Generic user settings for Unix-like system.
- Modify system configurations.
- Make sudo work w/o authentication.
- (macOS) NFS client setting.
- (macOS) Install Xcode.
- (macOS) Set up Homebrew.
- (macOS) Install homebrew's packages.
- Install zsh and bash start up scripts.
- Generate SSH key-pair(s) and set it into authrized_keys file.
- Install configuration files for various applications.
- alsa
- ansible
- bat
- cspell
- dircolors
- git
- homebrew
- htop
- istats-meny
- iterm2
- jenv
- karabiner
- kitty
- less
- lsd
- mozilla
- quilt
- readline
- ripgrep
- tmux
- vim
Clone this repository and execute ''
$ git clone --recursive [email protected]:hmr/gpprofiles.git -b v2-dev
$ cd gpprofiles
$ ./
$ zplug install
Start vim and type as below:
vim-plug will automatically install plugins.
Start tmux then push Ctrl+Space Shift+I.