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NiftyMIC Virtualbox

Michael Ebner edited this page Feb 13, 2022 · 1 revision

Pre-configured NiftyMIC as Virtual Machine

NiftyMIC can also be used using a pre-configured virtual machine via VirtualBox. The prepared virtual machine builds on Ubuntu 18.04 and can be downloaded from here.

VirtualBox Set-up

  1. Installation of VirtualBox and its Extension Pack.
  2. Import downloaded virtual machine (Ubuntu1804*.ova) via 'File -> Import Appliance ...' and follow the instructions.
  3. Set up the shared folder access via 'Settings -> Shared Folders' and replace '/home/mebner/' in Folder Path by the home directory of your host operating system, i.e. '/home/username/' on Linux or '/Users/username/' on Mac. Leave 'vboxshare' as the Folder Name for the shared folder. After set-up you will be able to access the files of your host operating system within your virtual machine at /media/vboxshare/.

Login Credentials

After the VirtualBox set-up, you can start the vitual machine and log in by using the following details:

  • User: NiftyMIC
  • Password: NiftyMIC123

Update to the latest NiftyMIC version

NiftyMIC (with MONAIfbs) is already pre-installed in the virtual machine. To update to the latest version of NiftyMIC, open the terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run

  • cd Software/NiftyMIC
  • pip uninstall niftymic -y
  • git pull origin master --tags
  • pip install -e .

After the update, open a new terminal for the changes to take effect.

Use of NiftyMIC

Some examples of how to use NiftyMIC are provided on the NiftyMIC page.


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