#internet connection is necessary for it to work
#clone this repo
git clone
#install pyrebase
sudo pip3 install pyrebase
sudo pip3 install django-channels
#Go to directory containing manage.py file
#Run commands
python3 manage.py makemigrations
python3 manage.py migrate
python3 manage.py runserver
go to on your browser
#test account info: There are 2 types of accounts: General Account related to Department or Club You can use accounts: [email protected] passwd:123456 //cadence club associated account [email protected] passwd: 123456 //General User
#Posting Rights Any body can post any material to the site For dep or club, every material posted will be available in list But for general users, admin's approval is necessary for posted to be available
#Requests on books requests and notifications are something that are related to the hardcopies of the books posted in postlist if they are available. One can request a book and via outlook they can exchange books.
Note:For courses, No admin permission is applied.//anybody can post a course and get it available.