Locate: -> associate ocamldoc comments to trie nodes when building the trie.
Relegated to next menhir version: Find proper API for incremental parser -> goto table should not be manipulated explicitly -> exceptions from semantic action should be caught and treated differently -> relying on special handling of stack bottom is not good either Bottom handling code improved, but we should make sure it s stable.
Test: (gooby pls) -> completion -> locate -> type enclosing / type expr -> occurrences
Module constraint relaxation is wrong on functors argument. Check how typer behaves with incorrect functors. Behavior of module error recovery is unclear.
IDEA (later)
- lexing: composable lexers with a clean interface for resumption would make support for other languages / preprocessors easier
- syntax recovery (studious-parser branch): learn from suffix to target specific states during recovery
- error explanation: use machine-learning techniques to scan opam codebase, identify common patterns, suggest common solution in presence of an error