyungile | 29CM TEAM | May, 2023 | Medium live commerce
- Design a Payment System - System Design Interview - YouTube
- Rate Limiting
- Rate Limiting system design | TOKEN BUCKET, Leaky Bucket, Sliding Logs
- System Design: Distributed Rate Limiting
- 서비스 가용성 확보에 필요한 Rate Limiting Algorithm에 대해
- 고 처리량 분산 비율 제한기 - LINE ENGINEERING
- API 게이트웨이 톺아보기: 스로틀링과 알고리즘 구현 | 요즘IT leaky bucket
- System Design Rate Limiter | Leaky Bucket Implementation | System Design Interview - YouTube
- System Design Rate Limiter | Token Bucket Implementation | System Design Interview - YouTube
- How I Would Design… An API Rate Limiter! | by James Collerton | Medium
- System Design Basics: Rate Limiter | by Abhinav Singh | Geek Culture | Medium
- Implementing a sliding log rate limiter with Redis and Golang
- Rate Limiting Algorithm | codersite
- rate limiter – smudge.ai blog Fixed windows, Sliding windows, Token buckets
- System Design Basics — Rate Limiter | by javinpaul | Javarevisited | Jul, 2024 | Medium
- Search Engine
- The Architecture of a Large-Scale Web Search Engine, circa 2019
- System Design Interview: Search Engine
- Google 검색은 어떻게 동작하는가? 웹의 패러다임 변화에 맞추는 Google 검색 SEO 이야기이지만 참고할만한 부분이 있음
- Design a Basic Search Engine (Google or Bing) | System Design Interview Prep - YouTube
- rate limiter – smudge.ai blog
- 특정 사용자가 서비스의 리소스를 모두 차지하지 않도록 하는 Rate Limit의 구현 방법 설명
- Fixed window 가장 간단하고 사용자가 예측하기 쉽지만, 창 시작 시에 요청이 몰리거나 창의 시간이 긴 경우 타임존의 영향 가능
- Sliding window 동시에 받을 수 있는 개수를 제한해서 요청을 원활하게 분산할 수 있지만 리소스 많이 필요
- Token bucket 버킷에 토큰이 있어야만 요청을 보낼 수 있고 일정 시간 간격으로 버킷이 채워지는 형태라 유연하지만, 사용자 예측성이 떨어짐
- 각 방식을 애니메이션으로 보여주어 이해 용이
- Short / Tiny URL
- Design a service like TinyUrl
- Designing a URL Shortening service like TinyURL
- How to implement TinyURL (System Design Interview)
- System Design: URL Shortener
- How to Interview an Engineer for your Startup
- How to build a Tiny URL service that scales to billions? | by Vaibhav Singh | The Startup | Medium
- 초보 개발자 URL Shortener 서버 만들기 1편 : Base62와 춤을 | by Jaeyeoul Ahn | Monday 9 PM | Jan, 2022 | Medium
- System Design Interview: Tiny Url
- urlshortener
- Social Media
- MQ를 이용한 SNS 글쓰기 성능 개선 timeline architecture 개선
- 소셜 네트워크 서비스의 아키텍처에 대하여 push vs. pull에 대한 매우 좋은 분석글
- LINE 소셜 네트워크 서비스의 아키텍처 윗 글에 이어 line 자체의 architecture를 redis, cassandra 중심으로 설명
- LINE Storage: Storing billions of rows in Sharded-Redis and HBase per Month
- Follow 관계를 DB에서 설계하는 방법
- Grokking the System Design Interview: How to Design a Social Network - YouTube
- System Design Mock Interview: Design TikTok ft. Google TPM - YouTube
- System Design TIK TOK | Instagram Reels | Youtube Shorts - YouTube
- 미니컨 대용량 SNS 피드에 Push-Pull 구조 적용기 - YouTube
- Analyzing Clubhouse for fun and profit – 0x90 시의적절한 클럽하우스 분석
- Twitter
- blog.twitter.com/engineering/en_us/topics/infrastructure.html
- How to Design Twitter (Part 1)
- How to Design Twitter (Part 2)
- Twitter system design | twitter Software architecture | twitter interview questions
- System Design: How to design Twitter? Interview question at Facebook, Google, Microsoft
- Design Twitter | System Design Interview | Amazon Interview questions
- Twitter System Architecture. Please clap and share if you like. | by JIN KANG LOW | InterviewNoodle | Oct, 2021 | Medium
- The Architecture Twitter Uses to Deal with 150M Active Users, 300K QPS, a 22 MB/S Firehose, and Send Tweets in Under 5 Seconds - High Scalability -
- 엘런 머스크, 트위터 아키텍쳐 리뷰하기
- 일론머스크가 직원들과 코드 리뷰 후 공개한 트위터 아키텍처 2022년 버전과 2006, 2009&2012년 버전
- Design Twitter - System Design Interview - YouTube
- 트위터 시스템 디자인 실험기 - 현구막 기술 블로그
- Uber, Lyft, and, Yelp
- UBER System design | OLA system design | uber architecture | amazon interview question
- System Design: Uber Lyft ride sharing services - Interview question
- Uber - System Design Interview with a Senior Software Engineer @ Airbnb
- System Design | Design Uber | Design Ola | Uber Architecture | Lyft Design | Amazon Interview
- System Design Interview - Design Yelp Geospatial Geohash map을 이용하기 때문에 uber와 유사한 점이 있음
- Geohash: Deep Intuitive Understanding in under 7 Minutes
- System Design: Design a Geo-Spatial index for real-time location search | by Kousik Nath | Medium
- Yelp system design | amazon interview question Yelp software architecture
- How to Build an app like Uber? (Uber Clone)
- Uber 아키텍처와 시스템 디자인
- Uber 아키텍처와 시스템 디자인 | Architecture 101
- 아키텍처 전략: Uber 시리즈 – 실시간 위치 검색을 위한 지리 공간 인덱스 설계 1편 – 개요 및 기본 아키텍처 | Architecture 101
- 아키텍처 전략: Uber 시리즈 – 실시간 위치 검색을 위한 지리 공간 인덱스 설계 2편 – 샤딩으로 아키텍처 개선하기 | Architecture 101
- How Uber handles millions of ride/food requests efficiently part 1 | by Meg's tech corner | Medium
- Predicting Time to Cook, Arrive, and Deliver at Uber Eats
- Ace the System Design Interview — Uber/Lyft | by Zixuan Zhang | Mar, 2022 | Towards Data Science
- System Design — Nearby Places Recommender System | by Abhijit Mondal | Feb, 2022 | Medium
- Uber's Tech Stack
- Uber System Design
- Video
- Design Video Sharing System Like Youtube
- How to Design Youtube (Part I)
- How to Design Youtube (Part II)
- 동영상 플랫폼 개선기 1 - 신규 동영상 플랫폼 구성
- 동영상 플랫폼 개선기 2 - 신규 동영상 플랫폼 구축
- Netflix
- Netflix Technology Blog
- NETFLIX System design | software architecture for netflix
- How Netflix works: the (hugely simplified) complex stuff that happens every time you hit Play
- Netflix: What Happens When You Press Play? 전체적인 구조를 아는 데 좋지만 정말 길어서 제대로 다 읽지는 못함
- NETFLIX System Design: How does Netflix onboard new content?
- Netflix's Overall Architecture
- Youtube
- Seattle Conference on Scalability: YouTube Scalability 2012년 영상이지만 youtube에 국한되지 않고 전반적인 걸 이해하는 데 정말 좋은 영상
- Tinder, Dating App
- Web crawler
- System Design Interview with a Senior Software Engineer @Microsoft Google maps
- Design a Key-Value Store (Part I)
- Design a Key-Value Store (Part II)
- System Design Interview Question: DESIGN A PARKING LOT - asked at Google, Facebook
- example of class design
- handling ambiguity; clarifying the problem
- systematic approach; clarify details
- 아마존 AI 알렉사는 어떻게 인간의 언어를 이해할까
- How to Build an App like Zomato? (Zomato Clone)
- How Google searches one document among Billions of documents quickly?
- 인터뷰 : 시스템 / API 디자인
- Notification Service System Design Interview Question to handle Billions of users & Notifications - YouTube
- System Design Using Bloom Filter | What is Bloom Filter | Data Structure - YouTube
- Payment Gateway System Design | Payment Processing | System Design - YouTube
- Google system design interview: Design Spotify (with ex-Google EM) - YouTube
- Success In Tech
- Timelines at Scale
- high availability 서버를 만들기 어려운 이유
- What You Need To Make Your App a High Availability System: Tackling The Technical Challenges | by Muhammad Rahmatullah 🇮🇩 | Life at Mekari | Medium
- Building Google Photos using Microservices Part I
- reverse proxy, dynamic service discovery - service registry, heartbeat
- System Design — Backend for Google Photos | by Abhijit Mondal | Feb, 2022 | Medium
- ipify: 300억 요청 처리, 그 너머로
- How Discord Resizes 150 Million Images Every Day with Go and C++
- Architecture: How to build a notification system similar to Facebook?
- Rapid Event Notification System at Netflix | by Netflix Technology Blog | Feb, 2022 | Netflix TechBlog
- A beginner’s guide to website optimization
- 10x Performance Increases: Optimizing a Static Site
- Consistent Hashing
- Load Balancer
- Introducing the GitHub Load Balancer
- GLB part 2: HAProxy zero-downtime, zero-delay reloads with multibinder
- 애플리케이션 로드 밸런서(ALB)에 고정 IP 주소 설정 및 사용하기
- 깃허브(GitHub), L4 로드 밸런서 GLB 디렉터 오픈소스로 공개
- GLB: GitHub's open source load balancer | The GitHub Blog
- Rethinking Netflix’s Edge Load Balancing
- 번역 최신 네트워크 로드 밸런싱 및 프록시 소개
- Scaling out load balancer devices and a backend network device
- DB 샤드 갯수도, 웹서버 클러스터도 너무 많다고 가정. 그들간의 네트워킹을 이어주는 장치(스위치 허브 등)에 과부하가 걸리면 어떻게 수평확장?
- Load Balancing
- Introduction to modern network load balancing and proxying
- Load Balancer 비교
- Introducing Sidekick - A High Performance Load Balancer
- High Availability Load Balancers with Maglev
- 로드 밸런서(Load Balancer)란?
- EP03: Load balancer basics, usage and configuration - YouTube
- EP04: API Gateway vs Load Balancer concepts and usage (AWS config) - YouTube
- System Design Basics: What is an API Gateway?
- System Design: (Lecture -3): - What Is Load Balancing? Complete Guide For Technical Interview - YouTube
- High-Performance Software Load Balancer for Cloud-Native Architecture | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore
- 8 Load Balancing Algorithms You Must Know for System Design Interview | by Soma | Javarevisited | Jul, 2024 | Medium
- Dropbox의 자체 로드 밸런싱 서비스 Robinhood | GeekNews
- Proxy vs Reverse Proxy vs LB | 10 Min System Design #whatisproxy #proxyvsreverseproxy #loadbalancer - YouTube
- Distributed systems for fun and profit
- System design basics: When to use distributed computing | how distributed computing works
- Do you know Distributed transactions?
- Ace the System Design Interview — Distributed ID Generator | by Zixuan Zhang | Feb, 2022 | Towards Data Science
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- "System Design Interview Questions with solution A thread 🧵 1. How to implement a non-blocking Queue https://t.co/5fGUnyKaN3" / Twitter
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- The Trimodal Nature of Software Engineering Salaries in the Netherlands and Europe - The Pragmatic Engineer
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- Comprehensive.io - Pay Range Tracker
- levels.fyi 미국 회사 직급별 연봉
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- Payscale - Salary Comparison, Salary Survey, Search Wages
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