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51 lines (40 loc) · 2.8 KB

File metadata and controls

51 lines (40 loc) · 2.8 KB

#CMD++ #####An incremental game formed around a console. Welcome to CMD++. This game is still in extremely early development, so if anything is not perfect, or features are missing, be patient, or add them yourself by contributing! If you have any ideas, questions, bugs, suggestions, etc. post them in the CMD++ Subreddit. The only way this will get better is with your feedback and contributions!

######Attention: If your save does not work after an update, try clearing your local storage on your browser. I'll try my best to make sure this does not happen though.


  • Add storage sizes
  • Add save and load function
  • Add upgrades
  • Add virus and antivirus
  • Add upgrades, both those bought with data or money
  • Add a dataStream command that is more funny than useful. Example: [Name] likes [noun]: Jeremy likes shwarma. This would be so the user can "sample" their data.

#####Version History


  • Added storage sizes
  • New commands: upgradeStorage, currentStorage and added help [function] for both
  • Added version number
  • Added the functions CMD.formatLargeData() and CMD.nFormat()
  • Prices may need balancing


  • Added save and load
  • Fixed history buffer to not do repeat commands (thanks /u/crownie88)
  • The game now autosaves every 10 seconds
  • Fixed the money count not showing up in the top left


  • Added buyCommand function
  • Added help function with specific command help
  • Added data sizes of byte->kb->mb etc
  • Added buyData and sellData
  • Removed the auto unlocking of commands

#####How you can help You can help by reading through the code and adding things from the Todos, formatting code, or adding comments! But if you are unsure how to do this, I'll give a basic rundown:

The game is structured under an object called CMD. This means, to access any function, you must use CMD.[function to use]. This meanas this is also where you add your functions. The actual in-game functions are located under CMD.commands.[function to use]. Examples of these functions would be, CMD.commands.mineData, etc. The exact commands a user types into the console in the game.

Some basic commands or vars you will need are:

  • CMD.respond(): Outputs something the the user console
  • CMD.commandList and CMD.commandUnlocked: Here is where you list the commands before you add them to CMD.commands.[command]()
  • CMD.commands.goals Here is where you add commands the user can buy. If you add here you MUST also add to the base command list, and set the base command availability (located under CMD.commandUnlocked) to false.
  • CMD.b: this is where your bytes are stored
  • CMD.increment and CMD.autoIncrement: these vars both indicate the increment amount of mineData and autoMine.