Below you'll find videos of each lecture (assuming nothing went wrong with the recording). These are on a best-effort basis, so some may be missing.
- January 11 - the shell
- January 13 - more shell, scripting
- January 15 - shell scripting
- January 20 - shell scripting and beginning tools
- January 22 - more shell tools
- January 25 - even more shell tools
- January 27 - find and parallel
- February 1 - basic Vim
- Febryary 3 - intro to Sed
- February 5 - intro to Awk
- February 8 - JSON and CSV
- February 10 - job control
- February 12 - remote computing
- February 17 - remote computing continued
- February 19 - intro to Tmux
- February 22 - intro to Git
- February 24 - branches and merges
- February 26 - remotes and pull requests
- March 1 - debugging
- March 3 - CPU profiling
- March 5 - memory profiling
- March 8 - build systems and Make
- March 10 - more build systems and Go
- March 12 - semantic versioning
- March 15 - assertions and test cases
- March 17 - functional and unit testing
- March 19 - testing examples
- March 22 - writing unit tests
- March 24 - notes on Homework 7
- March 26 - continuous integration
- March 29 - Linux containers
- April 5 - Docker example
- April 7 - password security
- April 9 - SQL injection
- April 12 - Buffer overruns
- April 14 - cluster and cloud computing
- April 19 - Lamport clocks
- April 21 - type systems
- April 23 - concurrency
There is also a playlist with all lecture videos: