Better errors make your life simpler.
Errno simplifies how errors are handled on reliable systems by providing a clear interface to define known code, messages and statuses.
class Errno<S extends number = number>(code: string, message: string, status: S, context: unknown[] = [], source?: Error);
Just create an instance
import Errno from 'errno';
const e = new Errno('NOT_FOUND', 'That thing was not found', [
thingId: 'inexistent',
This will allow you to use errno in a json stringification straight forward.
const res = JSON.stringify(e);
Having the result be
"code": "NOT_FOUND",
"message": "That thing was not found",
"context": [
"thingId": "inexistent"
is meant to extend the context of the error, it can be used to have more data for logging
it is not included in the JSON version of an Errno.
const e = new Errno(
'That thing was not found',
thingId: 'inexistent',
new Error('simulates a thrown error')
This is equivalent to use transalateToErrno
After running the previous code, you can do:
The result json
"message": "something went wrong",
"context": [
"thingId": "inexistent"
A better way of using Errno is by creating a set of known
const NOT_FOUND = (context?: unknown[]) => new Errno('NOT_FOUND', 'Not found', context);
const e = NOT_FOUND({
thingId: 'inexistent',
Having the same result as the prev example but with a bit less code
"code": "NOT_FOUND",
"message": "Not found",
"context": [
"thingId": "inexistent"
Note: There's no way for us to know your errors in advance, so the best thing to do is for you to write your own set of known errors
You can take a plain Error and translate it to be an Errno using translateToErrno
import { translateToErrno } from 'errno';
const e = translateToErrno(new Error('something went wrong'), 'UNHANDLED_ERROR');
Having the json be
"message": "something went wrong",
"context": []
By doing a simple console.log()
you'll get something like this on the console
Errno [Error]: something went wrong
at REPL23:1:5
at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:123:12)
at REPLServer.defaultEval (node:repl:569:29)
at bound (node:domain:433:15)
at REPLServer.runBound [as eval] (node:domain:444:12)
at REPLServer.onLine (node:repl:899:10)
at REPLServer.emit (node:events:529:35)
at REPLServer.emit (node:domain:489:12)
at [_onLine] [as _onLine] (node:internal/readline/interface:423:12)
at [_line] [as _line] (node:internal/readline/interface:894:18) {
context: [ ],
[Symbol(isErrno)]: true
Remember Errno is an Error subclass which is why if a new instance of Errno
is created it will have a e.stack
Another fun thing you could do is to implement your own class using the ErrnoI interface, but that's a rabbit hole on its own... so I'll leave it to you.
A very good approach for creating reliable systems is to use some kind of interface for responses between two system parts, neverthrow provides a simple structure for that, in combination with Errno it can have an even more robust interface for error handling and definition.
Open source licensed as MIT.
German Meza ( / @germanamz)