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title: TSG: Where are Kafka logs on HDInsight cluster | Microsoft Docs
description: Use the Kafka FAQ for answers to common questions on Kafka on Azure HDInsight platform.
keywords: Azure HDInsight, Kafka, FAQ, troubleshooting guide, common problems
services: Azure HDInsight
documentationcenter: na
author: apadma
manager: ''
editor: ''
ms.assetid: cd6bcbab-8d8c-4b56-94f0-58783f93787e
ms.service: multiple
ms.workload: na
ms.tgt_pltfrm: na
ms.devlang: na
ms.topic: article 08/02/2017 apadma
Kafka logs in the cluster are located at: /var/log/kafka
kafka.out: stdout and stderr of the Kafka process. You will find Kafka startup and shutdown logs in this file.
server.log: The main Kafka server log. All Kafka broker logs end up here.
controller.log: Controlelr logs if the broker is acting as controller.
statechange.log: All state change events to brokers are logged in this file.
kafka-gc.log: Kafka Garbage Collection stats