“Weacast” provides the most accurate weather forecast for the locations.
It is live on ec2-54-201-78-38.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com
Some of the requirements of Weacast are- Provides accurate weather and real time update on the weather conditions. Website is accessible at any time. Used REQUIRE.JS for JavaScript file and module loader. It helps in increasing speed and quality of the code. Beautifully designed landing page using Bootstrap Slider. Provides Weather Information all the locations of the world. Provides AutoComplete Feature for city name. Can add or remove four favorite locations on the home page. Support social media integration like providing Facebook like button on the landing page. Provide weather information like- temperature, weather type (sunny, cloudy, rainy, haze, etc.), wind, wind direction, barometer, sunrise and sunset on the homepage. Provide a chart to visualize variation of temperatures from current hour to next 24 hours. Chart must update the temperature and hours according to user’s current conditions and timings. Provides Hourly information for next 24 hours. Integrate google map using google map api to show the location which user is interested. The map must show roadmap view and satellite view of the location. Javascript libraries used:- Require.js, Jquery, MVC Framework.