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Gridap and solvers from DifferentialEquations.jl #962
@JanSuntajs Have you tried replicating/running this test? |
@JordiManyer thanks for the suggestion. I have not yet tried replicating or running the test, however, using Gridap.ODEs.DiffEqWrappers This relates to my original post, namely, the module Edit: perhaps I misunderstood your suggestion initially. I will look into the contents of the |
@JanSuntajs I am using the master branch of Gridap, and the DiffEqWrappers still exists. I don't know if it works, since the test file I pointed at does not run within our CI tests. |
@JordiManyer I am also using the master branch and while the DiffEqWrappers still exists, it is not included in the """
The exported names are
module ODEs
using DocStringExtensions
# include("DiffEqsWrappers/DiffEqsWrappers.jl")
end #module
const GridapODEs = ODEs
@JordiManyer, I have now tried running the said test. Since I could not include # """
# The exported names are
# """
module DiffEqWrappers
using Test
using Gridap.ODEs.TransientFETools: TransientFEOperator
using Gridap.ODEs.ODETools: allocate_cache
using Gridap.ODEs.ODETools: update_cache!
using Gridap.ODEs.ODETools: residual!
using Gridap.ODEs.ODETools: jacobians!
using Gridap.ODEs.ODETools: jacobian!
using Gridap.Algebra: allocate_jacobian
using Gridap.FESpaces: get_algebraic_operator
using LinearAlgebra: fillstored!
export prototype_jacobian
export prototype_mass
export prototype_stiffness
export diffeq_wrappers
This method takes a `FEOperator` and returns some methods that can be used
in `DifferentialEquations.jl`. Assuming we want to solve the nonlinear ODE
`res(t,u,du) = 0`, we return:
1. `residual!(res, du, u, p, t)`: It returns the residual (in `res`) at
`(u,du,t)`, following the signature in `DifferentialEquations`.
For the moment, we do not support parameters.
2. `jacobian!(jac, du, u, p, gamma, t)`: Idem for the Jacobian. It returns
`∂res/∂du*γ + ∂res/∂u`
3. `mass!(mass, du, u, p, t)`: Idem for the mass matrix. It returns
4. `stiffness!(stif, du, u, p, t)`: Idem for the mass matrix. It returns
function diffeq_wrappers(op)
ode_op = get_algebraic_operator(op)
ode_cache = allocate_cache(ode_op)
function _residual!(res, du, u, p, t)
# TO DO (minor): Improve update_cache! st do nothing if same time t as in the cache
# now it would be done twice (residual and jacobian)
ode_cache = update_cache!(ode_cache, ode_op, t)
residual!(res, ode_op, t, (u, du), ode_cache)
function _jacobian!(jac, du, u, p, gamma, t)
ode_cache = update_cache!(ode_cache, ode_op, t)
z = zero(eltype(jac))
fillstored!(jac, z)
jacobians!(jac, ode_op, t, (u, du), (1.0, gamma), ode_cache)
function _mass!(mass, du, u, p, t)
ode_cache = update_cache!(ode_cache, ode_op, t)
z = zero(eltype(mass))
fillstored!(mass, z)
jacobian!(mass, ode_op, t, (u, du), 2, 1.0, ode_cache)
function _stiffness!(stif, du, u, p, t)
ode_cache = update_cache!(ode_cache, ode_op, t)
z = zero(eltype(stif))
fillstored!(stif, z)
jacobian!(stif, ode_op, t, (u, du), 1, 1.0, ode_cache)
return _residual!, _jacobian!, _mass!, _stiffness!
It allocates the Jacobian (or mass or stiffness) matrix, given the `FEOperator`
and a vector of size total number of unknowns
function prototype_jacobian(op::TransientFEOperator, u0)
ode_op = get_algebraic_operator(op)
ode_cache = allocate_cache(ode_op) # Not acceptable in terms of performance
return allocate_jacobian(ode_op, u0, ode_cache)
const prototype_mass = prototype_jacobian
const prototype_stiffness = prototype_jacobian
end #module Then, I try running the test, which returns an error at the last line in the code below: using Gridap
using Gridap.ODEs
using Gridap.ODEs.ODETools
using Gridap.ODEs.TransientFETools
using MyProject.DiffEqWrappers
# using DifferentialEquations
# using Sundials
using Gridap.Algebra: NewtonRaphsonSolver
using Base.Iterators
# FE problem (heat eq) using Gridap
function fe_problem(u, n)
f(t) = x -> ∂t(u)(x, t) - Δ(u(t))(x)
domain = (0, 1, 0, 1)
partition = (n, n)
model = CartesianDiscreteModel(domain, partition)
order = 1
reffe = ReferenceFE(lagrangian,Float64,order)
V0 = FESpace(
conformity = :H1,
dirichlet_tags = "boundary",
U = TransientTrialFESpace(V0, u)
Ω = Triangulation(model)
degree = 2 * order
dΩ = Measure(Ω, degree)
a(u, v) = ∫( ∇(v) ⋅ ∇(u) )dΩ
b(v, t) = ∫( v * f(t) )dΩ
m(u, v) = ∫( v * u )dΩ
res(t, u, v) = a(u, v) + m(∂t(u), v) - b(v, t)
jac(t, u, du, v) = a(du, v)
jac_t(t, u, dut, v) = m(dut, v)
op = TransientFEOperator(res, jac, jac_t, U, V0)
U0 = U(0.0)
uh0 = interpolate_everywhere(u(0.0), U0)
u0 = get_free_dof_values(uh0)
return op, u0
# Solving the heat equation using Gridap.ODEs and DiffEqs
tspan = (0.0, 1.0)
u(x, t) = t
u(t) = x -> u(x, t)
# ISSUE 1: When I choose n > 2, even though the problem that we will solve is
# linear, the Sundials solvers seems to have convergence issues in the nonlinear
# solver (?). Ut returns errors
# [IDAS ERROR] IDACalcIC Newton/Linesearch algorithm failed to converge.
# ISSUE 2: When I pass `jac_prototype` the code gets stuck
n = 3 # cells per dim (2D)
op, u0 = fe_problem(u,n)
res!, jac!, mass!, stif! = diffeq_wrappers(op)
J = prototype_jacobian(op,u0) The error relates to the function Has the interface for These are the packages I am currently using in my project: Regards, |
@JordiManyer I got back to this problem after some time and here's what I found: I can get the test example working, but only after commenting out the
Then, in the # # To explore the Sundials solver options, e.g., BE with fixed time step dtd
f_iip = DAEFunction{true}(res!)#, jac_prototype=J) I suppose I need an appropriate interface to pass the assembled Jacobian to the Regards, |
To offer some update regarding my progress on the issue, I am appending a MWE of a working script that simulates diffusion on a sphere which we initially uniformly fill with an incoming flux and then stop the filling altogether: """
A script providing a minimal working example showcasing simple
diffusion simulated using both `Gridap` and ˙Sundials˙ solvers.
# using MKL
import Sundials as snd
# Gridap-based tools
using Gridap
import GridapGmsh as ggmsh
import Gridap.Geometry as ggeo
using Gridap.ODEs
using Gridap.ODEs.ODETools
using Gridap.ODEs.TransientFETools
using .DiffEqWrappers: diffeq_wrappers, prototype_jacobian
const meshname = "./sphere_shape_1.0_lc_0.1_.msh"
const dtensor = TensorValue([1. 0. 0.; 0. 1. 0.; 0. 0. 1.])
# timespan
t₀ = 0.
tf = 10
tfill = 5
# boundary flux
function bflux(x, t::Real)
if (t <= tfill)
return 1. / (3 * tfill)
return 0.
end # bflux
bflux(t::Real) = x -> bflux(x, t)
function weak_form(Ω, dΩ, dΓ, n_Γ, D, flux)
# chemical residual part
res(t, w, z) = ∫((z ⋅ ∂t(w)) + ((D ⋅ ∇(w)) ⋅ ∇(z))) * dΩ - ∫(flux(t) ⋅ z) * dΓ
# jacobian
jac(t, w, dw, z) = ∫((D ⋅ ∇(dw)) ⋅ ∇(z)) * dΩ
jac_t(t, w, dwₜ, z) = ∫(dwₜ ⋅ z) * dΩ
return res, jac, jac_t
# initial conc
cd0(x) = 0.
function main()
# ------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------
model = DiscreteModelFromFile(meshname)
# -------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------
refFE = ReferenceFE(lagrangian,Float64,1)
V= TestFESpace(model,refFE, conformity=:H1, # no dirichlet
U = TransientTrialFESpace(V, )#g1_c) # [g1_c, g1_c])
order = 1
degree = 2 * order
Ω = Triangulation(model)
dΩ = Measure(Ω, degree)
neumann_tags = ["Casing"] #["Casing", "Left edge", "Right edge"]
Γ = BoundaryTriangulation(model, tags=neumann_tags)
dΓ = Measure(Γ, degree)
n_Γ = get_normal_vector(Γ)
# -------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------
res, jac, jac_t = weak_form(Ω, dΩ, dΓ, n_Γ, dtensor, bflux)
op = TransientFEOperator(res,jac,jac_t,U,V)
c0 = interpolate_everywhere(cd0, U(0.))
csnd = get_free_dof_values(c0)
res!, jac!, _, _ = diffeq_wrappers(op)
J_ = prototype_jacobian(op, csnd)
r = copy(csnd)
θ = 0.1; dt = 0.1; tθ = 0.0; dtθ = dt*θ
res!(r, csnd, csnd, [], tθ)
jac!(J_, csnd, csnd, [], (1 / dtθ), tθ)
tspan = (t₀, tf)
# ----------------------------------------------------
# SUNDIALS phase
# # To explore the Sundials solver options, e.g., BE with fixed time step dtd
# println(cusnd)
println("Entering solver phase!")
diff_vars = fill(true, length(csnd))
f_iip = snd.DAEFunction{true}(res!;jac_prototype=J_, jac=jac!)
prob_iip = snd.DAEProblem{true}(f_iip, csnd, csnd, tspan, (), differential_vars=diff_vars);
sol_iip = snd.solve(prob_iip, snd.IDA(linear_solver=:KLU, init_all=false); dtmax=1.,
abstol=1e-06, reltol=1e-8, saveat=collect(t₀:0.1:tf), tstops=[tfill])
# -------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------
println("Saving results")
savename_result = "mwe_result"
savefolder = "./results"
if !ispath(savefolder)
createpvd("$savefolder/$(savename_result)") do pvd
for i in eachindex(sol_iip.t)
# println(i)
t = sol_iip.t[i]
cₕ = FEFunction(U(t), sol_iip.u[i], get_dirichlet_dof_values(U(t)))
pvd[t] = createvtk(Ω, "$(savefolder)/$(savename_result)_t_$t.vtu",
cellfields=["ch" => cₕ, "gradc" => ∇(cₕ), "flux" => -dtensor ⋅ ∇(cₕ)
end # main
if abspath(PROGRAM_FILE) == abspath(@__FILE__)
end I am also interested in whether I am doing the interpolation back to the computational grid in the saving phase in an optimal matter - specifically, I am referring to this line:
The aditional files (the Edit: after fixing some issues with interpolation of results in the multiphysics case, it seems the same approach can be extended to a transient multiphysics case as well. If anyone is interested in that, I can perhaps prepare a MWE for that case as well, but it is indeed pretty straightforward once the operators are defined. |
@JordiManyer @santiagobadia @fverdugo In the light of the recent refactoring of the ODE module, I would like to know how to get my above code (working with Gridap v17.23.0) to work with Gridap v>=18.0.0. Specifically, I am particularly interested in what are now the analogs of the following functions: using Gridap.ODEs.TransientFETools: TransientFEOperator
using Gridap.ODEs.ODETools: allocate_cache
using Gridap.ODEs.ODETools: update_cache!
using Gridap.ODEs.ODETools: residual!
using Gridap.ODEs.ODETools: jacobians!
using Gridap.ODEs.ODETools: jacobian!
Regards, Jan |
In the new version of the ODE module, the residuals and jacobians are no longer evaluated at the
The best way to get a feel for how these functions work together is to have a look at |
I am using$\Delta t$ forward in time. It should probably also be evident from the above that the problem is a multiphysics one.
to solve a coupled system of differential and algebraic equations (DAE). Namely, I am dealing with thediffusion equation in which the concentration field is coupled to some external fields that change on time scales much faster
than that of the diffusive problem. Currently, I explicitly discretize the time-propagation scheme and use an iterative scheme to propagate the solution a timestep
For speed and convergence reasons, I would like to use a specialized DAE solver instead, such as the ones available in
DifferentialEquations.jl suite. Is there a way to achieve this in
?I stumbled upon a similar issue in GridapODEs where some attempt at a solution has been made within the module
. Could I achieve the desired outcome if I went along the same lines? I've noticed that since integration ofGridapODEs
the moduleDiffEqsWrappers
is no longer used:Regards,
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