- Local installation
- Docker installation
- Data and pretrained models
- Training
- Training on lab data
- Docker local testing with pre-recorded data
- Real-time
Follow the following steps (the optional steps are for active development purposes):
(optional) git clone [email protected]:PTG-Kitware/TCN_HPL.git
(optional) git clone [email protected]:PTG-Kitware/yolov7.git
git clone [email protected]:PTG-Kitware/angel_system.git
cd angel_system
git submodule update --init --recursive
conda create --name angel_systen python=3.8.10
conda activate angel_test_env
poetry lock --no-update
poetry install
Follow the following steps (the optional steps are for active development purposes):
(optional) git clone [email protected]:PTG-Kitware/TCN_HPL.git
(optional) git clone [email protected]:PTG-Kitware/yolov7.git
git clone [email protected]:PTG-Kitware/angel_system.git
cd angel_system
git submodule update --init --recursive
./angel-docker-build.sh -f
./workspace_build.sh; source install/setup.sh
- On gyges, raw data is located at
- pre-trained models are available on
- In this pipeline we are only provided with object detection ground truth training data, which is located
- For real-time execution, we store our models in /angel_system/model_files
: defines complete ROS configuration for all nodes/angel_system/model_files/coco/r18_test_activity_preds.mscoco.json
: required to determine the step activation threshold for the GSP/angel_system/model_files/data_mapping/r18_mapping.txt
: required to define model activity step classes/angel_system/model_files/models/r18_tcn.ckpt
: TCN model checkpoint/angel_system/model_files/models/hands_model.pt
: hand detection trained model/angel_system/model_files/models/r18_det.pt
: object detection trained model
We take the following steps:
- train object detection model
- predict objects in the scene
- predict poses and patient bounding boxes in the scene
- generate interaction feature vectors for the TCN
- train the TCN
First we train the detection model on annotated data. This would be the same data source for both the lab and professional data
cd yolo7
python yolov7/train.py --workers 8 --device 0 --batch-size 4 --data configs/data/PTG/medical/r18_task_objects.yaml --img 768 768 --cfg configs/model/training/PTG/medical/yolov7_r18.yaml --weights weights/yolov7.pt --project /data/PTG/medical/training/yolo_object_detector/train/ --name r18_all_v1_example
since we do not have detection GT for lab data, this is our start point for training the TCN on the lab data
Next, we generate detection predictions in kwcoco file using the following script. Note that this
python yolov7/detect_ptg.py --tasks r18 --weights /data/PTG/medical/training/yolo_object_detector/train/r18_all_v1_example/weights/best.pt --project /data/PTG/medical/training/yolo_object_detector/detect/ --name r18_all_example --device 0 --img-size 768 --conf-thres 0.25
cd TCN_HPL/tcn_hpl/data/utils/pose_generation/configs
with the above scripts, we should get a kwcoco file at:
Edit TCN_HPL/tcn_hpl/data/utils/pose_generation/configs/main.yaml
with the task in hand (here, we use r18), the path to the output detection kwcoco, and where to output kwcoco files from our pose generation step.
cd ..
python generate_pose_data.py
cd TCN_HPL/tcn_hpl/data/utils
At this stage, there should be a new kwcoco file generated in the field defined at main.yaml
save_root: <path-to-kwcoco-file-with-pose-and-detections>
Next, edit the /TCN_HPL/configs/experiment/r18/feat_v6.yaml
file with the correct experiment name and kwcoco file in the following fields:
exp_name: <experiment-name>
dataset_kwcoco: <path-to-kwcoco-with-poses-and-dets>
Then run the following commands to generate features:
python ptg_datagenerator –task r18 --data_type <bbn or gyges> --config-root <root-to-TCN-HPL-configs> --ptg-root <path-to-local-angel-systen-repo>
cd TCN_HPL/tcn_hpl
python train.py experiment=r18/feat_v6
==At this point, we have our trained model at the path specified in our config file. For real-time execurtion, we would need to copy it over to angel_system/model_files==
The TCN training script produced a text_activity_preds.mscoco.json
which is used by the Global Step Predictor. That file should be copied to /angel_system/model_files/coco/
to start the service run:
tmuxinator start demos/medical/Kitware-R18
This will execute the yaml file defined at /angel_system/ros/demos/medical/Kitware-R18.yaml
. We can use the pre-recorded data by ensuring the sensor_input
line points to a pre-recorded data as such:
- sensor_input: ros2 bag play ${ANGEL_WORKSPACE_DIR}/ros_bags/rosbag2_2024_04_02-19_57_59-R18_naked_mannequin_no_blue_tarp-timestamp_unconfident/rosbag2_2024_04_02-19_57_59_0.db3
to end the service run:
tmuxinator stop demos/medical/Kitware-R18
Any modifications to the code would require to stop the service and re-build the workspace
tmuxinator stop demos/medical/Kitware-R18
./workspace_build.sh; source install/setup.sh
This step requires a user on the BBN systems to login to the Kitware machine. After it is set up:
ssh <username>@kitware-ptg-magic.eln.bbn.com
cd angel/angel_system
git pull
git submodule update --init --recursive
./workspace_build.sh; source install/setup.sh
tmuxinator start demos/medical/BBN-integrate-Kitware-R18