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Releases: gitmachtl/cardano-signer

cardano-signer 1.15.1

08 Dec 11:09
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Release Notes / Change-Logs

  • 1.15.1


    • small bugfix, parameters help, usage, version throwing an "unknown" error
  • 1.15.0

    New constitutional-commitee-member cold-key generation mode:

    • generate conway cc-cold keys via the path --path cc-cold or
    • generate conway cc-cold keys from the derivation path "1852'/1815'/acc'/4/idx'
    • generate conway cc-cold keys from mnemonics or let cardano-signer generate new mnemonics for you

    New constitutional-commitee-member hot-key generation mode:

    • generate conway cc-hot keys via the path --path cc-hot or
    • generate conway cc-hot keys from the derivation path "1852'/1815'/acc'/5/idx'
    • generate conway cc-hot keys from mnemonics or let cardano-signer generate new mnemonics for you


    • some corrections on extended verification key outputs
    • an unknown parameter now throws an error. before, optional parameters with a typo were simply ignored
    • general code cleanup, typos, etc.


cardano-signer 1.14.0

14 Oct 12:14
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Release Notes / Change-Logs

  • 1.14.0

    New dRep-Key generation mode:

    • generate conway dRep keys via the path --path drep or
    • generate conway dRep keys from the derivation path 1852'/1815'/acc'/3/idx'
    • generate conway dRep keys from mnemonics or let cardano-signer generate new mnemonics for you

    Key generation mode changes:

    • the flag with-chain-code has been replaced by the new flag vkey-extended. this makes it easier for the users to understand the meaning
    • per default the public keys are now always generated as non-extended keys, the secret keys are always extended ones if derived from a path


    • code cleanup


cardano-signer 1.13.0

06 Feb 19:01
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Release Notes / Change-Logs

  • 1.13.0

    New key generation mode:

    • generate normal ed25519 keys
    • generate extended ed25519 keys from a derivation path like "1852H/1815H/0H/0/0"
    • generate keys from mnemonics or let cardano-signer generate new mnemonics for you
    • generate CIP36 conform vote keys incl. bech cvote_vk data and an optional vote_purpose
    • generate keys with or without chaincode attached
    • directly write out .skey/.vkey files (like cardano-cli)
    • extended information like an Xpub... key is available via the --json-extended flag
    • shortcuts for paths can be used like --path payment, --path stake, --path cip36


cardano-signer 1.12.1

29 Jan 13:56
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  • Release-Notes for 1.12.1

    CIP-36 update:

    • Changed the --rewards-address parameter to --payment-address parameter. This reflects the latest changes in CIP-36
    • Also the keys for rewardsAddressHex,rewardsAddressType and rewardsAddressNetwork in the --json-extended output are not renamed to paymentAddressHex, paymentAddressType, paymentAddressNetwork


cardano-signer 1.12.0

19 Dec 22:06
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  • Release-Notes for 1.12.0


    • The output via --json-extended is now showing more details about the address (hex, type, network)
    • The help description can now be displayed for each sub command like: cardano-signer sign --cip8 --help
    • Addresses provided via the --address parameter can now be a bech-address, hex-string or the path to a file containing the bech-address (typical mywallet.addr) files

    CIP-8 / CIP-30 updates:

    • Completely reworked CIP-8/CIP-30 code. Flags --cip8 & --cip30 will currently do the same, because CIP-30 uses CIP-8 signing.
    • Signing a payload now generates a full COSE_Sign1 signature together with the COSE_Key publicKey
    • The payload can be set to hashed via the new flag --hashed
    • The payload can be excluded from the COSE_Sign1 signature with the new flag --nopayload
    • The signing address will be automatically checked against the publicKey (signing and verification)
    • Extended data structure check of the given COSE_Sign1 & COSE_Key
    • Verification can be done against the COSE_Sign1 & COSE_Key, and optionally also against a given payload and address
    • The output via --json-extended shows additional information if the payload is hashed, address infos, etc.


cardano-signer 1.11.0

27 Nov 15:36
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  • Release-Notes for 1.11.0


    • Added an optional flag --bech (also --jcli works), to output the signature and public key in jcli compatible bech format with prefixes ed25519_sig and ed25519_pk. This is available in the normal signing mode.
    • The verify function now also accepts bech encoded signatures ed25519_sig in addition to hex strings.
    • With this update the sign/verify functions in cardano-signer can substitute jcli for sign/verify.


cardano-signer 1.10.1

13 Nov 09:22
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  • Release-Notes for 1.10.1

    CIP-36 updates:

    • Starting with Fund10, the rewards address for the voting rewards must be a regular payment address (enterprise or base address), not a stake address like before.
    • Updated the with examples using a payment address instead of a stake address


cardano-signer 1.10.0

31 Oct 10:25
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  • Release-Notes for 1.10.0

    • Added an optional address check for the normal sign/verify functions via the --address parameter. If provided, cardano-signer checks that the address belongs to the provided signing/public key.
    • Updated the with more examples and better syntax highlighting.


cardano-signer 1.9.0

22 Oct 08:15
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  • Release-Notes for 1.9.0

    CIP-36 mode updates:

    • Added the new deregistration metadata format in CIP-36 mode, which is using key 61286 for the deregistration data.
    • Changed the output of --json-extended in CIP-36 mode to output the cbor and json content below the "output" key example


    • Using the general bech32 lib to decode public/private keys, so any bech32 string can be used. Before it was limited to ed25519_pk and ed25519_sk prefixes.
    • Defining command-line argument types to avoid parsing arguments like --data-hex="000000" as a number. Must be parsed as a string of course.
    • Added command-line aliases so you can also use: --signing-key or --secret-key, --verification-key or --public-key, etc.



cardano-signer 1.8.0

02 Oct 12:18
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  • 1.8.0

    CIP-36 mode updates:

    • Allow duplicated voting_key entries
    • New check to avoid using a wrong vote-public-key or a wrong stake secret-key. Because the public-key of the signing secret-key must be different than the entries in the delegations array.
    • New check that the total-vote-weight is not zero
    • Added the fields votePurpose and totalVoteWeight to the --json-extended output-mode
    • Syntax Update: Added flag --deregister to generate an empty delegation array, no voting_keys or rewards address is needed using that flag
    • Syntax Update: If no --nonce parameter is provided, cardano-signer automatically calculates the Mainnet slotHeight from the current machine time and uses it as the nonce


    • Syntax Update: Added parameter --testnet-magic [xxx] to CIP-8 and CIP-36 mode to allow an additional check about the right bech-address format. (Default = mainnet)
