Lecturer: Hossein Hajiabolhassan
Data Science Center, Shahid Beheshti University
- Course Overview
- Main TextBooks
- Slides and Papers
- Lecture 1: Introduction
- Lecture 2: Toolkit Lab 1: Google Colab and Anaconda
- Lecture 3: Toolkit Lab 2: Image Preprocessing by Keras
- Lecture 4: Deep Feedforward Networks
- Lecture 5: Toolkit Lab 3: Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks with Keras
- Lecture 6: Regularization for Deep Learning
- Lecture 7: Optimization for Training Deep Models
- Lecture 8: Toolkit Lab 4: Training Deep Neural Networks
- Lecture 9: Toolkit Lab 5: Custom Models and Training with TensorFlow 2.0
- Lecture 10: Convolutional Networks
- Lecture 11: Toolkit Lab 6: TensorBoard
- Lecture 12: Sequence Modeling: Recurrent and Recursive Networks
- Lecture 13: Practical Methodology
- Lecture 14: Applications
- Lecture 15: Autoencoders
- Lecture 16: Generative Adversarial Networks
- Lecture 17: Graph Neural Networks
- Additional Resources
- Class Time and Location
- Projects
- Grading
- Prerequisites
- Topics
- Account
- Academic Honor Code
- Questions
- Miscellaneous:
In this course, you will learn the foundations of Deep Learning, understand how to build
neural networks, and learn how to lead successful machine learning projects. You will learn
about Convolutional networks, RNNs, LSTM, Adam, Dropout, BatchNorm, and more.
Main TextBooks:
- Deep Learning (available in online) by Bengio, Yoshua, Ian J. Goodfellow, and Aaron Courville
- Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow (2nd Edition) by Aurelien Geron
Additional TextBooks:
- Dive into Deep Learning by Mag Gardner, Max Drummy, Joanne Quinn, Joanne McEachen, and Michael Fullan
- GitHub: Codes
- Neural Networks and Learning Machines (3rd Edition) by Simon Haykin
- Deep Learning with Python by J. Brownlee
Recommended Slides & Papers:
Required Reading:
- Chapter 1 of the Deep Learning textbook.
- Slide: Introduction by Ian Goodfellow
Suggested Reading:
- Demo: 3D Fully-Connected Network Visualization by Adam W. Harley
Additional Resources:
- Video of lecture by Ian Goodfellow and discussion of Chapter 1 at a reading group in San Francisco organized by Alena Kruchkova
- Paper: On the Origin of Deep Learning by Haohan Wang and Bhiksha Raj
Applied Mathematics and Machine Learning Basics:
- Slide: Mathematics for Machine Learning by Avishkar Bhoopchand, Cynthia Mulenga, Daniela Massiceti, Kathleen Siminyu, and Kendi Muchungi
- Blog: A Gentle Introduction to Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Maximum A Posteriori Estimation (Getting Intuition of MLE and MAP with a Football Example) by Shota Horii
Required Reading:
- Blog: Google Colab Free GPU Tutorial by Fuat
- Blog: Managing Environments
- Blog: Kernels for Different Environments
- Install: TensorFlow 2.0 RC is Available
Suggested Reading:
- Blog: Stop Installing Tensorflow Using pip for Performance Sake! by Michael Nguyen
- Blog: Using Pip in a Conda Environment by Jonathan Helmus
- Blog: How to Import Dataset to Google Colab Notebook?
- Blog: How to Upload Large Files to Google Colab and Remote Jupyter Notebooks (For Linux Operating System) by Bharath Raj
Additional Resources:
- PDF: Conda Cheat Sheet
- Blog: Conda Commands (Create Virtual Environments for Python with Conda) by LipingY
- Blog: Colab Tricks by Rohit Midha
Required Reading:
- Blog: How to Load, Convert, and Save Images With the Keras API by Jason Brownlee
- Blog: Classify Butterfly Images with Deep Learning in Keras by Bert Carremans
Read the part of Data augmentation of images - Blog: Keras ImageDataGenerator Methods: An Easy Guide by Ashish Verma
Suggested Reading:
- Blog: Keras ImageDataGenerator and Data Augmentation by Adrian Rosebrock
- Blog: How to Configure Image Data Augmentation in Keras by Jason Brownlee
- Blog: A Quick Guide To Python Generators and Yield Statements by Jason Rigden
- NoteBook: Iterable, Generator, and Iterator
- Blog: Vectorization in Python
- Blog: numpy.vectorize
Additional Resources:
- Blog: Learn about ImageDataGenerator by Yumi
- Blog: Images Augmentation for Deep Learning with Keras by Jakub Skałecki
- Blog: A Detailed Example of How to Use Data Generators with Keras by Afshine Amidi and Shervine Amidi
- Blog: Iterables vs. Iterators vs. Generators by Vincent Driessen
Required Reading:
- Chapter 6 of the Deep Learning textbook.
- Slide: Feedforward Neural Networks (Lecture 2) by Ali Harakeh
- Slides: Deep Feedforward Networks 1 and 2 by U Kang
- Chapter 20 of Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms
- Slide: Neural Networks by Shai Shalev-Shwartz
- Slide: Backpropagation and Neural Networks by Fei-Fei Li, Justin Johnson, and Serena Yeung
- Blog: 7 Types of Neural Network Activation Functions: How to Choose?
- Blog: Back-Propagation, an Introduction by Sanjeev Arora and Tengyu Ma
Interesting Questions:
Suggested Reading:
- Blog: The Gradient by Khanacademy
- Blog: Calculus on Computational Graphs: Backpropagation by Christopher Olah
Additional Resources:
- Blog: Activation Functions by Sefik Ilkin Serengil
- Paper: Mish: A Self Regularized Non-Monotonic Neural Activation Function by Diganta Misra
- Blog: Activation Functions
- Blog: Analytical vs Numerical Solutions in Machine Learning by Jason Brownlee
- Blog: Validating Analytic Gradient for a Neural Network by Shiva Verma
- Blog: Stochastic vs Batch Gradient Descent by Divakar Kapil
- Video: (.flv) of a presentation by Ian Goodfellow and a group discussion at a reading group at Google organized by Chintan Kaur.
- Extra Slide:
- Slide: Deep Feedforward Networks by Ian Goodfellow
Required Reading:
- NoteBook: Chapter 10 – Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks with Keras from Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow (2nd Edition) by Aurelien Geron
Suggested Reading:
- Blog: Epoch vs Batch Size vs Iterations by Sagar Sharma
- Blog: How to Load Large Datasets From Directories for Deep Learning in Keras by Jason Brownlee
- Blog: A Thing You Should Know About Keras if You Plan to Train a Deep Learning Model on a Large Dataset by Soumendra P
- Question: Keras2 ImageDataGenerator or TensorFlow tf.data?
- Blog: Better Performance with tf.data by the TensorFlow Team
- Blog: Standardizing on Keras: Guidance on High-level APIs in TensorFlow 2.0 by the TensorFlow Team
- Blog & NoteBook: How to Grid Search Hyperparameters for Deep Learning Models in Python With Keras by Jason Brownlee
Additional Resources:
- PDF: Keras Cheat Sheet
- Blog: Properly Setting the Random Seed in ML Experiments. Not as Simple as You Might Imagine by Open Data Science
- Blog: Technical Notes On Using Data Science & Artificial Intelligence: To Fight For Something That Matters by Chris Albon (read the Keras section)
- Blog: Keras Tutorial: Develop Your First Neural Network in Python Step-By-Step by Jason Brownlee
- Blog: How to Use the Keras Functional API for Deep Learning by Jason Brownlee
- Blog: Keras Tutorial for Beginners with Python: Deep Learning Example
- Blog: Learn Tensorflow 1: The Hello World of Machine Learning by Google Codelabs
- Blog: Learn Tensorflow 2: Introduction to Computer Vision (Fashion MNIST) by Google Codelabs
- Blog: Your first Keras Model, with Transfer Learning by Google Codelabs
- Blog & NoteBook: How to Choose Loss Functions When Training Deep Learning Neural Networks by Jason Brownlee
- Blog: TensorFlow 2.0 Tutorial 02: Transfer Learning by Chuan Li
Building Dynamic Models Using the Subclassing API:
Object-Oriented Programming:
- Blog: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python 3 by the Real Python Team
- Blog: How to Explain Object-Oriented Programming Concepts to a 6-Year-Old
- Blog: Understanding Object-Oriented Programming Through Machine Learning by David Ziganto
- Blog: Object-Oriented Programming for Data Scientists: Build your ML Estimator by Tirthajyoti Sarkar
- Blog: Python Callable Class Method by Lalu Erfandi Maula Yusnu
The Model Subclassing API:
- Blog: How Objects are Called in Keras by Adaickalavan
Required Reading:
- Chapter 7 of the Deep Learning textbook.
- Slide: Regularization For Deep Models (Lecture 3) by Ali Harakeh
- Slide: Bagging and Random Forests by David Rosenberg
- Slide: Deep Learning Tutorial (Read the Part of Dropout) by Hung-yi Lee
Suggested Reading:
- Blog & NoteBook: How to Build a Neural Network with Keras Using the IMDB Dataset by Niklas Donges
- Blog & NoteBook: Neural Network Weight Regularization by Chris Albon
- Blog: Train Neural Networks With Noise to Reduce Overfitting by Jason Brownlee
- Blog & NoteBook: How to Improve Deep Learning Model Robustness by Adding Noise by Jason Brownlee
- Paper: Ensemble Methods in Machine Learnin by Thomas G. Dietterich
- Paper: Dropout: A Simple Way to Prevent Neural Networks from Overfitting by Nitish Srivastava, Geoffrey Hinton, Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, Ruslan Salakhutdinov
Additional Reading:
- Blog: TensorFlow 2.0 Tutorial 04: Early Stopping by Chuan Li
- Blog: Analysis of Dropout by Paolo Galeone
- Extra Slides:
- Slide: Regularization for Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow
- Slides: Regularization for Deep Learning 1 and 2 by U Kang
- Slide: Training Deep Neural Networks by Aykut Erdem
Required Reading:
- Chapter 8 of the Deep Learning textbook.
- Slide: Optimization for Training Deep Models (Lecture 4) by Ali Harakeh
- Slide: Optimization for Training Deep Models - Algorithms (Lecture 4) by Ali Harakeh
- Blog: Batch Normalization in Deep Networks by Sunita Nayak
Suggested Reading:
- Lecture Note: Matrix Norms and Condition Numbers by Ralucca Gera
- Blog: Initializing Neural Networks by Katanforoosh & Kunin, deeplearning.ai, 2019
- Blog: How to Initialize Deep Neural Networks? Xavier and Kaiming Initialization by Pierre Ouannes
- Blog: What Is Covariate Shift? by Saeed Izadi
- Blog: Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish: This interesting blog contains the computation of back propagation of different layers of deep learning prepared by Aditya Agrawal
Additional Reading:
- Blog: Why Momentum Really Works by Gabriel Goh
- Blog: Understanding the Backward Pass Through Batch Normalization Layer by Frederik Kratzert
- Video of lecture / discussion: This video covers a presentation by Ian Goodfellow and group discussion on the end of Chapter 8 and entirety of Chapter 9 at a reading group in San Francisco organized by Taro-Shigenori Chiba.
- Blog: Preconditioning the Network by Nic Schraudolph and Fred Cummins
- Paper: Delving Deep into Rectifiers: Surpassing Human-Level Performance on ImageNet Classification by Kaiming He, Xiangyu Zhang, Shaoqing Ren, and Jian Sun
- Blog: Neural Network Optimization by Matthew Stewart
- Paper: Understanding the Disharmony between Dropout and Batch Normalization by Variance Shift by Xiang Li, Shuo Chen, Xiaolin Hu, and Jian Yang
- Extra Slides:
- Slide: Conjugate Gradient Descent by Aarti Singh
- Slide: Training Deep Neural Networks by Aykut Erdem
- Slides: Optimization for Training Deep Models 1 and 2 by U Kang
Required Reading:
- NoteBook: Chapter 11 – Training Deep Neural Networks from Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow (2nd Edition) by Aurelien Geron
Suggested Reading:
- Blog: How to Accelerate Learning of Deep Neural Networks With Batch Normalization by Jason Brownlee
- Blog: Why is my Validation Loss Lower than my Training Loss? by Adrian Rosebrock
Additional Resources:
- PDF: Self-Normalizing Neural Networks by Günter Klambauer, Thomas Unterthiner, Andreas Mayr, and Sepp Hochreiter
Required Reading:
- NoteBook: Chapter 12 – Custom Models and Training with TensorFlow from Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow (2nd Edition) by Aurelien Geron
- Slide: Introducing tf.data: The tf.data module contains a collection of classes that allows you to easily load data, manipulate it, and pipe it into your model. The slides were prepared by Derek Murray, the creator of tf.data explaining the API (don’t forget to read the speaker notes below the slides).
- NoteBook: Chapter 13 – Loading and Preprocessing Data with TensorFlow from Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow (2nd Edition) by Aurelien Geron
Suggested Reading:
- Blog: What’s Coming in TensorFlow 2.0 by the TensorFlow Team
- Blog: TF.data Reborn from the Ashes by Prince Canuma
- Blog: Introducing Ragged Tensors by Laurence Moroney
- Blog & NoteBook: Load Images with tf.data (A File from a URL, If It is not Already in the Cache)
- Blog: How to use Dataset and Iterators in Tensorflow with Code Samples by Prasad Pai
- Blog: Analyzing tf.function to Discover AutoGraph Strengths and Subtleties: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 by Paolo Galeone
- Blog: TPU-Speed Data Pipelines: tf.data.Dataset and TFRecords by Google Codelabs
Additional Resources:
- Blog: Building a Data Pipeline (Using Tensorflow 1 and tf.data for Text and Images)
- Blog: Swift was announced in 2014. The Swift programming language has quickly become one of the fastest growing languages in history. Swift makes it easy to write software that is incredibly fast and safe by design.
- GitHub: Swift for TensorFlow
TensorFlow 1.0:
- To Learn TensorFlow 1.0, Check the Section of TensorFlow-1.
Required Reading:
- Chapter 9 of the Deep Learning textbook.
- Slide: Convolutional Neural Networks (Lecture 6) by Ali Harakeh
- Slide: Convolutional Networks by Ian Goodfellow
Suggested Reading:
- Blog: Convolutional Neural Networks CheatSheet by Afshine Amidi and Shervine Amidi
- NoteBook: Chapter 14 – Deep Computer Vision Using Convolutional Neural Networks from Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow (2nd Edition) by Aurelien Geron
- Blog: Image Convolution Examples by Utkarsh Sinha
- Blog: Convolutions and Backpropagations by Pavithra Solai
- Blog: Understanding Convolutions by Christopher Olah
- Blog: A Comprehensive Guide to Convolutional Neural Networks — the ELI5 Way by Sumit Saha
- Blog: A Basic Introduction to Separable Convolutions by Chi-Feng Wang
- Blog: Depth wise Separable Convolutional Neural Networks by Mayank Chaurasia
- Blog: Type of convolutions: Deformable and Transformable Convolution by Ali Raza
- Blog: Review: DilatedNet — Dilated Convolution (Semantic Segmentation) by Sik-Ho Tsang
- Blog: Region of Interest Pooling Explained by Tomasz Grel
Additional Reading:
- Blog: A Convolutional Neural Network Tutorial in Keras and TensorFlow 2 by Isak Bosman
- Blog & NoteBook: Cats and Dogs Image Classification Using Keras by Ashwin Joy
- Blog & NoteBook: Learn Tensorflow 3: Introduction to Convolutions by Google Codelabs
- Blog & NoteBook: Learn Tensorflow 4: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) by Google Codelabs
- Blog & NoteBook: Learn Tensorflow 5: Complex Images by Google Codelabs
- Blog & NoteBook: Learn Tensorflow 6: Use CNNS with Larger Datasets by Google Codelabs
- Blog & NoteBook: Convolutional Neural Networks, with Keras and TPUs by Google Codelabs
- Blog & NoteBook: Modern Convnets, Squeezenet, with Keras and TPUs by Google Codelabs
- Blog & NoteBook: TensorFlow 2.0 Tutorial 01: Basic Image Classification by Chuan Li
Fourier Transformation:
- Blog: Fourier Transformation and Its Mathematics by Akash Dubey
- Blog: Fourier Transformation for a Data Scientist by Nagesh Singh Chauhan
- Blog: Purrier Series (Meow) and Making Images Speak by Bilim Ne Güzel Lan
- Blog: Follow up to Fourier Series by Bilim Ne Güzel Lan
- Video: Inside TensorFlow: Summaries and TensorBoard
- Blog: TensorBoard Overview
- NoteBook: Get started with TensorBoard
- NoteBook: Examining the TensorFlow Graph
- NoteBook: Displaying Image Data in TensorBoard
- NoteBook: Using TensorBoard in Notebooks
Suggested Reading:
- Blog & NoteBook: TensorBoard: Graph Visualization
- Blog & NoteBook: TensorBoard Histogram Dashboard
- Blog & NoteBook: TensorBoard: Visualizing Learning
Additional Reading:
- NoteBook: TensorBoard Scalars: Logging Training Metrics in Keras
- NoteBook: Hyperparameter Tuning with the HParams Dashboard
- NoteBook: TensorBoard Profile: Profiling basic training metrics in Keras
- Blog: TensorFlow 2.0 Tutorial 03: Saving Checkpoints by Chuan Li
Required Reading:
- Chapter 10 of the Deep Learning textbook.
- Slide: Sequence Modeling: Recurrent and Recursive Networks by U Kang
- Slide: Training Recurrent Nets by Arvind Ramanathan
- Slide: Long-Short Term Memory and Other Gated RNNs by Sargur Srihari
Suggested Reading:
- Blog: Understanding LSTM Networks by Christopher Olah
- Blog: Illustrated Guide to LSTM’s and GRU’s: A Step by Step Explanation by Michael Nguyen
Additional Reading:
- Video of lecture / discussion. This video covers a presentation by Ian Goodfellow and a group discussion of Chapter 10 at a reading group in San Francisco organized by Alena Kruchkova.
- Blog: Gentle introduction to Echo State Networks by Madalina Ciortan
- Blog: Understanding GRU Networks by Simeon Kostadinov
- Blog: Animated RNN, LSTM and GRU by Raimi Karim
- Slide: An Introduction to: Reservoir Computing and Echo State Networks by Claudio Gallicchio
Required Reading:
- Chapter 11 of the Deep Learning textbook.
- Slides: Practical Methodology by Sargur Srihari
- Part 0: Practical Design Process
- Part 1: Performance Metrics
- Part 2: Default Baseline Models
- Part 3: Whether to Gather More Data
- Part 4: Selecting Hyperparameters
- Part 5: Debugging Strategies
Suggested Reading:
- Metrics:
- Blog: Demystifying KL Divergence by Naoki Shibuya
- Blog: Demystifying Cross-Entropy by Naoki Shibuya
- Blog: Deep Quantile Regression by Sachin Abeywardana
- Blog: An Illustrated Guide to the Poisson Regression Model by Sachin Date
- Blog: Generalized Linear Models by Semih Akbayrak
- Blog: ROC curves and Area Under the Curve Explained (Video) by Data School
- Blog: Introduction to the ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) Plot
- Slide: ROC Curves by Maryam Shoaran
- Blog: Precision-Recall Curves by Andreas Beger
Additional Reading:
- Slide: Practical Methodology by Ian Goodfellow
- Slide: Practical Methodology by U Kang
- Paper: The Relationship Between Precision-Recall and ROC Curves by Jesse Davis and Mark Goadrich
Required Reading:
- Chapter 12 of the Deep Learning textbook.
- Slide: Applications by U Kang
Suggested Reading:
- Blog: How Neural Networks Learn Distributed Representations By Garrett Hoffman
Additional Reading:
- Blog: 30 Amazin Applications of Deep Learning by Yaron Hadad
- Slides: Applications by Sargur Srihari
Required Reading:
- Chapter 14 of the Deep Learning textbook.
- Slide: Autoencoders by Sargur Srihari
- Blog: Understanding Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) by Joseph Rocca
- Blog: Tutorial - What is a Variational Autoencoder? by Jaan Altosaar
Suggested Reading:
- Slide: Variational Autoencoders by Raymond Yeh, Junting Lou, and Teck-Yian Lim
- Blog: Autoencoders vs PCA: When to Use? by Urwa Muaz
- Blog: Intuitively Understanding Variational Autoencoder: And Why They’re so Useful in Creating Your Own Generative Text, Art and Even Music by Irhum Shafkat
- Blog: Generative Modeling: What is a Variational Autoencoder (VAE)? by Peter Foy
- Slide: Generative Models by Mina Rezaei
- Blog: A High-Level Guide to Autoencoders by Shreya Chaudhary
- Blog: Variational Autoencoder: Intuition and Implementation by Agustinus Kristiadi
- Blog: Conditional Variational Autoencoder: Intuition and Implementation by Agustinus Kristiadi
Additional Reading:
- Blog: Tutorial - What is a Variational Autoencoder? by Jaan Altosaar
- Slide: Autoencoders by U Kang
Required Reading:
Slide: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) by Binglin, Shashank, and Bhargav
Paper: NIPS 2016 Tutorial: Generative Adversarial Networks by Ian Goodfellow
Suggested Reading:
- Blog: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Some Open Questions by Sanjeev Arora
- Paper: Generative Adversarial Networks: An Overview by Antonia Creswell, Tom White, Vincent Dumoulin, Kai Arulkumaran, Biswa Sengupta, and Anil A Bharath
Additional Reading:
- Blog: GANs Comparison Without Cherry-Picking by Junbum Cha
- Blog: New Progress on GAN Theory and Practice by Liping Liu
- Blog: Play with Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) in your browser!
- Blog: The GAN Zoo by Avinash Hindupur
- Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Some Open Questions by Sanjeev Arora
Required Reading:
- Slide: Graph Neural Networks by Xiachong Feng
- Paper: A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks by Zonghan Wu, Shirui Pan, Fengwen Chen, Guodong Long, Chengqi Zhang, Philip S. Yu
Suggested Reading:
- Book: Graph Representation Learning by William L. Hamilton
- Blog: Deep Graph Library (DGL): A Python package that interfaces between existing tensor libraries and data being expressed as graphs.
Additional Reading:
- GitHub: Graph Neural Networks
- Papers:
- Papers with Code: The mission of Papers With Code is to create a free and open resource with Machine Learning papers, code and evaluation tables.
- Deep Learning Papers Reading Roadmap by Flood Sung
- Awesome - Most Cited Deep Learning Papers by Terry Taewoong Um
- Deep Learning Courses:
- Tensorflow for Deep Learning Research by Chip Huyen
- Deep Learning by Aykut Erdem
- Program:
- Ludwig is a toolbox built on top of TensorFlow that allows to train and test deep learning models without the need to write code. - Installation
- TensorFlow Playground: an interactive visualization of neural networks, written in typescript using d3.js by Daniel Smilkov and Shan Carter
- The blog of Christopher Olah: Fascinating tutorials about neural networks
- The blog of Adit Deshpande: The Last 5 Years In Deep Learning
- Fascinating Tutorials on Deep Learning
- Deep Learning (Faster Data Science Education by Kaggle) by Dan Becker
Sunday and Tuesday 13:00-14:30 AM (Fall 2019)
Projects are programming assignments that cover the topic of this course. Any project is written by Jupyter Notebook. Projects will require the use of Python 3.7, as well as additional Python libraries.
Google Colab is a free cloud service and it supports free GPU!
- How to Use Google Colab by Souvik Mandal
- Primer for Learning Google Colab
- Deep Learning Development with Google Colab, TensorFlow, Keras & PyTorch
- Technical Notes On Using Data Science & Artificial Intelligence: To Fight For Something That Matters by Chris Albon
The students can include mathematical notation within markdown cells using LaTeX in their Jupyter Notebooks.
- A Brief Introduction to LaTeX PDF
- Math in LaTeX PDF
- Sample Document PDF
- TikZ: A collection Latex files of PGF/TikZ figures (including various neural networks) by Petar Veličković.
- Projects and Midterm – 50%
- Endterm – 50%
General mathematical sophistication; and a solid understanding of Algorithms, Linear Algebra, and Probability Theory, at the advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate level, or equivalent.
- Video: Professor Gilbert Strang's Video Lectures on linear algebra.
- Learn Probability and Statistics Through Interactive Visualizations: Seeing Theory was created by Daniel Kunin while an undergraduate at Brown University. The goal of this website is to make statistics more accessible through interactive visualizations (designed using Mike Bostock’s JavaScript library D3.js).
- Statistics and Probability: This website provides training and tools to help you solve statistics problems quickly, easily, and accurately - without having to ask anyone for help.
- Jupyter NoteBooks: Introduction to Statistics by Bargava
- Video: Professor John Tsitsiklis's Video Lectures on Applied Probability.
- Video: Professor Krishna Jagannathan's Video Lectures on Probability Theory.
Have a look at some reports of Kaggle or Stanford students (CS224N, CS224D) to get some general inspiration.
It is necessary to have a GitHub account to share your projects. It offers plans for both private repositories and free accounts. Github is like the hammer in your toolbox, therefore, you need to have it!
Honesty and integrity are vital elements of the academic works. All your submitted assignments must be entirely your own (or your own group's).
We will follow the standard of Department of Mathematical Sciences approach:
- You can get help, but you MUST acknowledge the help on the work you hand in
- Failure to acknowledge your sources is a violation of the Honor Code
- You can talk to others about the algorithm(s) to be used to solve a homework problem; as long as you then mention their name(s) on the work you submit
- You should not use code of others or be looking at code of others when you write your own: You can talk to people but have to write your own solution/code
I will be having office hours for this course on Sunday (09:00 AM--10:00 AM). If this is not convenient, email me at [email protected] or talk to me after class.