This extension adds Vue 2 Code Snippets into Visual Studio Code.
这个插件基于最新的 Vue 2 的 API 添加了Code Snippets。
Including most of the API of Vue.js 2. You can type vcom
, choose VueConfigOptionMergeStrategies
, and press ENTER, then Vue.config.optionMergeStrategies
appear on the screen.
插件的 Snippets 如下表格所示,比如你可以键入 vcom
然后按上下键选中 VueConfigOptionMergeStrategies
As shown in the table below, snippet vmData
has body like ${this, vm}.$data
will provides choice this.$data
and vm.$data
to you.
的内容是 ${this, vm}.$data
,这表明这个 snippet 会提供 this.$data
and vm.$data
Prefix | JavaScript Snippet Content |
import |
import ... from ... |
newVue |
new Vue({...}) |
VueConfigSilent |
Vue.config.silent = true |
VueConfigOptionMergeStrategies |
Vue.config.optionMergeStrategies |
VueConfigDevtools |
Vue.config.devtools = true |
VueConfigErrorHandler |
Vue.config.errorHandler = function (err, vm, info) {...} |
VueConfigWarnHandler |
Vue.config.warnHandler = function (msg, vm, trace) {...} |
VueConfigIgnoredElements |
Vue.config.ignoredElements = [''] \ |
VueConfigKeyCodes |
Vue.config.keyCodes |
VueConfigPerformance |
Vue.config.performance = true |
VueConfigProductionTip |
Vue.config.productionTip = false |
vueExtend |
Vue.extend( options ) |
VueNextTick |
Vue.nextTick( callback, [context] ) |
VueNextTickThen |
Vue.nextTick( callback, [context] ).then(function(){ }) |
VueSet |
Vue.set( target, key, value ) |
VueDelete |
Vue.delete( target, key ) |
VueDirective |
Vue.directive( id, [definition] ) |
VueFilter |
Vue.filter( id, [definition] ) |
VueComponent |
Vue.component( id, [definition] ) |
VueUse |
Vue.use( plugin ) |
VueMixin |
Vue.mixin({ mixin }) |
VueCompile |
Vue.compile( template ) |
VueVersion |
Vue.version |
data |
data() { return {} } |
watchWithOptions |
key: { deep: true, immediate: true, handler: function () { } } |
vmData |
${this, vm}.$data |
vmProps |
${this, vm}.$props |
vmEl |
${this, vm}.$el |
vmOptions |
${this, vm}.$options |
vmParent |
${this, vm}.$parent |
vmRoot |
${this, vm}.$root |
vmChildren |
${this, vm}.$children |
vmSlots |
${this, vm}.$slots |
vmScopedSlots |
${this, vm}.$scopedSlots.default({}) |
vmRefs |
${this, vm}.$refs |
vmIsServer |
${this, vm}.$isServer |
vmAttrs |
${this, vm}.$attrs |
vmListeners |
${this, vm}.listeners |
vmWatch |
${this, vm}.$watch( expOrFn, callback, [options] ) |
vmSet |
${this, vm}.$set( object, key, value ) |
vmDelete |
${this, vm}.$delete( object, key ) |
vmOn |
${this, vm}.$on( event, callback ) |
vmOnce |
${this, vm}.$once( event, callback ) |
vmOff |
${this, vm}.$off( [event, callback] ) |
vmEmit |
${this, vm}.$emit( event, […args] ) |
vmMount |
${this, vm}.$mount( [elementOrSelector] ) |
vmForceUpdate |
${this, vm}.$forceUpdate() |
vmNextTick |
${this, vm}.$nextTick( callback ) |
vmDestroy |
${this, vm}.$destroy() |
renderer |
const renderer = require('vue-server-renderer').createRenderer() |
createRenderer |
createRenderer({ }) |
preventDefault |
preventDefault(); |
stopPropagation |
stopPropagation(); |
Prefix | HTML Snippet Content |
template |
<template></template> |
script |
<script></script> |
style |
<style></style> |
vText |
v-text=msg |
vHtml |
v-html=html |
vShow |
v-show |
vIf |
v-if |
vElse |
v-else |
vElseIf |
v-else-if |
vForWithoutKey |
v-for |
vFor |
v-for="" :key="" |
vOn |
v-on |
vBind |
v-bind |
vModel |
v-model |
vPre |
v-pre |
vCloak |
v-cloak |
vOnce |
v-once |
key |
:key |
ref |
ref |
slotA |
slot="" |
slotE |
<slot></slot> |
slotScope |
slot-scope="" |
component |
<component :is=''></component> |
keepAlive |
<keep-alive></keep-alive> |
transition |
<transition></transition> |
transitionGroup |
<transition-group></transition-group> |
enterClass |
enter-class='' |
leaveClass |
leave-class='' |
appearClass |
appear-class='' |
enterToClass |
enter-to-class='' |
leaveToClass |
leave-to-class='' |
appearToClass |
appear-to-class='' |
enterActiveClass |
enter-active-class='' |
leaveActiveClass |
leave-active-class='' |
appearActiveClass |
appear-active-class='' |
beforeEnterEvent |
@before-enter='' |
beforeLeaveEvent |
@before-leave='' |
beforeAppearEvent |
@before-appear='' |
enterEvent |
@enter='' |
leaveEvent |
@leave='' |
appearEvent |
@appear='' |
afterEnterEvent |
@after-enter='' |
afterLeaveEvent |
@after-leave='' |
afterAppearEvent |
@after-appear='' |
enterCancelledEvent |
@enter-cancelled='' |
leaveCancelledEvent |
@leave-cancelled='' |
appearCancelledEvent |
@appear-cancelled='' |
Prefix | Vue Router Snippet Content |
routerLink |
<router-link></router-link> |
routerView |
<router-view></router-view> |
to |
to="" |
tag |
tag="" |
newVueRouter |
const router = newVueRouter({ }) |
routerBeforeEach |
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => { } |
routerBeforeResolve |
router.beforeResolve((to, from, next) => { } |
routerAfterEach |
router.afterEach((to, from) => { } |
routerPush |
router.push() |
routerReplace |
router.replace() |
routerGo |
router.back() |
routerBack |
router.push() |
routerForward |
router.forward() |
routerGetMatchedComponents |
router.getMatchedComponents() |
routerResolve |
router.resolve() |
routerAddRoutes |
router.addRoutes() |
routerOnReady |
router.onReady() |
routerOnError |
router.onError() |
routes |
routes: [] |
beforeEnter |
beforeEnter: (to, from, next) => { } |
beforeRouteEnter |
beforeRouteEnter (to, from, next) { } |
beforeRouteLeave |
beforeRouteLeave (to, from, next) { } |
scrollBehavior |
scrollBehavior (to, from, savedPosition) { } |
Prefix | Vuex Snippet Content |
newVuexStore |
const store = new Vuex.Store({ }) |
Prefix | Nuxt.js Snippet Content |
nuxt |
<nuxt/> |
nuxtChild |
<nuxt-child/> |
nuxtLink |
<nuxt-link to=""/> |
asyncData |
asyncData() {} |
- vue(.vue)
- HTML(.html)
- javascript(.js)
- typescript(.ts)
- pug(.pug)
vue-syntax-highlight (vue.tmLanguage)
- Add snippets and fix bugs
- Fix snippets
- Update snippets (like
and so on)
- Update snippets
- Update snippets
- Update snippets, add choices(
) to snippets that begin withvm
- Update snippets
- Fix and update snippets
- Add support .pug files (thanks to Gregory Bass)
- Update some snippets
- Update newest api snippets (like
and so on) - Fix a bug (before:
- Update newest syntax highlight file
- Add some snippets
- Change this extension's logo to vue's logo
- Update readme
- Fix
snippet (thanks to Daniel D)
- Publish failed
- Fix this extension can not be downloaded with the latest version(1.6.1) of VS code
- Update readme
- Add code snippets
- Add syntax highlight