This is a physical model prototype of the Glossy MSP430, which has the objective to check if the PCB project can fit this commercially available plastic case.
The circuit sent to fabrication actually works, but has a deprecated pin layout which will not be maintained. Many other aspects will also change in the future. Until a V2 version of this layout will be developed, the information on this page, including schematics are just a rough reference.
By the way, the results of this physical model was a success.
The first build option, is a design based on the ST-Link V2 form factor. So, one can buy some cheap ST-Link V2 clone, discard the main-board of the clone and install a new hardware on it, to reuse the housing, which is very pretty and has an additional connector that can be used as a serial port. Besides, recent clones are coming without branding, which is perfect in our case:
This is the 3D model:
I've just bough on Amazon or AliExpress both ST-Link devices and replaced the contents by the PCB's. The PCB's were produced by JLCPCB, which already mounted the SMD components, helping much on the final result.
The picture below shows the physical prototype replacing the cloned ST-Link:
By closing the case it looks like this:
See that the 14-pin connector may look strange here, since the case is originally intended for a 20-pin connector.