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Functional web programming in Purescript. Heavily inspired by Elm


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Purescript Bonsai

Build Status

Functional web programming in Purescript. Heavily inspired by Elm & using the Elm Virtual DOM.

STATUS: Getting ready for 1.0, with some breaking changes still coming.

What is there:

  • Elm's Virtual DOM as backend
  • Event/command system for functional updates to the virtual DOM
  • Integration of event/command system with purecript's Eff and Aff. Commands can be effectful (e.g. accessing local storage) or even asynchronous (e.g. an ajax request, or a delayed update to the page).
  • Smolder-style Html API that renders to the VirtualDom

Documentation and examples

Note that these are for the last published version - these examples will not work for the current master. They will be brought up to date, but right now they are not.

These examples are tracking the current master:

Getting started

Start a fresh project

mkdir your-project
cd your-project
pulp init
bower install --save 'grmble/purescript-bonsai#master'
bower install --save 'grmble/purescript-bonsai-html#master'
pulp build

Edit src/Main.purs

module Main where

import Prelude hiding (div)

import Bonsai
import Bonsai.Html
import Bonsai.Html.Attributes
import Bonsai.Html.Events
import Control.Plus
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Tuple

type Model = Int

data Msg
  = Inc
  | Dec

update ::  Msg -> Model -> Tuple (Cmd Msg) Model
update msg model = Tuple empty $
  case msg of
    Inc ->
      model + 1
    Dec ->
      model - 1

view :: Model -> VNode Msg
view model =

  render $
    div ! cls "counter" $ do
      text $ show model
      button ! cls "minus" ! onClick Inc $ do text "+"
      button ! cls "plus" ! onClick Dec $ do text "-"

main =
  ( window #
    program (ElementId "main") update view 0) *>
  pure unit

Add a index.html in your project root

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8"/>
  <body style="padding: 2em;">
    <div id="main">Loading ...</div>
  <script type='text/javascript' src='app.js'></script>

Start pulp in server mode

pulp server


Functional web programming in Purescript. Heavily inspired by Elm







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