An OpenPS2Loader theme inspired by the PS4 Dashboard. This theme is based on Jay-Jay's Themes. It has support for cover images and background, also providing an ELM (PSone games) page with square game covers.
NOTE: This theme does NOT have support for info page. Maybe sometime in the future it will be added.
- You are provided with two themes: thm_opl_aeons (4:3 theme) and thm_opl_aeons_widescreen (16:9 theme) (for widescreen TV's).
- Copy the themes on the THM folder of your OPL folder structure. If you are not familiar with adding custom themes to OPL, then follow this guide.
- Start OPL, and in
Settings -> Display Settings -> Theme
select:- thm_opl_aeons: if your TV is 4:3
- thm_opl_aeons_widescreen: if your TV is 16:9
- Now in
Settings -> Display Setings -> Widescreen
select On if you are using the thm_opl_widescreen theme.
NOTE: Remember to enable the Enable Cover Art option in
, and disable the Display Info Page (this one because the theme does not support Info Page yet)