name: sqlx Concepts video: description: level: Beginner topic: Go
name: sqlx video: thumb: github:
Why sqlx?
Now that you've seen how to do it the hard way, we're going to learn how to use sqlx, which is a set of extensions on top of db/sql intended to make it easier to use without being magic or surprising.
Features that make it worthwhile:
- Marshal rows into structs (with embedded struct support), maps, and slices
- Named parameter support including prepared statements
- Get and Select to go quickly from query to struct/slice
- Just the first one is enough reason to use sqlx - scanning fields into structs is a pain!
name: sqlx Concepts video: thumb: github:
A DB instance is not a connection, but an abstraction representing a Database. This is why creating a DB does not return an error and will not panic. It maintains a connection pool internally, and will attempt to connect when a connection is first needed. You can create an sqlx.DB via Open or by creating a new sqlx DB handle from an existing sql.DB via NewDb
var db *sqlx.DB
// exactly the same as the built-in
db = sqlx.Open("sqlite3", ":memory:")
// from a pre-existing sql.DB; note the required driverName
db = sqlx.NewDb(sql.Open("sqlite3", ":memory:"), "sqlite3")
name: Connect video: thumb: github:
You may want to connect and ensure that your database is available at the same time:
var err error
// open and connect at the same time:
db, err = sqlx.Connect("sqlite3", ":memory:")
// open and connect at the same time, panicing on error
db = sqlx.MustConnect("sqlite3", ":memory:")
name: Exercise-SQLX video: thumb: github:
Read the rest of the overview of sqlx .link sqlx overview
name: sqlx Exercise video: thumb: github:
Now let's look at a sqlx version of the first example we did.
cd $GOPATH/src/
view code together
make dockerrun
name: sqlx Exercise2 video: thumb: github:
Now let's look at a sqlx version of the first example we did.
cd $GOPATH/src/
view code together
make dockerrun
name: Exec Assignment video: thumb: github:
Finish the insertEmployee() function to insert Elvis into the employee database.