- You can create a new GitHub issue here.
- Include the details below in your issue.
- What topic (e.g. R package) will you showcase?
- Why do you think it's worthwhile learning about this topic/package?
- It's important to state the motivation so it's clear to readers why they should read further.
- What dataset will you use?
- Preferably, pick a dataset that is relatively small.
- If the dataset is large, you can subset it to make it smaller (e.g. subset on chromosomes 20-22).
- Try to leverage datasets that are used elsewhere in this set of tutorials.
- It would be nice if there was a permalink for downloading the dataset. If a custom dataset is created (e.g. subsetting an existing large dataset), it would be great if the custom version was hosted somewhere (e.g. FigShare) so you can provide a permalink.
- What software dependencies need to be installed?
- R packages are usually easy to install, so it's okay to install a few R packages.
- Other command-line tools might be harder to set up on certain systems (e.g. Windows), so try to limit the number of external tool dependencies.
- What will you cover in your tutorial?
- This roughly corresponds to an outline of what you will accomplish in your tutorial using the dataset you picked.