An AngularJS directive to display a context menu when a right-click event is triggered
This project was built using ng-boilerplate!
Install using Bower:
bower install ng-context-menu --save
Include ng-context-menu.min.js in your app.
var app = angular.module('menu-demo', ['ngRoute', 'ng-context-menu'])
<div context-menu class="panel panel-default position-fixed" data-target="myMenu"
ng-class="{ 'highlight': highlight, 'expanded' : expanded }">
As you can see in the demo, I just created a class called position-fixed and added the property:
.position-fixed {
position: fixed;
If you need to use an input inside the contextmenu and do not with to close the context menu on left click, you can add a class to data-keep-opened
Then you just need to add the referred class to the elementthat you wish not to close on left click.
If you need to disable the contextmenu in certain circumstances, you can add an expression to the
attribute. If the expression evaluates to true, the contextmenu will be
disabled, for example, context-menu-disabled="1 === 1"
That's it, I hope you find this useful!
«–– Ian