A simple terminal program meant to simplify calculating work-hours calculations for employees. At the time of writing, employees are required to round their worked hours to the nearest quarter-hour (X.00, X.25, X.50, X.75, X+1.00). This program takes a start time and end time separated by a hyphen and determines the hours worked, assuming the hours worked are less than 24 and that the start and end times are always in the order start - end, such that working from 8:00pm-7:59pm is a valid input, suggesting you worked 23 hours and 59 minutes. Multiple times for a single day may be entered at once, separated by commas, i.e. 9:00am-1:00pm, 2:00pm-4:30pm, 6:10pm-9:20pm. The program will continue to do this repeatedly until stopped. You can stop the program with Ctrl + C, closing the window, or entering the same start and end time.