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npm version

Image of OpenSeadragon React Viewer

A React wrapper component around the OpenSeadragon viewer. Feed OpenSeadragonViewer a IIIF manifest URL, and it will render an OpenSeadragon viewer with:

  • FontAwesome toolbar icons
  • A tile source dropdown navigation menu
  • Thumbnails navigation
  • Download options
  • Support for deep linking, and saving URL parameters

Installation and usage

npm install openseadragon-react-viewer

// And peer dependencies
npm install @emotion/react openseadragon react-device-detect react-select

Then use it in your app:

import React from 'react';
import { OpenSeadragonViewer } from "openseadragon-react-viewer"

const App = () => {
  // Provide either a local IIIF manifest object
  const manifest = MY_AWESOME_MANIFEST;

  // Or, provide a publicly accessible URL of a IIIF manifest
  const manifestUrl = "https://some-manifest-url-here.json";

  // Options to show/hide extra UI features in the viewer
  // height(in pixels) option is default to 800 for wide-screens and 500 for narrow-screens
  // All other options default to 'true'
  const options = {
    showDropdown: true,
    showThumbnails: false,
    showToolbar: true,
    deepLinking: true,
    height: 800,

  // Pass through any OpenSeadragon config options you'd like to override
  const openSeadragonOptions = {
    gestureSettingsMouse: {
      scrollToZoom: true,

  // Customize which tool bar controls are displayed
  const toolBarOptions = {
    showZoom: true,
    showFullScreen: true,
    showDownload: true,
    showPreviousNext: true,

  // Note: A local manifest will take precedence over manifestUrl if both props are supplied
  return (
      openSeadragonOptions, // Optional
      toolBarOptions // Optional

export default App;

Options / Props

View documentation for all configuration options.

Custom styling

View documentation for a list of CSS classes you can target to add custom styles.

Getting help

If you need help with openseadragon-react-viewer, submit an issue.

Cross-site Requests

** This info pulled from the Diva.js package**

You may receive an error that looks something like this:

XMLHttpRequest cannot load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:8000' is therefore not allowed access.

This is a security precaution that all browsers use to prevent cross-site request forgeries. If you receive this message it is because your manifestUrl prop and the server used to serve the OpenSeadragon React Viewer are not at the same server address.

To fix this you must ensure that the OpenSeadragon React Viewer host's React application, and the location pointed to by the manifestUrl prop are being served by the same server, or you must create an exception using the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header on your server to explicitly white-list the manifestUrl location.



  1. Clone or fork this repository

  2. Install project dependencies

npm install

Start development environment

To spin up the development environment (which is a Styleguidiest dev environment) run:

npm run dev

Visit http://localhost:6060/ (Styleguidist's default port) in your browser.

See rollup.config.js for development and packaging configuration details. Development environment runs from a UMD bundled file, which is saved to the /public folder for local development.

Running the tests

To run unit tests, with a full coverage report:

npm run test

To run tests in watch mode:

npm run test:watch

Styleguidist development

Styleguidist, in addition to providing documentation, also offers an isolated development environment. To run the environment and test it out:

npm run dev
// or
npm run styleguide

To build a static html version of the docs (which Github pages uses), run:

npm run styleguide:build


To deploy your forked version of this repo, run:

npm run build

This will create CommoneJS, ES Module, and UMD distribution files located in the /dist/ directory.


See the Styleguidist docs for documentation on the components.


If you're working on PR for this project, branch off master and create a feature branch. Submit your PR to You're awesome. Thanks!

Code style

Use Prettier.

.prettierrc file contains current project coding style settings.

Built With

  • OpenSeadragon - OpenSeadragon
  • IIIF - IIIF International Image Interoperability Framework
  • React - JavaScript component library
  • Rollup - JavaScript Bundler
  • Jest - Testing framework
  • Emotion - CSS in JS



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details