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File metadata and controls

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Knowledge corpus construction

Running the knowledge corpus building:


  1. Set CommonCrawl, KnowledgeConstruction and KnowledgeIndexBuilder to True in offline/
    • if you want to run on GPU, add the GPU discovery to the docker-compose.yaml (see Running on GPU below)
  2. Spin up Marqo: docker-compose up --build marqo (see Running Marqo below)
  3. Run the offline pipeline: docker-compose up --build offline

Description of components

This directory contains two parts:

  1. Parsing blog posts from their html
  2. Build the knowledge corpus

The Knowledge corpus is meant to contain files in the following format (defined in shared/protobufs/offline.proto):

message KnowledgeDocument{
    // Unique identifier for each TaskMap within the TaskMap index.
    string knowledge_id = 1;
    // Title of task being completed.
    string title = 2;
    // Date (format: YYYY-MM-DD) when the TaskMap input data was created (for example when published online).
    string date = 3;
    // URL that the TaskMap input data was extracted.
    string source_url = 4;
    repeated string contents = 5;
    string author = 6;


For the parsing, we can currently parse the following blog posts:

The parsing can be configured in offline/ The runner takes the following arguments: 'html_proto_path', 'knowledge_proto_path' and 'parsers'. In parsers, you can define what blog posts you would like to process, for example seriouseats_knowledge_config defines that we would like to parse seriouseats blog posts.

The KnowledgeConstruction takes whatever HTML protos it can find from shared/file_system/offline/htmls and processes the parsed blog posts into KnowledgeDocument protos. They are saved as a binary dump in shared/file_system/offline/knowledge.

Indexing with Pyserini

In knowledge_corpus/, we run the building of the knowledge corpus. We take the KnowledgeDocument proto binaries in shared/file_system/offline/knowledge and pass them into our Pyserini indexing tools.

We switched to indexing with Pyserini, as the Marqo functiontionality was not able to run on Kubernetes. To index with Pyserini, we have tools created in index_builders which the PyseriniKnowledgeIndexer can implement. This allows for standardised indexing between different indexes being created.

Running with GPU If you would like to use GPU to index, you need to ensure the Docker Compose configuration for the offline service includes a GPU section like this:

          - driver: nvidia
            count: 1 # set to 0 to run without a GPU
            capabilities: [gpu]

This will allow the containers to detect the GPU that the system has.

The KnowledgeIndexBuilder takes in 4 arguments: 'knowledge_proto_path', 'index_name', 'batch_size', 'processes'.

The current default settings are what worked best on a GPU EC2 instance.