A CLI tool for searching options in Nix, written in Go, powered by the bubbletea framework for TUI.
There are several ways you can install OptiNix.
Add OptiNix as an input to your flake, in your flake.nix
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
optinix.url = "gitlab:hmajid2301/optinix";
outputs = {};
Then you can install the package in your nix config like in a devShell
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
optinix.url = "gitlab:hmajid2301/optinix";
outputs = {
}: (
(system: let
pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
in {
devShells.default = pkgs.mkShell {
packages = with pkgs; [
You can install using go
go install gitlab.com/hmajid2301/optinix
You can install this package from nixpkgs, like you would with other packages.
nix-shell -p optinix
optinix --help
OptiNix is tool you can use on the command line to search options for NixOS, home-manager and Darwin.
optinix [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
get Finds options
help Help about any command
update When you want to fetch the latest options.
-h, --help help for optinix
-v, --version version for optinix
Use "optinix [command] --help" for more information about a comman
If you are running Nix and have flakes enabled in your configuration, you can run the tool like the command below. Without needing to "install" OptiNix.
nix run 'gitlab:hmajid2301/optinix' get hyprland
: Down one item in listk
: Up one item in listt
: Toggle modal, to view more information about the optiong
: Top of listG
: End of list
By default, the tool will render a list using bubble tea, if you want just plain text output you can add the --no-tui
optinix get podman --no-tui
Option: 0
Name: virtualisation.podman.networkSocket.server
Type: value "ghostunnel" (singular enum)
Example: "ghostunnel"
From: NixOS
Sources: [/nix/store/rhg90jpryc286xn9xjy6qjiaap6pjgdc-source/nixos/modules/virtualisation/podman/network-socket-ghostunnel.nix /nix/store/rhg90jpryc286xn9xjy6qjiaap6pjgdc-source/nixos/modules/virtualisation/podman/network-socket.nix]
Option: 1
Name: virtualisation.podman.networkSocket.enable
Type: boolean
Default: false
From: NixOS
Sources: [/nix/store/rhg90jpryc286xn9xjy6qjiaap6pjgdc-source/nixos/modules/virtualisation/podman/network-socket.nix]
Option: 2
Name: virtualisation.podman.enable
Type: boolean
Default: false
From: NixOS
Sources: [/nix/store/rhg90jpryc286xn9xjy6qjiaap6pjgdc-source/nixos/modules/virtualisation/podman/default.nix]
# ...
You can integrate this tool with FZF as well, like so:
optinix get --no-tui | rg "Name: " | cut -d' ' -f2 | fzf --preview="optinix get --no-tui '{}'"
To get the latest options you can run the following command, to update your local database.
optinix update
- NixOS
- Home Manager
- Darwin
- Add more sources (like manix has)
- Maybe nixvim even
- Get it working in Docker
- Manix: https://github.com/nix-community/manix
- When I started this project back last year, this project was not working but has since been fixed and had new features added