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FreshBooks NodeJS SDK

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The FreshBooks NodeJS SDK is a collection of single-purpose packages designed to easily build FreshBooks apps. Each package delivers part of the FreshBooks API, so that you can choose the packages that fit your needs.

Package What it's for
@freshbooks/api Get/set data from FreshBooks using the REST API.
@freshbooks/events Register/listen for incoming events via webhooks.
@freshbooks/app Pre-configured ExpressJS app. Includes authentication via PassportJS.


Use your favorite package manager to install any of the packages and save to your package.json:

$ npm install @freshbooks/api @freshbooks/events @freshbooks/app

# Or, if you prefer yarn
$ yarn add @freshbooks/api @freshbooks/events @freshbooks/app



Your app will interact with the REST API using the Client object, available from the @freshbooks/api package. The client is instantiated with a valid OAuth token, which is used throughout the lifetime of the client to make API calls.

Configuring the API client

import { Client } from '@freshbooks/api'

// Get token from authentication or configuration
const token = process.env.FRESHBOOKS_TOKEN

// Instantiate new FreshBooks API client
const client = new Client(token)

Get/set data from REST API

All REST API methods return a response in the shape of:

  ok: boolean
  data?: T // model type of result
  error?: Error

Example API client call:

try {
    // Get the current user
    const { data } = await

    console.log(`Hello, ${}`)
} catch ({ code, message }) {
    // Handle error if API call failed
    console.error(`Error fetching user: ${code} - ${message}`)

Building custom queries

If an endpoint supports searching or custom inclusions via query parameters, these parameters can be specified using a QueryBuilderType:

type QueryBuilderType = IncludesQueryBuilder | SearchQueryBuilder

An appropriate method on the API client will support an array of builders:

public readonly invoices = {
  list: (accountId: string, queryBuilders?: QueryBuilderType[]) => Promise<Result<{
      invoices: Invoice[];
      pages: Pagination;

The SearchQueryBuilder supports the patterns: Equals, In, Like and Between.

Example API client call with SearchQueryBuilder:

//create and populate SearchQueryBuilder
const searchQueryBuilder = new SearchQueryBuilder()
    .like('address_like', '200 King Street')
    .between('date', { min: new Date('2010-05-06'), max: new Date('2019-11-10') })

try {
    // Get invoices matching search query
    const { data } = await client.invoices.list('xZNQ1X', [searchQueryBuilder])

    console.log('Invoices: ', data)
} catch ({ code, message }) {
    // Handle error if API call failed
    console.error(`Error fetching user: ${code} - ${message}`)

The IncludesQueryBuilder simply requires the name of the key to be included.

Example API client call with IncludesQueryBuilder:

//create and populate IncludesQueryBuilder
const includesQueryBuilder = new IncludesQueryBuilder().includes('lines')

try {
    // Get invoices with included line items
    const { data } = await client.invoices.list('xZNQ1X', [includesQueryBuilder])

    console.log('Invoices: ', data)
} catch ({ code, message }) {
    // Handle error if API call failed
    console.error(`Error fetching user: ${code} - ${message}`)
Optional fields

Optional fields are specified in the API data model as optional using Typescript's ? operator, as well as marked as Nullable<T>, where T is the type of value, and Nullable is a type definition to allow null values.

// create a user model with required fields. set other fields as undefined
const user: User = {
  id: '123',
  firstName: 'Johnny',
  lastName: 'Appleseed'

// explicity set an optional field
user.phoneNumbers = [
    title: 'Home',
    number: '555-555-5555'

// explicitly unset an optional field
user.phoneNumbers = null

If an API error occurs, the response object contains an error object, with the following shape:

  code: string
  message?: string

If the endpoint is enabled for pagination, the response data object contains the response model and a pages property, with the following shape:

    page: number
    pages: number
    total: number
    size: number

Example request with pagination:

// Get list of invoices for account
const { invoices, pages } = await client.invoices.list('xZNQ1X')

// Print invoices => console.log(JSON.stringify(invoice)))

// Print pagination
console.log(`Page ${} of ${} pages`)
console.log(`Showing ${pages.size} per page`)
console.log(`${pages.size} total invoices`)


The FreshBooks SDK provides a pre-configured ExpressJS app. This app provides OAuth2 authentication flow, a PassportJS middleware for authenticating requests, and session middleware to retrieve tokens for a session.

Using the ExpressJS app

Setting up the ExpressJS app requires a FreshBooks client__id and client_secret, as well as a callback URL to receive user authentication and refresh tokens. Once configured, routes can be configured as in any other ExpressJS app.

import { Client } from '@freshbooks/api'
import createApp from '@freshbooks/app'

const CLIENT_ID = process.env.CLIENT_ID
const CALLBACK_URL = process.env.CALLBACK_URL


// set up callback route
app.get('/auth/freshbooks/redirect', passport.authorize('freshbooks')

// set up an authenticated route
app.get('/settings', passport.authorize('freshbooks'), async (req, res) => {
  // get an API client
  const { token } = req.user
  const client = new Client(token)

  // fetch the current user
  try {
    const { data } = await
  } catch ({ code, message }) {
    res.status(500, `Error - ${code}: ${message}`)



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HUSKY_SKIP_HOOKS=1 ./node_modules/.bin/lerna publish

Note: lerna publishing artifacts to github doesn't play too nicely with the git commit hooks installed by husky. If you run into trouble, delete them from ./git/hooks/ and give it a try.

After the new tags have been pushed to github, log in there and create a release from one of the new tags to push to npm.