diff --git a/helplink.json b/helplink.json
index 2bce155..8b1462a 100644
--- a/helplink.json
+++ b/helplink.json
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
"org.laptop.JournalActivity": "journal.html",
"org.sugarlabs.AbacusActivity": "abacus.html",
"org.laptop.WebActivity": "browse.html",
+ "org.sugarlabs.BBoardActivity": "bulletinboard.html",
"org.laptop.Calculate": "calculate.html",
"com.ywwg.CartoonBuilderActivity": "Cartoon-builder.html",
"org.laptop.Chat": "chat.html",
diff --git a/images/Abacus-detail.png b/images/Abacus-detail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfebb3f
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/Abacus-detail.png differ
diff --git a/images/Bulletinboard-Tool.png b/images/Bulletinboard-Tool.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1dcbee
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/Bulletinboard-Tool.png differ
diff --git a/images/Bulletinboard-icon.svg b/images/Bulletinboard-icon.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc96f4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/Bulletinboard-icon.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
diff --git a/images/Bulletinboard-thumbs.png b/images/Bulletinboard-thumbs.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f14d659
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/Bulletinboard-thumbs.png differ
diff --git a/images/Bulletinboard_toolbar-1.png b/images/Bulletinboard_toolbar-1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72edc7e
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/Bulletinboard_toolbar-1.png differ
diff --git a/images/Bulletinboard_toolbar-2.png b/images/Bulletinboard_toolbar-2.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..083497a
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/Bulletinboard_toolbar-2.png differ
diff --git a/images/Starred-Journal-Entries.png b/images/Starred-Journal-Entries.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52cec90
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/Starred-Journal-Entries.png differ
diff --git a/images/Step2.png b/images/Step2.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4361473
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/Step2.png differ
diff --git a/source/bulletinboard.rst b/source/bulletinboard.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9475f3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/bulletinboard.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+.. _bulletinboard:
+Bulletin Board
+.. figure:: ../images/Bulletinboard-icon.svg
+ :alt: Bulletinboard-icon.svg
+Similar to :ref:`portfolio`, the Bulletin Board Activity creates a slide show from Sugar Journal entries that have been 'starred'.
+But here the idea is to share Journal entries that are part of group projects. Each member of a project team stars entries and collectively they are shared in a slide show.
+Each team member can contribute an audio annotation for the slide show.
+.. figure:: ../images/Bulletinboard-Tool.png
+ :alt: Bulletinboard-Tool.png
+Where to get Bulletin Board
+The Bulletin Board activity is available for download from the `Sugar Activity Library `__: `Bulletin Board `__
+The source code is available on `GitHub `__.
+Using Bulletin Board
+Before you launch the activity, use the ☆ on the left of each Journal
+entry to mark that entry for inclusion on the Bulletin Board. The
+Bulletin Board Activity will use the entry title as well as the preview
+image and description.
+.. figure:: ../images/Starred-Journal-Entries.png
+ :alt: Starred-Journal-Entries.png
+ :width: 300px
+The title text, the preview image, and the description text from Journal
+entries is used in the presentations.
+.. figure:: ../images/Abacus-detail.png
+ :alt: Abacus-detail.png
+ :width: 300px
+One team member should launch Bulletin Board and enable sharing from the
+palette on the Activity toolbar. Other team members should join the
+shared instance. Once everyone has joined, starred items for each team
+member will appear.
+In the Thumbnail View, each team member can reorder the slides by
+dragging. (The frame around each thumbnail takes on the colors of the
+user who shared that item.)
+.. figure:: ../images/Bulletinboard-thumbs.png
+ :alt: Bulletinboard-thumbs.png
+ :width: 300px
+When running the activity, use the ◀ and ▶ buttons to step one-by-one
+through the slide show.
+**Did you know that:**
+- each team member can record an audio note; the notes are played back
+ from the record toolbar;
+- the colors used in the background are taken from *the XO colors of
+ each user*;
+- a warning is displayed if there are *no starred entries* in your
+ Journal;
+- the slide show can be *saved as an PDF document* that can also be
+ shared;
+- in the thumbnail view, you can *reorder your slides* (by dragging
+ them); and
+- you can edit the descriptions for each slide (and save your edits to
+ the Journal).
+The Toolbars
+.. figure:: ../images/Bulletinboard_toolbar-1.png
+ :alt: Bulletinboard_toolbar-1.png
+from left to right
+**Activity-toolbar Button**
+ (toolbar described below)
+**Previous-slide Button**
+ returns to the previous slide shown (also activated by typing )
+**Next-slide Button**
+ goes to the next slide in the sequence (also activated by typing )
+**Record-toolbar Button**
+ (toolbar described below)
+**Portfolio-view Radio Button**
+ used to switch to portfolio view (default)
+**Thumbnail-view Radio Button**
+ used to switch to thumbnail view, where you can reorder the sequence of the slides by dragging them
+**Full-screen-view Button**
+ hides the toolbars (Return from full-screen by hitting the Esc key.)
+**Update-description Button**
+ Used to edit the description of the entry currently being viewed (Note: use the Save-annotations Button to make these edits permenant).
+**Stop Button**
+ used to exit the activity
+**Activity Toolbar**
+**Activity name field**
+ used to change the name of the activity (The name is used by the Save-to-PDF Button.)
+**Reflection Button**
+ used to write descriptions for the Journal entry of this instance of Portfolio
+**Share Button**
+ disabled (Portfolio Activity does not support sharing)
+**Refresh Button**
+ Used to make sure each team member has a copy of each slide
+**Save-to-PDF Button**
+ used to save a copy of your presentation to the Sugar Journal as an PDF document
+.. figure:: ../images/Bulletinboard_toolbar-2.png
+ :alt: Bulletinboard_toolbar-2.png
+**Record Button**
+ Used to record an audio note associated with the presentation
+**Playback Buttons**
+ A separate button for each team member is displayed.
+Saving to PDF
+Each time your launch the Bulletin Board activity, it will update to
+reflect the current contents of your Journal. If you want to save a
+presentation that represents a particular moment in time (or you want to
+share your presentation with someone other than your project team), you
+need to save it as a PDF document. Click on the “Save as PDF” Button
+from the Activity toolbar menu and the content of the portfolio will be
+saved as a document in the Journal.
+ **Tip:** Open your Journal to make sure the presentation has been saved.
+ **Tip:** You may want to copy the PDF file to a USB to open it in a different XO, or any other computer, using the Browse or Read activity.
+.. figure:: ../images/Step2.png
+ :alt: Step2.png
+ :width: 300px
+Learning with Bulletin Board
+Most education experts agree that the best approach to learning involves
+doing and then stepping back to reflect on the doing: What did I learn?
+How can I use that? What questions do I have?1 By helping children to
+ask good questions about the things they’ve done, as opposed to
+remembering the right answers, we are helping them to build the critical
+thinking skills that enable them to be independent problem solvers.
+Without reflection, learning is an open loop, and an open-loop system
+can neither identify and correct errors nor adapt to change.
+Sugar facilitates reflective learning by ensuring that everything a
+child does is recorded in an electronic journal which includes screen
+capture of a child’s work. After every activity, children are encouraged
+to share their observations, which are recorded in an electronic
+portfolio. From this record of activities, children can expand their
+portfolio into a multimedia narrative that shows what they have done,
+how they have done it and what their thoughts are on what they have
+created—children essentially become curators of their own work. The
+child’s process of telling about what they have learned as a “story” is
+a simple way to help reflection become a norm in their education.
+By building upon the automatic accumulation of work in the Sugar
+Journal, the portfolio process can readily be integrated into the
+classroom routine. It can be used as an assessment tool to help
+teachers, parents, and school administrators understand better the depth
+and breadth of what a child has learned.2 At a “portfolio social”,
+parents could be invited to view presentations and ask children about
+their learning. The classroom teacher can add additional assessment
+slides to the portfolio addressing themes such as work habits and
+personal growth. This can become part of an archive that travels with a
+child across grade levels. Through juxtaposition, the child and teacher
+can see what has changed over the course of the years, trends, and areas
+for improvement.
+It is recommended that periodically (once per week, month, semester)
+that the children are asked to select and edit items for a portfolio
+presentation. For example, a weekly presentation could be made to
+classmates; a monthly one to parents; and perhaps once per semester, a
+school-wide presentation that makes all of the learning visible to
+administrators and community members during a social event.
+Periodic PDF snapshots are also a great way to preserve a record of each
+child's work, and as a vehicle for assessing progress.
+Extending Bulletin Board
+In addition to using Bulletin Board as a tool for reflection, it can be
+used as a more general-purpose presentation tool. For example, a
+collection of photographs can be annotated (by using the title and
+description fields in the Journal detail view for each photo) and then
+made into a slide show. The order of the slides can be modified from the
+Thumbnail view.
+Where to report problems
+You can report bugs and make feature requests at `bulletinboard/issues `_.
+Bulletin Board was written and is maintained by `Walter `__. He was inspired in part by the `Teamup project `__ at Aalto University.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/index.rst b/source/index.rst
index cf97a03..6266ad7 100644
--- a/source/index.rst
+++ b/source/index.rst
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ Activities
+ bulletinboard.rst
diff --git a/source/portfolio.rst b/source/portfolio.rst
index 9b7fd0f..df0102c 100644
--- a/source/portfolio.rst
+++ b/source/portfolio.rst
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+.. _portfolio: