The system level object includes the configuration of a single webhook URL which will receive notifications when events occur in that system. To configure a webhook in your BadgeKit API database, add a record to the webhooks
table, indicating the URL to send the webhook notifications to, plus a secret you can use to authenticate the data received. For a more detailed overview of configuring your webhook, see Application Review Webhooks - Configuring a Webhook.
If you're reading this documentation and need to configure a webhook on please contact your BadgeKit support person.
BadgeKit will send data to your webhook URL when these events occur:
- An application review is submitted
- A badge is awarded/issued (a badge instance is created)
- A badge is revoked (a badge instance is deleted)
Each call to the webhook will be signed with the key you set in your webhooks database table record. The signature works exactly like calls to the BadgeKit API. For more information, see authorization.
Called when a review is submitted for a badge application. The API sends the webhook the action (which will be review
), the application data, the review data and approved status. Issuers can then process the application, responding by communicating with the earner and/or issuing the badge.
Note that when a review is submitted that approves the application, the badge is NOT automatically awarded. The receiver of this webhook will have to call back to BadgeKit API to award the badge if that is the desired behavior - see Issuing - Create a Badge Instance. For example, you may wish to communicate with the earner for confirmation that they wish to be awarded the badge. Similarly, the badge application will remain active and reviewable until a call is made to BadgeKit API that sets a processed
timestamp on the application - see Assessment - Update an Application.
"action": "review",
"id": 123,
"slug": "abcdefg1234567",
"learner": "[email protected]",
"created": "2014-05-12T15:13:07.000Z",
"assignedTo": null,
"assignedExpiration": null,
"id": 61,
"slug": "badge-slug",
"processed": null,
"evidence": [ ]
"id": 456,
"slug": "1234567abcdefg",
"author": "[email protected]",
"comment": "Comment from reviewer to earner.",
"criterionId": 221,
"satisfied": 1,
"comment": "Exactly right."
"approved": true
- action
- application
- badge
- review
- approved
In BadgeKit, issuing a badge to an earner means creating a badge instance. When a badge instance is created, the API sends a message to the webhook including the details of the badge instance and assertion. The message includes the action (which will be award
), the UID, the badge awarded, the earner email, the assertion URL, the date issued and an optional comment.
The award
action webhook is sent whenever a badge is issued, whether this involves an application/ review process, a claim code or a badge being issued directly to an email address. This allows issuers to carry out follow-up tasks with the earner, such as offering to push a new badge to a backpack.
"action": "award",
"uid": "abcdefghijkl1234567890",
"id": 11,
"slug": "badge-slug",
"email": "[email protected]",
"assertionUrl": "",
"issuedOn": 1400094712,
"comment": null
- action
- uid
- badge
- assertionUrl
- issuedOn
- comment
If it is determined that a badge earner should no longer have a badge, their badge instance can be deleted. When this occurs, the API sends a message notifying the webhook that the earner's badge has been revoked. The message includes the action (which will be revoke
), the UID, the badge revoked, and the earner email.
The revoke
action webhook is sent whenever a badge is revoked. This allows issuers to carry out any tasks associated with revoking the badge, such as removing permissions on a website tied to the possession of a particular badge.
"action": "revoke",
"uid": "abcdefghijkl1234567890",
"id": 11,
"slug": "badge-slug",
"email": "[email protected]"
- action
- uid
- badge
For more on handling the webhook data, see the following pages in the BadgeKit API wiki: