diff --git a/.github/workflows/release.yml b/.github/workflows/release.yml
index e6594ed..f302aaa 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/release.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/release.yml
@@ -53,92 +53,103 @@ jobs:
- name: Get commits since last tag
id: commits
run: |
- PREV_TAG=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 HEAD^ 2>/dev/null || echo "")
- if [ -z "$PREV_TAG" ]; then
- echo "No previous tag found, using initial commit."
- while read -r commit_hash; do
- COMMIT_MSG=$(git log -n 1 --pretty=format:"%s" "$commit_hash")
- AUTHOR=$(gh api "/repos/${{ github.repository }}/commits/$commit_hash" --jq '.author.login')
- done < <(git log --format="%H" HEAD)
+ # Získání aktuálního tagu
+ CURRENT_TAG=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 HEAD)
+ # Kontrola, zda je aktuální tag stabilní (neobsahuje -beta, -rc apod.)
+ if [[ "$CURRENT_TAG" =~ -(beta|rc) ]]; then
+ # Pro beta/rc verze najdi předchozí libovolný tag
+ PREV_TAG=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 HEAD^)
- declare -A FIXUPS
- # Iterace přes všechny commity od posledního tagu
- while read -r commit_hash; do
- COMMIT_MSG=$(git log -n 1 --pretty=format:"%s" "$commit_hash")
- AUTHOR=$(gh api "/repos/${{ github.repository }}/commits/$commit_hash" --jq '.author.login')
- # Kontrola, zda jde o fixup commit
- if [[ "$COMMIT_MSG" == fixup!* ]]; then
- ORIGINAL_HASH=$(git log -n 1 --format="%H" "$commit_hash"^)
- FIXUPS["$ORIGINAL_HASH"]+="$commit_hash "
- continue
- fi
- # Hledání uzavřených issue nebo PR pro tento commit
- COMMIT_URL="https://github.com/${{ github.repository }}/commit/$commit_hash"
- echo "Checking commit: $COMMIT_URL"
+ # Pro stabilní verze najdi poslední stabilní tag (ignoruj beta/rc tagy)
+ PREV_TAG=$(git tag --sort=-creatordate | grep -E '^[^ ]+$' | grep -Ev '-(beta|rc)' | head -n 1)
+ fi
- ISSUE_URLS=$(gh api "/repos/${{ github.repository }}/issues?state=closed" --jq "[.[] | select(.body != null and (.body | test(\"(Resolve|Close).*${commit_hash}\")))][].html_url" || echo "")
- ISSUE_COMMENT_URLS=$(gh api "/repos/${{ github.repository }}/issues/comments" --jq "[.[] | select(.body != null and (.body | test(\"(Resolve|Close).*${commit_hash}\")))][].html_url" || echo "")
- PR_URLS=$(gh api "/repos/${{ github.repository }}/pulls?state=all" --jq "[.[] | select(.body != null and (.body | contains(\"${commit_hash}\")))][].html_url" || echo "")
+ # Pokud nebyl nalezen žádný předchozí tag, použij počáteční commit
+ if [ -z "$PREV_TAG" ]; then
+ echo "No previous tag found, using initial commit."
+ fi
- echo "VANILA"
+ #PREV_TAG=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0 HEAD^ 2>/dev/null || echo "")
- echo "$ISSUE_URLS"
- echo "$PR_URLS"
+ if [ -z "$PREV_TAG" ]; then
+ echo "No previous tag found, using initial commit."
+ PREV_TAG=$(git rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD)
+ fi
- ISSUE_URLS=$(echo "$ISSUE_URLS" | sed 's/#issuecomment-[0-9]*//g')
- ISSUE_COMMENT_URLS=$(echo "$ISSUE_COMMENT_URLS" | sed 's/#issuecomment-[0-9]*//g')
+ declare -A FIXUPS
- echo "CLEARED"
- echo "$ISSUE_URLS"
- echo "$PR_URLS"
- # Zpracování běžného commitu
- # Přidání všech odkazů na Issues
- if [[ -n "$ISSUE_URLS" ]]; then
- COMMITS+=", (Referenced in Issues: "
- # Seznam odkazů oddělený mezerou
- COMMITS+=$(echo "$ISSUE_URLS" | tr '\n' ' ' | sed -E "s|https://github.com/${{ github.repository }}/issues/([0-9]+)|#\1|g" | sed 's/ / , /g')
- COMMITS=$(echo "$COMMITS" | sed 's/, $//')
- COMMITS+=" )"
- fi
- # Přidání všech odkazů na komentáře
- if [[ -n "$ISSUE_COMMENT_URLS" ]]; then
- COMMITS+=", (Referenced in Comments: "
- # Seznam odkazů oddělený mezerou
- COMMITS+=$(echo "$ISSUE_COMMENT_URLS" | tr '\n' ' '| sed -E "s|https://github.com/${{ github.repository }}/issues/([0-9]+)|#\1|g" | sed 's/ / , /g')
- COMMITS=$(echo "$COMMITS" | sed 's/, $//')
- COMMITS+=" )"
- fi
- # Přidání všech odkazů na PRs
- if [[ -n "$PR_URLS" ]]; then
- COMMITS+=", (Referenced in PRs: "
- COMMITS+=$(echo "$PR_URLS" | tr '\n' ' '| sed -E "s|https://github.com/${{ github.repository }}/pulls/([0-9]+)|#\1|g" | sed 's/ / , /g')
- COMMITS=$(echo "$COMMITS" | sed 's/, $//')
- COMMITS+=" )"
- fi
+ # Iterace přes všechny commity od posledního tagu
+ while read -r commit_hash; do
+ COMMIT_MSG=$(git log -n 1 --pretty=format:"%s" "$commit_hash")
+ AUTHOR=$(gh api "/repos/${{ github.repository }}/commits/$commit_hash" --jq '.author.login')
- done < <(git log --format="%H" $PREV_TAG..HEAD)
- fi
+ # Kontrola, zda jde o fixup commit
+ if [[ "$COMMIT_MSG" == fixup!* ]]; then
+ ORIGINAL_HASH=$(git log -n 1 --format="%H" "$commit_hash"^)
+ FIXUPS["$ORIGINAL_HASH"]+="$commit_hash "
+ continue
+ fi
+ # Hledání uzavřených issue nebo PR pro tento commit
+ COMMIT_URL="https://github.com/${{ github.repository }}/commit/$commit_hash"
+ echo "Checking commit: $COMMIT_URL"
+ ISSUE_URLS=$(gh api "/repos/${{ github.repository }}/issues?state=closed" --jq "[.[] | select(.body != null and (.body | test(\"(Resolve|Close).*${commit_hash}\")))][].html_url" || echo "")
+ ISSUE_COMMENT_URLS=$(gh api "/repos/${{ github.repository }}/issues/comments" --jq "[.[] | select(.body != null and (.body | test(\"(Resolve|Close).*${commit_hash}\")))][].html_url" || echo "")
+ PR_URLS=$(gh api "/repos/${{ github.repository }}/pulls?state=all" --jq "[.[] | select(.body != null and (.body | contains(\"${commit_hash}\")))][].html_url" || echo "")
+ echo "VANILA"
+ echo "$ISSUE_URLS"
+ echo "$PR_URLS"
+ ISSUE_URLS=$(echo "$ISSUE_URLS" | sed 's/#issuecomment-[0-9]*//g')
+ ISSUE_COMMENT_URLS=$(echo "$ISSUE_COMMENT_URLS" | sed 's/#issuecomment-[0-9]*//g')
+ echo "CLEARED"
+ echo "$ISSUE_URLS"
+ echo "$PR_URLS"
+ # Zpracování běžného commitu
+ # Přidání všech odkazů na Issues
+ if [[ -n "$ISSUE_URLS" ]]; then
+ COMMITS+=", (Referenced in Issues: "
+ # Seznam odkazů oddělený mezerou
+ COMMITS+=$(echo "$ISSUE_URLS" | tr '\n' ' ' | sed -E "s|https://github.com/${{ github.repository }}/issues/([0-9]+)|#\1|g" | sed 's/ / , /g')
+ COMMITS=$(echo "$COMMITS" | sed 's/, $//')
+ COMMITS+=" )"
+ fi
+ # Přidání všech odkazů na komentáře
+ if [[ -n "$ISSUE_COMMENT_URLS" ]]; then
+ COMMITS+=", (Referenced in Comments: "
+ # Seznam odkazů oddělený mezerou
+ COMMITS+=$(echo "$ISSUE_COMMENT_URLS" | tr '\n' ' '| sed -E "s|https://github.com/${{ github.repository }}/issues/([0-9]+)|#\1|g" | sed 's/ / , /g')
+ COMMITS=$(echo "$COMMITS" | sed 's/, $//')
+ COMMITS+=" )"
+ fi
+ # Přidání všech odkazů na PRs
+ if [[ -n "$PR_URLS" ]]; then
+ COMMITS+=", (Referenced in PRs: "
+ COMMITS+=$(echo "$PR_URLS" | tr '\n' ' '| sed -E "s|https://github.com/${{ github.repository }}/pulls/([0-9]+)|#\1|g" | sed 's/ / , /g')
+ COMMITS=$(echo "$COMMITS" | sed 's/, $//')
+ COMMITS+=" )"
+ fi
+ done < <(git log --format="%H" $PREV_TAG..HEAD)
- echo "Result: $COMMITS"
# Odstranění nechtěných znaků
COMMITS=$(echo "$COMMITS" | sed 's/[[:cntrl:]]//g')
- echo "Result clear: $COMMITS"
echo "commits=$COMMITS" >> $GITHUB_ENV
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}