Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Allowbluetooth | Allowbluetooth | [optional] | |
Allowbrowser | Allowbrowser | [optional] | |
Allowcam | Allowcam | [optional] | |
Allowconsumeremail | Allowconsumeremail | [optional] | |
Allowdesktopsync | Allowdesktopsync | [optional] | |
Allowhtmlemail | Allowhtmlemail | [optional] | |
Allowinternetsharing | Allowinternetsharing | [optional] | |
Allowirda | Allowirda | [optional] | |
Allowpopimapemail | Allowpopimapemail | [optional] | |
Allowremotedesk | Allowremotedesk | [optional] | |
Allowsimpledevpw | Allowsimpledevpw | [optional] | |
Allowsmimeencalgneg | Allowsmimeencalgneg | [optional] | |
Allowsmimesoftcerts | Allowsmimesoftcerts | [optional] | |
Allowstoragecard | Allowstoragecard | [optional] | |
Allowtextmessaging | Allowtextmessaging | [optional] | |
Allowunsignedapps | Allowunsignedapps | [optional] | |
Allowunsigninstallpacks | Allowunsigninstallpacks | [optional] | |
Allowwifi | Allowwifi | [optional] | |
Alphanumpwreq | Alphanumpwreq | [optional] | |
Approvedapplist | String[] | A list of in-RAM applications that are approved for execution. | [optional] |
Attenabled | Attenabled | [optional] | |
Devencenabled | Devencenabled | [optional] | |
Devpwenabled | Devpwenabled | [optional] | |
Devpwexpiration | Int32 | Whether the password expires after the specified number of days, as determined by the policy (0=unlimited). | [optional] [default to 0] |
Devpwhistory | Int32 | The minimum number of previously used passwords the client device stores to prevent reuse (0=no storage). | [optional] [default to 0] |
Maxattsize | SyncPolicyMaxattsize | [optional] | |
Maxcalagefilter | Maxcalagefilter | [optional] | |
Maxdevpwfailedattempts | Int32 | The number of password failures that are permitted before the device is wiped. | [optional] [default to 8] |
Maxemailagefilter | Maxemailagefilter | [optional] | |
Maxemailbodytruncsize | Int32 | The truncation size for plain text-formatted email messages (-1=unlimited, 0=header only, >0=truncate to size) | [optional] [default to -1] |
Maxemailhtmlbodytruncsize | Int32 | The truncation size for HTML-formatted email messages (-1=unlimited, 0=header only, >0=truncate to size) | [optional] [default to -1] |
Maxinacttimedevlock | Int32 | The number of seconds of inactivity before the device locks itself (>9999=unlimited) | [optional] [default to 900] |
Mindevcomplexchars | Int32 | The minimum number of character classes (lower case, upper case, numbers and symbols) contained within the password. | [optional] [default to 3] |
Mindevpwlenngth | Int32 | The minimum device password length that the user can enter (1=unlimited). | [optional] [default to 4] |
Pwrecoveryenabled | Pwrecoveryenabled | [optional] | |
Reqdevenc | Reqdevenc | [optional] | |
Reqencsmimealgorithm | Reqencsmimealgorithm | [optional] | |
Reqencsmimemessages | Reqencsmimemessages | [optional] | |
Reqmansyncroam | Reqmansyncroam | [optional] | |
Reqsignedsmimealgorithm | Reqsignedsmimealgorithm | [optional] | |
Reqsignedsmimemessages | Reqsignedsmimemessages | [optional] | |
Unapprovedinromapplist | String[] | A list of in-ROM applications that are not approved for execution. | [optional] |
- Prepare the resource
$SyncPolicy = Initialize-GrommunioAdminSyncPolicy -Allowbluetooth null `
-Allowbrowser null `
-Allowcam null `
-Allowconsumeremail null `
-Allowdesktopsync null `
-Allowhtmlemail null `
-Allowinternetsharing null `
-Allowirda null `
-Allowpopimapemail null `
-Allowremotedesk null `
-Allowsimpledevpw null `
-Allowsmimeencalgneg null `
-Allowsmimesoftcerts null `
-Allowstoragecard null `
-Allowtextmessaging null `
-Allowunsignedapps null `
-Allowunsigninstallpacks null `
-Allowwifi null `
-Alphanumpwreq null `
-Approvedapplist null `
-Attenabled null `
-Devencenabled null `
-Devpwenabled null `
-Devpwexpiration null `
-Devpwhistory null `
-Maxattsize null `
-Maxcalagefilter null `
-Maxdevpwfailedattempts null `
-Maxemailagefilter null `
-Maxemailbodytruncsize null `
-Maxemailhtmlbodytruncsize null `
-Maxinacttimedevlock null `
-Mindevcomplexchars null `
-Mindevpwlenngth null `
-Pwrecoveryenabled null `
-Reqdevenc null `
-Reqencsmimealgorithm null `
-Reqencsmimemessages null `
-Reqmansyncroam null `
-Reqsignedsmimealgorithm null `
-Reqsignedsmimemessages null `
-Unapprovedinromapplist null
- Convert the resource to JSON
$SyncPolicy | ConvertTo-JSON