MongoDB is an open source database that uses a document-oriented data model.
MongoDB is one of several database types to arise in the mid-2000s under the NoSQL banner. Instead of using tables and rows as in relational databases, MongoDB is built on an architecture of collections and documents. Documents comprise sets of key-value pairs and are the basic unit of data in MongoDB. Collections contain sets of documents and function as the equivalent of relational database tables
Like other NoSQL databases, MongoDB supports dynamic schema design, allowing the documents in a collection to have different fields and structures. The database uses a document storage and data interchange format called BSON, which provides a binary representation of JSON-like documents. Automatic sharding enables data in a collection to be distributed across multiple systems for horizontal scalability as data volumes increase.
- This course is for learning mongo DB from scratch with Node.js.
- Should be comfortable with use of callbacks in JavaScript.
- Learn everything you need to know to get started building a MongoDB-based app. This course will go over basic installation, JSON, schema design, querying, insertion of data, indexing and working with the mongoose.
- After completing this course, you should have a good understanding as to how applications are built on top of MongoDB using Node.js
- This is an 8 weeks course and divided into 3 levels.
- Overview of Building an App with MongoDB
- Installing MongoDB (Linux)
- What’s is JSON and BSON
- Introduction to Creating and Reading Documents
- What is ObjectId
- Creating Documents
- The _id Field
- Reading Documents
- Comparison Operators
- Element Operators
- Logical Operators
- Regex Operator
- Array Operators
- Updating Documents
- Query operators such as : $, $in, $incr, $push, $pull, $near, Geo-operators
- MongoDB Schema Design
- Relational Normalization
- Modeling a Blog in Documents
- Living without Constraints
- Living without Transactions
- One to One Relations
- One to Many Relations
- Many to Many Relations
- Multikeys
- Benefits of Embedding
- Trees
- When to Denormalize
- Section Intro
- Using Require
- Requiring Your Own Files
- Using 3rd Party Modules
- Introduction to npm
- Hello World using koa
- Koa: Handling GET Requests
- Koa: Handling POST Requests
- Setting Up Mongoose
- Validators, Types, and Defaults
- Installing Postman
- Resource Creation Endpoint - POST /todos
- Testing POST /todos
- List Resources - GET /todos
- Testing GET /todos
- Mongoose Queries and ID Validation
- Getting an Individual Resource - GET /todos/:id
- Testing GET /todos/:id
- Deploy API to Heroku
- Postman Environments
- Delete a Resource - DELETE /todos/:id
- Testing DELETE /todos/:id
- Updating a Resource - PATCH /todos/:id
- Testing PATCH /todos/:id
- Storage Engines: Introduction
- Storage Engines: MMAPv1
- Storage Engines: WiredTiger
- Indexes
- Creating Indexes
- Discovering (and Deleting) Indexes
- Multikey Indexes
- Dot Notation and Multikey
- Index Creation Option, Unique
- Index Creation, Sparse
- Index Creation, Background
- Using Explain
- Explain: Verbosity
- Covered Queries
- When is an Index Used?
- How large is Your Index?
- Number of Index Entries
- Geospatial Indexes
- Geospatial Spherical
- Text Indexes
- Efficiency of Index Use
- Efficiency of Index Use Example
- Logging Slow Queries
- Profiling
- Mongotop
- Mongostat
- Sharding Overview
- Introduction to the Aggregation Framework
- Familiar Aggregation Operations
- Expressions Overview
- Reshaping Documents in $project Stages
- $unwind
- Array Expressions
- Accumulators
- Using Accumulators in $project Stages
- Introduction to $group
- _id in $group Stages
- $group vs. $project
- Save/delete triggers (ref:mongoose)
- Debugging
- Write Concern
- Network Errors
- Introduction to Replication
- Replica Set Elections
- Write Consistency
- Creating a Replica Set
- Replica Set Internals
- Failover and Rollback
- Connecting to a Replica Set from the Node.js Driver
- Failover in the Node.js Driver
- Write Concern Revisited
- Read Preferences
- Review of Implications of Replication
- Introduction to Sharding
- Building a Sharded Environment
- Implications of Sharding
- Sharding + Replication
- Choosing a Shard Key
- capped collection
- Security: user authentication
- CAP (Consistency Availability Partitioning) theorem
- Asynchronous development using callback/Promise mechanism