Experiment with storage of mqtt messages.Which DB? Relational (SQL) or not (Mongo).Create table(s) for mqtt message storage.
Create application base.-
Decide on structure between front end and back end applications.Ability to debug back end in virtual environment.Ability to stage front end for debug.Determine how to manage python dependancies.
Create base front end application.Simple 'Hello World' React application.
Create base back end application.Serve front end application.Connect to mqtt broker.Store all mqtt message in DB.
Create virtual test environment. -
Create build environment.
LoggingExplore possibility of per class logging level.Can each logging output have specific per module/class specifics?
Define config parameters for logging.Classes/Modules to log.Log level per module or class?What loggers to output to.
Define configurable loggers.Console.Rolling file.Syslog?
Errors and Warnings should always be logged by the console no matter the configuration.Console by default should only log Errors ans Warning from all modules.
Define db query api.Implement db query api.Extend db query api for either < or >
Implement db query api.- Implement infinite scroller that can receive live data from the top.
Figure out how to reliably figure out when scrolled to the top.Stop updating live data when scrolling.Query db for newer entries when scroll returned to the top.Resume live data when scroll returned to the top.- Test the pause algorithm for missing messages.
- When applyling realtime data, continue to trim the total number of messages to limit browser memory.