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Solutions for Advent of Code 2021

This is a collection of compiled solutions for Advent of Code 2021 as the puzzles were solved originally. The solutions are written in Rust.

I have decided to use this opportunity to learn about the Rust programming language. Since I hope to learn something new with each puzzle, I'm keeping all solutions mostly untouched after the result submission. This will allow me to consider the progress I made between each puzzle. Since I might get new insights or ideas for an old solution later down the road, I'll keep them in a separate file,

What I learned

Day 1

  • Reading a text file into a String: std::fs::read_to_string

Day 2

  • Iterator over the lines in a String: s.lines()
  • Map a function/closure over an iterator, discard failures: it.filter_map(f)
  • Type hint only for outer type parameter:
    • let y: Vec<_> = x.split(" ").collect();
    • let y = x.split(" ").collect::Vec<_>();
  • Chain fallible operations with and_then: y[1].parse::<i32>().ok().and_then(|n| y[0].chars().nth(0).and_then(|c| Some((c, n))))

Day 3

  • if statement as ternary operator: counts[i] += if == Some('1') { 1 } else { -1 }
  • Parse numbers with different bases: i32::from_str_radix("1011101", 2).unwrap()

Day 4

  • Ranges can be used as iterators: (0..5).map(|x| 2 * x - 1).collect::<Vec<_>>()
  • Blocks can be given labels and broken out of (see day_04)
  • Variables can be declared without type and value if they're not going to be read before first assignment: let a; a = 3 * something;

Day 5

  • Large Vec initialization using a macro: vec![vec![0, 1000]; 1000]
  • Argument destructuring in closures: (&lines).into_iter().filter(|(a,b,c,d)| a == c || b == d)
  • Negative numbers can't easily be added to usize: if dx * dy > 0 { y += 1; } else { y -= 1; }

Day 6

  • Difference between into_iter, iter and iter_mut

Day 7

  • Remove whitespace around String: trim
  • Custom max function on an iterator: max_by(|(_, a), (_, b)| a.partial_cmp(b).unwrap())
  • Iterate over elements in nested iterators: flat_map
  • Shorten map and filter map: x -> Result<y, _>).filter_map(Result::ok)it.flat_map(f)
    • Result is an iterator that yields one value if Ok(x) and no values if Err(e)

Day 8

  • Set operations using HashSet: intersection, equality
  • sort vs. sort_unstable
  • iter.position(x)
  • vec.swap(i, j)

Day 9

  • Parse char into its digit value: c.to_digit(basis).unwrap()
  • Closures cannot be called recursively
  • Only consider first k elements of an iterator: iter.take(k)

Day 10

  • Extend existing vec with and iterator: v.extend(iter)
  • Labels let you break out of nested loops: 'outer: for i in ... { ... break 'outer; ... }

Day 12

  • Anonymous values can be used in function calls that need a reference: f(&mut HashMap::new())
  • String slices can be converted into owned strings directly: "foo".to_owned()

Day 13

  • Closure parameters can't be easily given lifetimes

Day 14

  • Hash maps/sets can take &strs as keys
  • Strings can be constructed from char arrays: String::from_iter([key.chars().nth(0).unwrap(), *c])
    • also works by collecting: vec_of_chars.into_iter().collect::<String>()

Day 15

  • Iterating over a changing container: while let Some(x) = container.pop() { ... }
  • Multiple elements for a Vec cannot be borrowed if one borrow is mutable
  • A queue: let mut queue = VecDeque; queue.push_back(x); queue.pop_front()

Day 16

  • Closure can take ownership of values using move: let a = 3; let c = move || a + 3;
  • Strings can be formatted using format strings (see std::fmt)
  • Functions that would consume an iterator can instead only take elements by passing it.by_ref():
    • Take 5 elements into a vec: it.by_ref().take(5).collect::<Vec<_>>()
  • Type trait's associated types can be further bounded: fn evaluate<I: Iterator<Item = u8>>(...) ...ž

Day 17

  • Rust doesn't have named tuples, structs must be used
  • Binary operators can be implemented for custom types by implementing traits in std::ops

Day 18

  • Garbage collection can be emulated using a reference-counting pointer: std::rc::Rc
  • Structs/Enums can't have nested types defined inside
  • Enum variants can be brought into scope: enum Foo { A(i32), B, ... }; use Foo::*;
  • Debug strings can be derived or implemented by hand for new types
  • Dereferenced values can be borrowed: let (l, r) = &**p;
  • Functions can be implemented to extract enum variants directly: impl Foo { fn a(self) -> i32 { if let Foo::A(n) = self { n } else { panic!("Foo not A") } } }
  • Ranges can be exclusive (a..b) or inclusive (a..=b) at the end

Day 19

  • If the size is known in advance: let a: [i32; 3] = vec.as_slice().try_into().unwrap();
  • Destructuring assignments: let x, y, z; let a = [1, 2, 3]; [x, y, z] = a;
    • At the time of writing an unstable features, to be added in Rust 1.59.0

Day 20

  • vec macro can be used to initialize large vecs: let a = vec![0; 1024];
  • Useful iterator functions:
    • std::iter::once(x) returns x once
    • std::iter::repeat(x) returns x forever
    • it1.chain(it2) first returns all values from it1 and then all values from it2
    • returns an iterator returning tuples (x1, x2) while both iterators return values
    • it.cycle() repeatedly returns all values from it, repeating from the beginning
    • it.enumerate() returns enumerated elements from it
    • it.flatten() returns elements of elements of it
    • it.fold(init, f) reduces it by acc = init; loop { acc = f(acc, }
    • it.intersperse(x) alternates between elements of it and returning x
    • it.{max,min}_by(f) applies f to each element and returns the extreme
    • it.nth(n) discards n - 1 elements and returns nth
    • it.reduce(f) reduces consecutive elements by x = f(x, y)
    • it.skip(n) returns an iterator with elements of it from n onward
    • it.take(n) returns next n values from it (consuming it in the process)
    • it.unzip() collects tuples into a tuple of containers

Day 22

  • Generic impl for generic struct: struct Foo<T> { ... }; impl<T> Foo<T> { ... }

Day 23

  • Tuple-like structs: struct Foo(i32, i32, i32);
  • Flush stdout: use std::io::{self, Write}; io::stdout().flush().unwrap();

Day 24

  • Sometimes it's worth trying solving the problem by hand.