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- ryulib.tistory.com
- techholic.co.kr/tag/아두이노
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- bcho.tistory.com/category/프로그래밍/아두이노
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- Arduboy
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- Hack together your own e-paper smartwatch with this $50 open-source kit - The Verge
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- Kolban's Book on the Raspberry Pi
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- MAKE with Open H/W + Node.JS - 3rd
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- MAKE with Open H/W + Node.JS - 5th
- ms-iot.github.io/content/GetStarted.htm
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- IoT-For-Beginners: 12 Weeks, 24 Lessons, IoT for All!
- iotjs - Platform for Internet of Things with JavaScript http://www.iotjs.net
- iot-starterkit - This repository provides information and code for working with SAP HANA Cloud Platform (HCP) IoT Services. It enables users to get an End-to-End IoT solution with either real hardware or simulators up and running fast and start their own extensions and usage based on this
- JerryScript - JerryScript A JavaScript engine for Internet of Things
- elk: A low footprint JavaScript engine for embedded systems
- Espruino: The Espruino JavaScript interpreter - Official Repo
- smart.js - Embedded Javascript engine for C/C++ with networking, file, database and device interfaces
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- BBC Micro Elite source code - BBC Micro Elite
- Microsoft MakeCode
- Drone Programming With Python Course | 3 Hours | Including x4 Projects (2021) - YouTube
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- Petertc Chu - Speak Python with Devices - YouTube
- MicroPython officially becomes part of the Arduino ecosystem | Arduino Blog
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- pyOCD
- Raspberry Pi 문서
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- fishpoint.tistory.com
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- Manage your Raspberry Pi with Cockpit | Opensource.com
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- Add Aux to Sonos Using Raspberry Pi : 26 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables
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- Programming in Go with a Raspberry Pi 4 & Xbox Controller (faster than 250 WPM!) - YouTube
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- AnyLeaf sensors
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- catprinter: 🐱🖨
- Easy-ISLisp on Raspberry PI 400 - YouTube
- gokrazy: a native Go userland for your Raspberry Pi 3 or 4 appliances (or amd64 PCs!)
- Hackberry-Pi_Zero: A handheld Linux terminal using Raspberry pi Zero 2W as Core with 4" 720X720 TFT display
- internet-pi: Raspberry Pi config for all things Internet
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- Hardware Reverse Engineering
- RE for Beginners
- Reverse Engineering for Beginners
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개발자를 위한 SSD (Coding for SSD) - Part 1 : 목차 개발자를 위한 SSD (Coding for SSD) - Part 2 : SSD의 아키텍처와 벤치마킹 개발자를 위한 SSD (Coding for SSD) - Part 3 : 페이지 & 블록 & FTL(Flash Translation Layer) 개발자를 위한 SSD (Coding for SSD) - Part 4 : 고급 기능과 내부 병렬 처리 개발자를 위한 SSD (Coding for SSD) - Part 5 : 접근 방법과 시스템 최적화 개발자를 위한 SSD (Coding for SSD) - Part 6 : 요약