- EclipseModel: an easy-to-use secondary eclipse model.
- OblateStarModel: transit model to model transits over rapidly rotating gravity-darkened stars by Barnes (2009). This is an initial release of the model (only a CPU version works at the moment) but I expect to have it on-par with the rest of the models by v2.4.
- Renamed the Swift transit model introduced in v2.1 to RoadRunner transit model.
- Fixed several RoadRunner model issues caused by the transition to calculating the projected distances using Taylor series expansion.
- Changed several of the OpenCL models use the Taylor series expansion approach to calculate the projected distances.
- Lots of minor bug fixes.
PyTransit version 2.2 now calculates the normalized planet-star distances using a Taylor series expansion of the x, and y positions in the sky plane (Parviainen and Korth, 2020, submitted to MNRAS). This gives a significant speed boost in transit model evaluation that is especially noticeable for eccentric orbits.
PyTransit version 2.1 adds a new transit model named swift that can use any Python callable to model the stellar limb darkening while still giving equal or better performance than the analytical quadratic transit model.
- Swift transit model (Parviainen, submitted) to allow fast and flexible transit modelling with any radially symmetric limb darkening model.
PyTransit Version 2 removes the Fortran dependencies in v1 by implementing all the transit models in numba-accelerated Python. Version 2 also adds a number of new transit models, and implements most models both in CPU and GPU versions.
- New API that is consistent across all transit models.
- Nearly everything.
PyTransit 1.0 implements the quadratic model by Mandel & Agol and the general model by Giménez with special optimisation that significantly improve the model evaluation speed.
The first version of PyTransit saw light in 2010. It implemented the transit model for general limb darkening law by Giménez and was used in 20-30 papers before the public release of v1.0.