- Overlay to show appends
- Longest common substring and close time stamps for matching appends to segments
- View with key attributes
- Detect non-discontinuity gaps between segments in manifest for probed segments
- Detect audio/video not synced
- HLS detect variants with different target durations
- DASH SegmentTemplate with byterange (find content)
- DASH SegmentList (find content)
- Warning when segment does not have same streams as others
- Warning when multiple program IDs for same media type
- Warning for changing sample rate
- VTT saving and viewing
- Diff view (streams and frames)
- Bytes view (request with click)
- Save timestamp offset
- Auto discover errors
- Different browser append modes
- Filters by ffprobe results
- Persist preferences
- Table filtering
- Split view and tabs
- Support passing in multiple segments, manifests, init segments
- Capture updateend events and keep buffer updated
- Make custom manifests in debugger with smaller numbers of segments (single segment)
- Online and devtools versions with local storage or file system api (and a replacement for ffmpeg/ffprobe)
- Theming
- Tests
- Windows build