- ODE-466 serialId element of metadata will now provide a true serial number to help identify missing records.
- ODE-787 Publish J2735 version of Broadcast TIM in addition to the REST request version (see GitHub Issue #262). Please see https://github.com/usdot-jpo-ode/jpo-ode/wiki/Schema-Version-6-Change-Notice for details.
- ODE-769 Initiated output schema change SOP. See https://github.com/usdot-jpo-ode/jpo-ode/wiki/SchemaVersion-5-Change-Notice for details
- ODE-771 Fixed PPM crash bug
- ODE-745 Updated ODE documentation to reflect actual implementation of the ODE output interface schema
- ODE-763 Added support for TIMs with ITIS custom text
- ODE-764 Fixed how Trailer Mass was calculated
- ODE-768 Created a repository of ASN.1 schema files on usdot-jpo-ode GitHub organization based on scms-asn to eliminate dependency on CAMP SCMS and avoid build failures due to scms-asn site outages. All references to CAMP SCMS repository was changed to point to usdot-jpo-ode/scms-asn1 repository.
- ODE-741 Added capability to load Explicit Enrollment Certificates
- ODE-736 Added capability to configure Record ID of SDW TIMs
- ODE-733 Fixed a bug where single-byte OCTET STRINGs were being encoded incorrectly
- ODE-560 Added capability to Receive Compressed Log Files
- ODE-707 Fixed a bug resulting in first TIM deposit after startup not propagating
- ODE-725 Registered ODE in Code.gov
- ODE-685 Added metadata field
to identify the source of the BSM as host (EV) or remote (RV). See https://github.com/usdot-jpo-ode/jpo-ode/wiki/Log-File-Changes-(schemaVersion=4) for details. - ODE-688 Deploed firehose into production for CVPEP and RDE
- ODE-689 and ODE-690: Replaced boolean metadata field
with integersecurityResultCode
to better convey the status of security validation. See https://github.com/usdot-jpo-ode/jpo-ode/wiki/Log-File-Changes-(schemaVersion=4) for details. - ODE-692 Improved AEM/ADM error handling for when connection with Kafka broker is interrupted
- ODE-680 Migrated SDW/SDC calls to new production endpoints
- ODE-675 CHanged jpo-S3-deposit module to send CVPEP data through AWS Firehose
- ODE-670 J2735TravelerInformationMessage.packetID needs to be BigInteger see https://github.com/usdot-jpo-ode/jpo-ode/wiki/TIM-REST-Endpoint-Changes for interface changes.
- ODE-661 CVPEP Data Inconsistency for TIM Files
- ODE-657 Continue Supporting WyDOT issues
- ODE-591 ORNL - Further generalize encoding and decoding capability of asn1_codec module
- ODE-646 Sirius XM Requires ASD messages to be wrapped in IEEE 1698.2 Data
- ODE-645 Update Documentation for Metadata
- ODE-642 Address SDW and RSU flexibility
- ODE-632 ODE Error out on log files
- ODE-588 Free and Open Source ODE Minimum Viable Product
- ODE-615 ORNL Implement SDW TIM encoding
- ODE-587 Implement TIM data encoding through ASN.1 Encoder Module (AEM)
- ODE-596 Support receiving and publishing of Driver Alert Messages
- ODE-613 SDW Sending of TIM Messages using asn1_codec
- ODE-631 Add capability to disable output topics
- ODE-537 ASN1 CODEC Module development
- ODE-543 Publish a defined v3 for metadata Story Medule
- ODE-581 Integrate ODE with asn1 decoder module (adm) for BSM decoding
- ODE-584 Decode Inbound TIM through asn1 decoder module (adm)
- ODE-585 Implement asn1 decoding capability
- ODE-586 Implement asn1 encoding capability
- ODE-592 Added Message Frame to Outbound TIM messages
- ODE-593 Support the receiving and publishing of Distress Notifications
- ODE-604 Support multiple types of payloads for receivedMsgRecord
- ODE-559 ASN1 CODEC Decoder Module Connection
- ODE-528 Support publishing of TIM data received from WYDOT log files
- ODE-483 Implementing generatedAt field in the metadata for TIM
- ODE-512 Support receiving WYDOT BSM Log files
- ODE-476 Change TIM schema to use real unit values
- ODE-485 TIM S3 depositor service
- ODE-201 Validate/authenticate Basic Safety Message (BSM) and MessageFrames received from the OBU using the 1609.2 Implementation
- ODE-436 Provide header information in JSON stream of processed BSM Story Medium
- ODE-314 Build VSDs from received BSMs and deposit them to SDC (Phase 2)
- ODE-413 Generalize S3 Depositor with configuration features
- ODE-400 Updated TIM REST Calls to enable querying and deleting messages
- ODE-401 Created S3 deposit service to watch Kafka topic and deposit BSM files
- ODE-381 1609.2 Security Libary is located within the ODE library
- ODE-381 Leidos Security Library Integration implementing 1609.2 -- As part of this new feature, the build process was updated in the ODE README file with additional steps for obtaining the source code and building the application. Please review the Getting Started section for details.
- ODE-312 Receiving Raw BSMs over UDP/IP (Phase 2)
- ODE-310 Receiving Raw ISD (Phase 1)
- ODE-311 Submiting ISD to SDC (Phase 1)
- ODE-290 Integrate with ORNL Privacy Protection Module (PPM)
- ODE-339 Deposit Raw VSD to SDC (Phase 1)
- (ODE-77 Subtask) ODE-274 Publish to J2735BsmRawJson
- ODE-259 Interface Control Document (ICD) - Updated
- ODE-268 Fixed Message CRC field in TIM messages causing error
- ODE-227 Probe Data Management (PDM) - Outbound
- ODE-230 Interface Control Document (ICD) - Created
- ODE-202 Evaluate Current 1609.2 Leidos Code
- ODE-143 Outbound TIM Message Parameters - Phase 2
- ODE-146 Provide generic SDW Deposit Capability
- ODE-147 Deposit TIM message to SDW.
- ODE-125 Expose empty field ODE output records when presented in JSON format
- ODE-142 Outbound TIM Message Parameters - Phase 1
- ODE-169 Encode TIM Message to ASN.1 - Outbound
- ODE-171 Research 1609.2 Standard Implementation
- ODE-138 Add Capability for Raw BSM Data (bin format only) with Header Information
- ODE-150 Encode TIM Message to ASN.1 (Inbound messages only)
- ODE-148 Develop More Robust User Facing Documentation
- ODE-126 ADD to ODE 58 - Log ODE Data Flows On/off without restarting ODE
- ODE-74 RESTful SNMP Wrapper Service to pass SNMP messages to an RSU
- ODE-127 Defined future story and tasks for inbound/outbound TIM messages
- ODE-123 Developed a sample client application to interface directly with Kafka service to subscribe to ODE data
- ODE-118 Validate BSM data decoding, inclusing Part II, with real binary data from OBU
- ODE-54 Authored first draft of ODE User Guide
- ODE-58 Developed ODE Event Logger
- ODE-41 Importer improvements
- ODE-42 Clean up the kafka adapter and make it work with Kafka broker. Integrated kafka. Kept Stomp as the high level WebSocket API protocol.
- ODE-36 - Docker, docker-compose, Kafka and ode Integration