diff --git a/dmozparser/README.md b/dmozparser/README.md
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+[Dmoz](http://www.dmoz.org) is an open directory which lists and groups web pages into categories (directories). Their data is publicly available, but provided as an RDF file - a huge, funny XML file.
+Dmoz Parser
+This is a really simple python implementation of the Dmoz RDF parser. It does not try to be smart and process the parsed XML for you, you have to provide a handler implementation where YOU decide what to do with the data (store it in file, database, print, etc.).
+This parser makes the assumption is the last entity in each dmoz page is _topic_:
+ Animation World Network
+ Provides information resources to the international animation community. Features include searchable database archives, monthly magazine, web animation guide, the Animation Village, discussion forums and other useful resources.
+ 1
+ Top/Arts/Animation
+This assumption is strictly checked, and processing will abort if it is violated.
+The RDF file needs to be downloaded, but can stay packed. You can [download the RDF](http://rdf.dmoz.org/rdf/content.rdf.u8.gz) from Dmoz site.
+The RDF is pretty large, over 2G unpacked and parsing it takes some time, so there is a progress indicator.
+This parser does not check for links between topics in the hierarchy, or any sophisticated parsing of the hierarchy.
+The same URL might appear in multiple locations in the hierarchy.
+You need to install dependencies from the requirements.txt file, for example by `pip install -r requirements.txt`
+Instantiate the parser, provide the handler and run.
+ #!/usr/bin/env python
+ from parser import DmozParser
+ from handlers import JSONWriter
+ parser = DmozParser()
+ parser.add_handler(JSONWriter('output.json'))
+ parser.run()
+JSONWriter is the builtin handler which outputs the pages, one JSON object per line.
+(Note: This is different than saying that the entire file is a large JSON list.)
+Terminal Usage
+`python parser.py