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Deploying the Application

Steps Overview

  1. VM Setup (Ubuntu 16.04)
    1. Update and upgrade: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
    2. Install git if it isn't already
    3. Install docker
    4. Install nvm / node / npm
      • After installing nvm, install LTS version for node and npm: nvm install --lts
      • Check node version with node --version
      • Set the default node version (otherwise it won't persist between shells): nvm alias default <node_version>
        • Example: nvm alias default 8.6.0
    5. Install mysql-server
    6. Add dockerhost to the /etc/hosts file
      • sudo emacs /etc/hosts
      • Add the entry dockerhost
      • This way your production config file (discussed below) will work both on the host server and in the docker containers.
    7. Generate an ssh key and add to the project's deploy keys on Github
  2. Project Setup
    1. Navigate to where you want the project, then clone it:
      • git clone
      • (This works via SSH only if you setup a deploy key.)
    2. Install dependencies: cd endor && npm install
    3. Create production configuration file:
      • From the endor directory, move to the config directory and copy the default config file: cd config && cp default.json production.json
      • Edit production.json and enter valid information (database credentials, etc)
      • Make sure to set the following:
        • The database host should be set to "dockerhost"
        • The database options should include the following: "dialectOptions": { "socketPath": "/tmp/mysql.sock" },
    4. Create and initialize the database:
      • First, run export NODE_ENV=production to ensure it uses the production configs
      • Create the database: npm run createDB
      • Initialize: npm run initDB
  3. Setting up docker-gen and Nginx reverse proxy
    1. docker pull jwilder/nginx-proxy
    2. docker run -d -p 80:80 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock jwilder/nginx-proxy
    3. If you visit the domain(s) without any services running, you should see the 503 page from nginx
    4. For more information, checkout this article by Thiago Marini.
  4. Build and run the hammerio/endor image
# Building the image (-t gives a tag name)
docker build -t hammerio/endor .
# Run the image on the defined virtual host with the host mysql socket mounted in the container
docker run --add-host=dockerhost:$(ip route | awk '/docker0/ { print $NF }') \
  -v /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock:/tmp/mysql.sock \
  -e NODE_ENV=production \
  -e \
  -d hammerio/endor
# For easier debugging, run the following instead
# Instead of detaching, it keeps an interactive shell into the container open
docker run --add-host=dockerhost:$(ip route | awk '/docker0/ { print $NF }') \
  -v /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock:/tmp/mysql.sock \
  -e NODE_ENV=production \
  -e \
  -it hammerio/endor

Helpful Docker Commands

For the actual docker commands used in deployment, read above.

A docker image is built to run the application in production. The following commands will help you deploy Endor in a docker container on your local machine (for development, normally you don't need to do this; just run npm start):

# Building the image (-t gives a tag name)
docker build -t hammerio/endor .
# List docker images
docker images
# Runs the image, redirecting port 8888 on your machine to
# the exposed port in the image. The -d flag detaches the process. 
docker run -p 8888:3000 -d hammerio/endor
# Get container ID
docker ps
# Print app output
docker logs <container_id>
# Enter the container, if necessary
docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/sh
# Stop the container
docker stop <container_id>

Most of this information was found in this guide from