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File metadata and controls

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Session enables you to store user information across multiple requests, providing a stateful experience within the inherently stateless HTTP protocol. This user information is stored persistently on the server side. Goravel offers a unified interface for interacting with various persistent storage drivers.


The session configuration file is located at config/session.go. The default driver is file, which stores sessions in the storage/framework/sessions directory. Goravel allows you to create a custom session driver by implementing the contracts/session/driver interface.

Register Middleware

By default, Goravel does not start a session automatically. However, it provides middleware to start a session. You can register the session middleware in the app/http/kernel.go file to apply it to all routes, or you can add it to specific routes:

import (

func (kernel Kernel) Middleware() []http.Middleware {
  return []http.Middleware{

Interacting With The Session

Retrieving Data

You can use the Get method to retrieve data from the session. If the value does not exist, nil will be returned.

value := ctx.Request().Session().Get("key")

You may also pass a default value as the second argument to the Get method. This value will be returned if the specified key does not exist in the session:

value := ctx.Request().Session().Get("key", "default")

Retrieving All Data

If you would like to retrieve all data from the session, you may use the All method:

data := ctx.Request().Session().All()

Retrieving a Subset of Data

If you would like to retrieve a subset of the session data, you may use the Only method:

data := ctx.Request().Session().Only([]string{"username", "email"})

Determining If An Item Exists In The Session

To determine if an item is present in the session, you may use the Has method. The Has method returns true if the item is present and is not nil:

if ctx.Request().Session().Has("user") {

To determine if an item is present and even if it is nil, you may use the Exists method:

if ctx.Request().Session().Exists("user") {

To determine if an item is not present in the session, you may use the Missing method:

if ctx.Request().Session().Missing("user") {

Storing Data

You can use the Put method to store data in the session:

ctx.Request().Session().Put("key", "value")

Retrieving & Deleting Data

If you would like to retrieve an item from the session and then delete it, you may use the Pull method:

value := ctx.Request().Session().Pull("key")

Deleting Data

The Forget method can be used to remove a piece of data from the session. If you would like to remove all data from the session, you can use the Flush method:

ctx.Request().Session().Forget("username", "email")


Regenerating The Session ID

Regenerating the session ID is often done in order to prevent malicious users from exploiting a session fixation attack on your application. You may regenerate the session ID using the Regenerate method:


If you would like to regenerate the session ID and forget all data that was in the session, you may use the Invalidate method:


Then, you need to save the new session to the cookie:

  Name:     ctx.Request().Session().GetName(),
  Value:    ctx.Request().Session().GetID(),
  MaxAge:   facades.Config().GetInt("session.lifetime") * 60,
  Path:     facades.Config().GetString("session.path"),
  Domain:   facades.Config().GetString("session.domain"),
  Secure:   facades.Config().GetBool(""),
  HttpOnly: facades.Config().GetBool("session.http_only"),
  SameSite: facades.Config().GetString("session.same_site"),

Flash Data

Flash data is session data that will only be available during the subsequent HTTP request, and then will be deleted. Flash data is useful for storing temporary messages such as status messages. You may use the Flash method to store flash data in the session:

ctx.Request().Session().Flash("status", "Task was successful!")

If you would like to keep your flash data around for an additional request, you may use the Reflash method:


If you would like to keep specific flash data around for an additional request, you may use the Keep method:

ctx.Request().Session().Keep("status", "username")

If you would like to keep specific data around for immediate use, you may use the Now method:

ctx.Request().Session().Now("status", "Task was successful!")

Interacting With Session Manager

Building A Custom Session

Use the Session facade to build a custom session. The Session facade provides the BuildSession method, which takes a driver instance and an optional session ID if you want to specify a custom session ID:

import ""

session := facades.Session().BuildSession(driver, "sessionID")

Add Custom Session Drivers

Implementing The Driver

To implement a custom session driver, driver must implement the contracts/session/driver interface.

// Driver is the interface for Session handlers.
type Driver interface {
  // Close closes the session handler.
  Close() error
  // Destroy destroys the session with the given ID.
  Destroy(id string) error
  // Gc performs garbage collection on the session handler with the given maximum lifetime.
  Gc(maxLifetime int) error
  // Open opens a session with the given path and name.
  Open(path string, name string) error
  // Read reads the session data associated with the given ID.
  Read(id string) (string, error)
  // Write writes the session data associated with the given ID.
  Write(id string, data string) error

Registering The Driver

After implementing the driver, you need to register it in Goravel. You can do this using Extend method of the facades.Session. You should call the Extend method in the boot method of app/providers/app_service_provider.go:

import ""

facades.Session().Extend("redis", func() session.Driver {
  return &RedisDriver{}

Once the driver is registered, you can use it by setting the driver option in the session configuration file to redis or by setting the SESSION_DRIVER environment variable to redis.

Retrieving driver instance

Use the Driver method to retrieve the driver instance from the session manager. It accepts an optional driver name, if not provided, it returns the default driver instance:

driver, err := facades.Session().Driver("file")

Starting A New Session

session := facades.Session().BuildSession(driver)

Saving The Session Data

session := facades.Session().BuildSession(driver)

Attaching the Session to the Request

session := facades.Session().BuildSession(driver)

Checking if request has session

if ctx.Request().HasSession() {