This provides a sensor that shows details of a YouTube Video by Title. This can be used to show details for a currently playing YouTube Video on a media player where you only have the Title available (such as AppleTV)
- Make sure that Home Assistant Community Store (HACS) is setup.
- Go to integrations in HACS
- Click the 3 dots in the top right corner and choose
Custom repositories
- Paste the following into the repository input field
and choose category ofIntegration
- Click add and restart HA to let the integration load
- Go to settings and choose
Devices & Services
- Click
Add Integration
and search forYouTube Video Search
- Configure the integration by copying your
YouTube API Key
when prompted
Use an automation that is triggered by a Title change on YouTube Media, call the service youtube_search.search_video
and fill in the mandatory field video_title
. The service will update sensor.youtube_search
with the video ID in the state field and all of the video attributes as attributes.