is supported in Clojurescript on Node.js targets.
First, you'll need to install node-serialport in your project:
> npm install serialport
Build your application as you would normally.
The main difference is in opening a board. Unlike the Clojure version of open-board
and its siblings, the Clojurescript version takes a callback. For example, opening a serial board:
(ns my-firmata-app
(:require [archytas.core :as f]))
(defn -main []
(f/open-serial-board "/dev/tty.usbmodemfd131" (fn [board]
; do what you like here with the standard archytas api
Detecting a valid arduino serial port works in a similar manner. In this instance the callback takes the form (fn [err port])
. For example:
(detect-arduino-port (fn [err port]
(if port
(f/open-serial-board port (fn [board]
; do stuff with the board
(if err (print err) "No port detected"))))