Single config for vim, neovim and neovim + VSCode
- ./lua/config/ - Keymaps
├── init.lua entry point for neovim
├── vimrc entry point for vim, contains basic configs and also sourced by neovim
├── plugins.vim if vim, vim-plug will install some basic plugins
└── lua/ if neovim, files within this directory will be sourced
├── config/
│ └── keymaps.lua advanced keymaps
├── lazy-nvim.lua lazy.nvim plugin manager
└── plugins/ each file in this folder contains a plugin which lazy.nvim will install
Plugins organised according to sections in
lazy.nvim - Plugin manager
nvim-lspconfig | Language Server Protocol (LSP) support |
mason | installer for LSP servers, linters and formatters |
mason-lspconfig | better mason and lsp-config integration |
mason-tool-installer | to declaratively specify which tools to automatically install via mason |
treesitter | parser for better syntax highlighting |
Completion & Helpers
nvim-autopairs | autopair completion |
nvim-cmp | auto-completion support |
comment-nvim | commenting |
Code display
indent-blankline | indentation UI |
nvim-colorizer | colorize text that represent colors |
rainbow-delimeters | colorize bracket pairs, powered by treesitter |
transparent-nvim | background transparency |
gitsigns | git status signs |
telescope | fuzzy finder and pickers |
neo-tree | file tree explorer |
lualine | status line |
vscode-nvim | color scheme inspired by VSCode |
which-key | show available keybindings in popup |