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Abstraction over containers << | Home | >> I'm leaking!

Problem 18 - Heterogenous Data


I want a mixture of types in my vector.

Can't do this with a template.

vector<template<typename T> T> v;
  • Not allowed - templates are compile time entities, don't exist at runtime

Ex. Fields of a struct

class MediaPlayer {
    template<typename T> T nowPlaying;   // Can't do this

What's available in C:


union Media {Song s; Movie m};
Media nowPlaying;

Nice but you don't know what it might be exactly.


void *nowPlaying;

Even worse, can point to anything

These are not type safe.

Items in a heterogeneous collection usually have something in common, ex. Provide a common interface.

Can be viewed as different kinds of a more general "thing".

We'll use the standard CS 246 example.

class Book {    // Superclass or Base class
        string title, author;
        int length;
        Book(string title, string author, int length):
            length{length} {}

        bool isHeavy() const { return length > 100; }

        string getTitle() const { return title; }

        // etc.
| Title  |
| Author |
| Length |

Some books are special though

class Text: public Book {   // Subclass or Derived class
        string topic;   // No need to mention title, etc. because it comes from book
        Text(string title, string author, int length, string topic): 
            Book{title, author, length}, 
            topic{topic} {}

        bool isHeavy() const { return length > 500; }
        string getTopic() const { return topic; }
| Title  |
| Author |
| Length |
| Topic  |
class Comic: public Book {
        string hero;
        Comic(string title, string author, int length, string hero):
            Book{title, author, length},
            hero{hero} {}

        bool isHeavy() const { return length > 50; }
        string getHero() const { return hero; }
| Title  |
| Author |
| Length |
| Hero   |

Subclasses inherit all members (fields & methods) from their superclass.
All three classes have title, author, and length, methods getTitle, getAuthor, getLength, isHeavy, ... except this doesn't work.

length is a private method in Book, Text cannot access it.

2 options:

  1. Use protected
class Book {
        string title, author;
    protected:  // Accessible only to this class and its subclasses
        int length;
  1. Call public method
bool Text::isHeavy() const { return getLength() > 500; }

Recommended option is 2.

  • You have no control over what subclasses might do
  • Protected weakens encapsulation (cannot enforce invariants on protected fields)

If you want subclasses to have priviledged access

  • Keep fields private
  • Provide protected get_ and set_ methods

Updated object creation/destruction protocols


  1. Space is allocated
  2. Superclass part is constructed
  3. Fields constructed in declaration order
  4. Constructor body runs


  1. Destructor body runs
  2. Fields are destructed in reverse declaration order
  3. Superclass part destructed
  4. Space deallocated

Must revist everything to see the effect of inheritance

Type compatibility

Texts and Comics are special kinds of Books - should be usable in place of Books

Book b = Comic{___, ___, 75, ___};

// method calls:

This is a light Book, but a heavy Comic. What does this return? -> Returns false If b is a Comic, why is it acting like a Book? -> Because it is a Book!

Consequence of stack-allocated objects:

// Set aside enough space to hold a book
       +----+                +----+
       |    |                |    |
       +----+                +----+
Book b |    |  = Comic {...} |    |
       +----+                +----+
       |    |                |    |
       +----+      <---      +----+
                             |    |

Keeps only the Book part - Comic part is "chopped off" - slicing

  • So it really is just a Book now
  • Therefore it is Book::isHeavy that runs

Slicing happens even if superclass & subclass are the same size.

Similarily, if you want to collect your books:

vector<Book> library;
library.push_back(Comic {...}); 

only the Book part will be pushed - not a heterogeneous collection.

Also note:

void f(Book book[]);
Comic comics[] = {...};
f(comics);  // Will compile but never do this!
  • Array will be misaligned
  • Will not act like an array Books
  • Undefined behaviour!

Slicing does not happen through pointers

So if I do this instead:

Book *p = new Comic{___, ___, 75, ___};

+--+     +---+   
|  | --> |   |  
+--+     +---+
         |   |
         |   |
         |   |

But p->isHeavy(); is still false!

Rules: the choice of which isHeavy is based on the type of the pointer (static type), not the object (dynamic type).

Why? Because it's cheaper.

C++ Design Principle: If you don't use it, you shouldn't have to pay for it.

That is if you want something more expensive, you have to ask for it. To make *p act like a Comic when it is a Comic:

class Book {
        virtual bool isHeavy() const { ... }


class Comic {
        bool isHeavy() const override { ... }

// Assume isHeavy is virtual
p->isHeavy();   // true!

override is a contextual keyword, is only a keyword in that specific location.

Now we can have a truly heterogeneous collection.

vector<Book*> library;
library.push_back(new Book{...});
library.push_back(new Comic{...});

// Even better version
vector<unique_ptr<Book>> library; 

int howManyHeavy(const vector<Book*> &v) {
    int count = 0;
    for (auto &b: v) {
        if (b->isHeavy()) ++count;

    return count;

for (auto &b: library) delete b;    // Not necessary if library is a vector of unique_ptrs

Correct version of isHeavy is always chosen, even though we don't know what's in the vector, and the items are probably not the same type.

This is called polymorphism.

How do virtual methods "work" and why are they more expensive? (though not significantly more expensive)

  • Implementation dependent, but the following is most common:

Vtables (only contain virutal methods)

| "Book"  |
| isHeavy | -> Book::isHeavy

| "Comic" |
| isHeavy | -> Comic::isHeavy

So when we create two Books b1, b2, and a Comic b2:

Book b1;

| vptr   | -> (1)
| Title  |
| Author |
| Length |

Book b2;

| vptr   | -> (1)
| Title  |
| Author |
| Length |

Comic b2;

| vptr   | -> (2)
| Title  |
| Author |
| Length |

Non-virutal methods are just ordinary function calls.
If there is at least one virtual method:

  • Compiler creates a table of function pointers:

    • One per class
    • The vtable
  • Each object contains a pointer to its class' vtable

    • the vptr
  • Calling the virtual method => follow the vptr to the vtable, follow the function pointer to the correct function

  • vptr is often the "first" field

    • So that a subclass object still looks like a superclass object
    • So the program knows where the vptr is
    • If there are no virtual methods, vptr does not exist

So virtual methods incur a cost in

  • time (Extra pointer derefs)
  • space (Each object gets a vptr)

Abstraction over containers << | Home | >> I'm leaking!