- Introduction
- ConfigExamples
- Git
- Guides
- Learn
- LearnDrones
- FastDrone-250
- Planner
- TaskAssignment
- index
- 2018.10 Should_We_Compete_or_Should_We_Cooperate_Applying_Game_Theory_to_Task_Allocation_in_Drone_Swarms
- 2019 A Mission Planning and Task Allocation Framework For Multi-UAV Swarm Coordination
- 2020 Energy Efficient Task Cooperation for Multi-UAV Networks: A Coalition Formation Game Approach
- 2022.06 Task_assignment_algorithms_for_unmanned_aerial_vehicle_networks_A_comprehensive_survey
- 2022.10 A Survey of UAV Swarm Task Allocation Based on the Perspective of Coalition Formation
- 2024 Distributed_task_allocation_algorithm_for_heterogeneous_unmanned_aerial_vehic_swarm_based_on_coalition_formation_game
- 2024.12 Application_of_Task_Allocation_Algorithms_in_Multi-UAV_Intelligent_Transportation_Systems_A_Critical_Review
- Ceres-Solver
- Eigen
- LearnAIMA
- LearnCUDA
- LearnCV
- LearnConda
- LearnDocker
- LearnGPU2CPU-by-GPT
- LearnGameDev
- LearnGameTheory
- LearnJinJia2
- LearnLalrpop
- LearnMLIR
- LearnMocCUDA
- LearnMordenCpp
- LearnPest
- LearnPolygeist
- [2021_Polygeist-Raising C to Polyhedral MLIR-translated_only](Learn/LearnPolygeist/2021_Polygeist-Raising C to Polyhedral MLIR-translated_only.md)
- [2021_Polygeist-Raising C to Polyhedral MLIRtranslated_and_original](Learn/LearnPolygeist/2021_Polygeist-Raising C to Polyhedral MLIRtranslated_and_original.md)
- Note
- LearnPolyhedralModel
- LearnROCm
- LearnROS
- LearnRust
- PersonalWebsite
- LearnDrones
- Linux
- Misc
- Network
- Papers
- AttentionIsTuringComplete
- [Spatially varying nanophotonic neural networks](Papers/Spatially varying nanophotonic neural networks.md)
- Programming
- PythonLibs
- ReadingNotes